
  Chapter 1300 Liquidation

Wenwen thought back then that it was because of his lack of liking and appearance. Not delicate and pretty enough, I was disgusted by Mrs. Zhou Family. Tang Xiu, who was gentle and sensible, was attracted by Mrs. Zhou Family.

Now that I think about it, I am too innocent. If it weren’t for Tang Xiu’s identity as a Tang Family, I’m afraid this Madam Zhou would really look down on her. No matter how beautiful or gentle it is, what people get married depends on their identity and background.

With so many Tang Family girls, how could Mrs. Tang see Tang Xiu's identity at a glance this week? She must have leaked it out by herself, or deliberately told Madam Zhou, this was Tang Xiu's scheming.

"Old Tang is only a patriarch of Old Tang, and he doesn't have any brother sisters. Where did the three rooms come from?" Qingyun Daoist asked, Tang Xiu's face was flushed, but he was still a little sorry.

"Patriarch is my cousin." Tang Xiu's words caused Wenwen Puchi to laugh, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Mrs. Zhou Family.

This originally thought was a Tang Family Eldest Young Lady. How did you think that the family was simply a relative across the house, but this transaction was a loss? Even if there are a lot of dowries of Tang Xiu, the cultivation base is good, but isn't it a direct line?

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Don't worry, what is the relationship between us and Lao Tang... Killing you, he won't blame us." Qingyun daoist said this, simply The internal wound of popularity is too cold blooded and emotionless.

"Wenwen, don't worry. Old Tang doesn't dare to blame you. He is afraid of you. Last time he told me that he wanted to hide when he saw you." Qingyun daoist hurriedly calmed Wenwen. , For fear of any scruples or discomfort in her heart.

"Big Brother Tang really said that?" Wenwen looked at Qingyun daoist, and the Qingyun daoist was very guilty.

"Of course, that's what your Big Brother Tang said!" Qingyun daoist was all jealous. It was Wenwen's Big Brother Tang. He was jealous and almost kicked Tang Family patriarch. Out of the circle of friends.

"I only fought him twice, so he was so afraid of me? Then why don't you be afraid of me?" Wenwen asked, Qingyun Daoist laughed with a pleased look.

"You are my Junior Sister, Master said, it is my responsibility to protect Junior Sister, why would I be afraid of you, I feel sorry for you, it’s too late."

According to Qingyun Daoist, Tang Xiu almost couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground. Wenwen became Ling Old Yun's ancestor's discipline! This is impossible! impossible!

"No! You lie! How could she be Ling Old Yun's ancestor's discipline! Why is she!"

Tang Xiu was jealous of Wenwen, and was jealous of her from the very beginning. An old hat from the Level 3 plane is better than her in everything! The cultivation base is higher than her, the appearance is better than her, and even the men we meet are so good!

It was her who refused to let go when she met Zhou Family Eldest Young Master. But this article, even dismissive of it! This is clearly a means to seduce men deliberately!

One of the things she was most proud of was robbing Zhou Xuan. But later she realized that what she had robbed was just a body, and Zhou Xuan's heart had never been on her this time. Now, Wenwen has become Ling Old Yun's ancestor's discipline, and the only advantage of identity is gone!

Compared in this way, she would lose out! In terms of identity, she is not considered a direct lineage in Tang Family, and Wenwen is the discipline of Ling Old Yun's ancestor, and she is called siblings with patriarch. Besides, how does Zhou Xuan compare to Qingyun Daoist? That man is the dream of all female cultivators in this plane, but he is obedient to Wen Wen!

"Wenwen, why are you! It must be what you used to seduce Qingyun Daoist! You are not worthy!"

Tang Xiu was a little excited to speak without careful diction , She is crazy jealous of Wenwen, that is Qingyun daoist, that is Ling Old Yun ancestor, why her luck is so good!

"This matter is serious speaking of which, thanks to you. I was chased by your people at the beginning, and I nearly died several times, kept hiding, and finally hid in Ling Cloud Sect and was killed by Senior Brother. Yun picked it up, and now I am who I am today. So, in this respect, I have to thank you. Therefore, I will leave your life and not kill you."

As Wenwen said this, the whole room fell silent, Tang Xiu was irritated and didn't know what to say, Madam Zhou looked terrified, Zhou Xuan was extremely painful, he regretted his giving up that year. And Zhou Family patriarch is thinking about how to deal with the aftermath.

"What do you want! Don't kill me, what do you want!" Tang Xiu's current psychological defense has completely collapsed. She never thought that she could complete the text by herself. It felt like Killing her will make her uncomfortable.

"If you owe a debt, you will always have to pay it back. I will abolish your cultivation base so that you can never do evil again." Wenwen said this, and patted it down with a palm.

That palm made Tang Xiu clearly aware of the gap between her and Wenwen, and the pressure made her fundamentally impossible to move. She watched as a palm fell and patted her directly. , The meridian of the whole body broke instantly.

"Ah!" Tang Xiu let the pain swallowed up, and this feeling made her feel so regretful, why did she be jealous back then, why should she provoke this cruel woman!

"As for you... cultivation base too weak, I don't want to do it. Let Zhou Family patriarch handle it."

Wenwen looked at that Zhou Family patriarch and said so , It's not that she didn't want to kill Mrs. Zhou, but that she disdain to kill her. Zhou Xuan had nothing to do with her, and she never thought that Zhou Xuan would remember her forever in a hateful way, that would be too annoying.

Zhou Family patriarch heart startled, he hurriedly nodded and said: "Yes, I will definitely deal with it. Such an unscrupulous woman can never stay in my Zhou Family. I will send her away. , Go back to her own family. And Tang Xiu, too."

Zhou Family patriarch is very grateful to Wenwen for show mercy. If she has to pursue it, his Zhou Family's face will not be preserved. Of course, he is also very clear that the main reason why Wenwen is so important is not to make Zhou Xuan's life worse than death. Therefore, Tang Xiu also helped deal with this bad guy.

Wenwen never thought about how to regret Zhou Xuan, just to settle the accounts, she didn't feel that she was losing money, and the grievances between them were over.

"As for this Tang Xiu, I will explain to Tang Family and expel her from the clan." Qingyun daoist is extremely unhappy with Tang Xiu, and proactively said so, Wenwen nodded, that's good. .

Mrs. Zhou can no longer make trouble without the status of Mrs. Zhou Family, and Tang Xiu has almost lost everything. This is her punishment, and Wenwen does not feel guilty.

"Zhou Xuan, starting today, the grievances between you and me will be over. If we meet again from now on, we shall assume that we have never known each other before."

After saying this, Wenwen stood up, hugged the ferret, and walked out of the Zhou Family gate. Qingyun Daoist followed behind, and looked at the regretful Zhou Xuan's face, coldly smiled. Fortunately, this is a weak one, otherwise today's Wenwen can't belong to him.

"Thank you." Qingyun daoist left this sentence, and turned to leave, Zhou Xuan only felt heartbroken.

After all this is over, Wenwen directly answered Ling Cloud Sect, she is going to Transcending Tribulation, she is going to soar, and she is going to the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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