
  Chapter 1513 Rejection

Xiao Tai never thought that the three Xiao Family actually wanted to let He is a patriarch!

In Xiao Tai's mind, even though he once had such an idea, it has long since disappeared. Back then, patriarch was not his father, he could only be an idle and expensive Young Master. He gained a lot of cultivation resources with the light of father, but the aptitude was not good, and the cultivation base could only be regarded as stable. He couldn’t compete with Position of Patriarch. To, that's all.

Later, he suffered a great change. He was plot against by Xiao Qu and his mother. From then on, he just wanted to go out and regain his freedom. Even when he came back this time to see Xiao Family, he felt very strange and didn't have much sense of belonging. Suddenly, Xiao Tai refused to let him be a patriarch.

He wants to spend two quiet days with his wife and child now, so how can he agree to such a thing?

The three statues did not expect that Xiao Tai would refuse so without the slightest hesitation, so he moved with affection and reason, and always tried every means to make Xiao Tai change his mind, which led to Xiao Tai Always avoiding the three statues.

Xiao Guoguo saw that this is not a long-term solution. He can only stand up and let the two parties make it clear.

"Xiao Tai, there are few promising dísciples in Xiao Family nowadays, and you are the only one left in the main branch. If you are not a patriarch, how can you be worthy of your father? "Xianzun Xiao Chen said so, this is what she won for Xiao Tai.

Xiao Tai is her own nephew, and she naturally wants to support it. In recent years, in addition to their direct lineage on the Dafang side, there have also been many side branches that have grown and developed, such as the lineage of Xiao Xiaoxianzun.

If Xiao Tai is unwilling to be the patriarch, then no matter whether it is an election or a trial, when the time comes, it must be Xiao Xiao Xianzun’s faction who will win! The location of their main branch will be embarrassing, when the time comes, how can she explain to her relatives?

"My father doesn't ask me anything, just let me live happily, I think I am worthy of him." Xiao Tai said, simply remain unmoved.

Trapped under the glacier for hundreds of years, Xiao Tai is no longer who he once was. These years, Xiao Tai has been hard-hearted and can't find the way he once was. But such Xiao Tai, Ling Shu is not disgusted at all, after all, Ling Shu has also been the same for hundreds of years.

They have experienced so much, Lingshu even feels that she is even more cruel than Xiao Tai. After all, Xiao Tai has not come out these years, and she has broken out a piece of Heaven and Earth outside.

It's just that Xiao Tai and Ling Shu like this, dare not show too much in front of Xiao Guoguo. Especially Xiao Tai, for fear of making Xiao Guoguo afraid of himself, so he patiently dealt with the three deities. They had one purpose, to stay with their family and leave Xiao Family.

"Xiao Tai, you are the best candidate for patriarch at the moment. I hope you can think about it." Xiao Zhu Xianzun knew that Xiao Tai was sincere, but he still worked hard.

"I remember there are many brothers among my peers, and some of them have the Great Immortal Master's cultivation base, which is much more powerful than mine. I don't understand why I am the most suitable The candidate?" Xiao Tai asked with a smile, and the three were slightly embarrassed.

Xiao Chen Xianzun is selfish. After all, the main branch is out of patriarch. It has been a rule for many years, and they don't want to violate it. The reason why Xiao Zhuxianzun supports it is entirely because of Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo is now the Sect Master of Sword Sect, and the future will be limitless. If you can get along well with Xiao Guoguo, it will naturally be the best. And because of Xiao Chen and Xiao Zhu's support, what can Xiao Xiao Xianzun say? Two to one, he lost! So when Xiao Tai refused, he was naturally very happy.

"Xiao Tai, don't you really think about it? For Xiao Family!" Xiao Chen Xianzun begged.

"aunt, I have been detained for hundreds of years, and now I just want to live for myself. I just want to live a quiet life as a family. I am really not suitable for this patriarch, aunt, don’t embarrass me It's."

Xiao Guoguo Looking at Xiao Tai, this is regarded as an emotional rejection of Xiao Family. Xiao Guoguo actually doesn't want Xiao Tai to do a patriarch, Xiao Family is not a happy family, and dísciple is not self-motivated. The most important thing is that Xiao Xiao Xianzun, she is not at ease.

I don’t know why, Xiao Guoguo always feels that Xiao Xiao Xianzun did not give up the "Quan Ling Jing", even if the other two have already given up, he did not. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo is naturally unwilling to let Xiao Tai and his wife stay in such a Xiao Family, such an unpredictable Xiao Family.

"So, it’s not difficult for me to do it for you. But, you are Xiao Family dísciple after all, I still hope you can remember this." Xiao Zhu Xianzun said, although Xiao Chen Xianzun was anxious. There is a feeling that I am unable to redeem something.

"Thank you Old Ancestor." Xiao Tai knew that among the three statues, the one who really called the shots was still Xiao Zhuxianzun.

"Also, since Guoguo is back, she should also tell her ancestors. After all, she is my Xiao Family dísciple and should be included in the genealogy. Although she is the Sect Master of Sword Sect, she is also me Xiao Family dísciple.” Xiao Zhuxianzun said so, Xiao Tai did not agree, but looked at Xiao Guoguo.

"This is natural, I follow Old Ancestor's arrangement." Xiao Guoguo agreed very happily, which seems to be a reward, because Xiao Family is not difficult for Xiao Tai, and Xiao Guoguo also wants to give something back.

"Okay, let's open the ancestral temple!" Xiao Zhuxianzun said with a smile, as long as Xiao Guoguo is Xiao Family dísciple, Sword Sect and Xiao Family are inseparable.

Xiao Guoguo agreed, Xiao Tai would naturally not object, although he felt that his daughter might not be sincere. However, Xiao Tai didn't ask too much, although he felt that it didn't matter if Xiao Guoguo was Xiao Family dísciple, he didn't care whether he was Xiao Family dísciple or not.

The ancestral shrine of Xiao Family is not in Xiao Family, but in a town outside Xiaocheng. This town was just a village before. The ancestors of Xiao Family walked out of this village. Later, the largest city here became Xiaocheng.

However, the Xiao Family people traced their origins and still built this small village into the most prosperous town, and this ancestral temple is on the largest mountain in the town.

"Old Ancestor, dísciple welcomes the arrival of Old Ancestor!" There are also collaterals of Xiao Family living in the town. They saw the three statues were very excited and restrained, and at the same time they were a little afraid, I don’t know what happened again. What a major event.

Although they are collateral members, the news is still well-informed. They also inquired about the change of patriarch at home. Although I don't know why, I feel scared even thinking about it. That's patriarch's position. If you change it, you can change it!

The mayor thought about it again. When he was okay, he always gave Xiao Yu some good things. Could it be that he was involved? So I feel very worried.

"We are going to open the ancestral temple." Xiao Zhuxianzun said so, the mayor's body trembled. It's no ordinary thing to open the ancestral temple! There are very few ancestral temples opened. Anyway, it's either a good thing or a bad thing.

"Yes Old Ancestor!" The mayor understood that these things were not in his own hands, so he respectfully brought everyone to the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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