
  Chapter 1504 My own person

After hearing this, Chi Xuan was dumbfounded for a moment, wait Let him analyze clearly. What Yuemu's words mean is that he will not leave Guoguo in the future? So when he and Guoguo are married, do he have to face this eye-catching fellow?

"Are you kidding?" Chi Xuan asked tensely, Yuemu watched him laughed.

"Do you think I'm joking? You think I'm going to follow the boss, will she refuse?" Yuemu got close to Chi Xuan and asked, Chi Xuan only felt angry.

Why does this guy sound so ambiguous? Don’t forget that they are just friends! Although it is a deadly friendship, but it is only a friend!

"Naturally, Guoguo will not refuse, not only Guoguo will not refuse, I will not refuse. Her friends are my friends, and her preferences are my preferences, although I I'm tired of you, but don't worry, I will never show it."

Chi Xuan stood up, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, stride proudly ahead and left. Chi Xuan thought in his heart, he had to take the initiative, this provocative approach came, wouldn't he be incompetent if he didn't fight back?

Yue Muzhen didn't expect, Chi Xuan seemed to be a different person. He knew what he had said before, but now he completely ignores his image and has become so sharp. Who gave him this Courage.

Xiao Han looked at this battle without saying anything. In his opinion, Xiao Tai should be in charge of the younger sister’s marriage. These two people are fighting here. No use at all. This is the proof of marriage by the orders of the parents.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo does not have a relationship, nor does she share a family relationship. She hasn't seen her parents for hundreds of years. Even if she is a daughter by her side, she is probably an eye-catching sight.

She left plenty of room for the husband and wife. She stayed in the house alone and looked at Chi Xuan who was opposite and asked: "Who offended you? His face is so ugly?"


"No, I just chatted with Yuemu for a while, and he didn't quite listen." Chi Xuan's complaint without the slightest hesitation made Xiao Guoguo not even thinking of it.

"The Golden Retriever can't speak his mind, you don't need to take seriously. Before you, he always thought he was the best looking man in the world, and now he was blown away by you. You still don't allow him to complain "Xiao Guoguo said that Chi Xuan looked at her with an injured face.

"You are speaking for him, this is partiality. If you change someone today, you still want me to let him?" Chi Xuan asked, Xiao Guoguo looked dazed, when will Chi Xuan Unreasonably making trouble?

"He is not someone else, he is my best and hardest friend, that is a lifeless friendship." Xiao Guoguo poked Chi Xuan's chest with his finger and said.

"Then what about me? Who am I yours?" Xiao Guoguo's eyes stared at Xiao Guoguo, holding her arms in her arms to prevent her from avoiding this question, as if she had to ask for an answer today .

Chi Xuan knew that he came later than Yuemu this year, but he could not accept it. In Xiao Guoguo's heart, Yuemu is more important than himself.

"Are you testing my bottom line? Tell you, I'm not the kind of person paying more attention to a lover than friends. It's useless for you to use beautiful men's tricks." Xiao Guoguo swallowed. He said with a mouthful of saliva. From this angle, you can see Chi Xuan's thick and slender eyelashes, almost reaching the tip of her nose.

"Guoguo, then tell me, who am I yours? I don't need beauty." Chi Xuan said with a smile, Xiao Guoguo could feel the vibration of his chest when he laughed.

"You are your own, my wife, and your family! Are you satisfied?" Xiao Guoguo pouted and blushed. Chi Xuan, this guy is really good at teasing, she is a female man who makes him flush with teasing.

"Family, so let outsiders? Do you mean that?" Chi Xuan asked with a smile, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Just be generous. Whether you are Yuemu or Wenwen, they are all my most important friends. We have spent a long time together, and we can share prosperity and adversity. . You have to know that we can even pay for each other’s lives, so you really don’t have to be angry with the Golden Retriever."

Xiao Guoguo thinks that today must be clear, otherwise it is not just Chi Xuan who feels uncomfortable, She will feel guilty when she sees Golden Retriever in the future. After all, it seems to her that Chi Xuan is more important now. Her heart is already biased, and she can no longer be biased towards Chi Xuan when doing things. Otherwise, she would feel very guilty for the Golden Retriever in her heart.

"You say that, I have a bottom in my heart. Don't worry, as your person, I will never deny your friend face. I will get along well with Yuemu in the future." Chi Xuan said. That said, Xiao Guoguo sighed in relief, but she didn't know Chi Xuan's true thoughts.

In Chi Xuan's view, Yuemu's previous arrogance was just relying on his relationship with Guoguo. Now his identity has been confirmed by Guoguo himself, and he will have confidence in front of Yuemu in the future, so naturally there is no need to breathe with him. What should be anxious in the future is his Yuemu.

"But, I was wronged for you, you have to give an explanation." Chi Xuan still did not let go of Xiao Guoguo, and asked with aggrieved expression.

"How about mental compensation?" Xiao Guoguo stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Chi Xuan.

"No, I want to be more real." Chi Xuan said with a smirk.

"You are profiting from somebody's misfortune...well."

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan have the same intentions, and naturally know what this person is thinking. She didn't understand, why such a deserted person has recently become more and more enthusiastic, and now she is still not satisfied with her in her arms, and her mouth is not idle, as if she is a piece of candy and it is uncomfortable not to lick her two mouthfuls.

"Don't have a neck." Xiao Guoguo's breath is unstable and her heartbeat speeds up. When she encounters Chi Xuan like this, she has no resistance.

However, when Xiao Guoguo shouted so, Chi Xuan gently bit her on the neck, as if punishing her for being disobedient. Xiao Guoguo took a deep breath, thinking that fortunately, she has a strong recovery ability, and she will go out to cover it for a while, and she should not be able to see it.

Chi Xuan hugged Xiao Guoguo in the room to breathe hard. His eyes were a little blurred. Looking at Xiao Guoguo's neck and rosy lips, the bite seemed to be a bit harder. Although it was not broken, it still left a mark.

"Does it hurt?" Chi Xuan asked distressedly, and Xiao Guoguo turned his head to look at him.

"Do you know how many bacteria there are in this saliva! Can this neck bite casually? You just called you not to listen. Now ask me if it hurts? You said it hurts or not!" Xiao Guoguo looked a little flustered and shy, not knowing what he said, he saw Chi Xuan with a guilty conscience on his face.

"Then I will bite somewhere else next time?" Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo with clear and sincere eyes.

Xiao Guoguo looked dumbfounded. She thought that a fire would frighten him, but she never thought that this guy's face became thicker. Did he bite somewhere else? Where to bite?

(End of this chapter)

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