
  Chapter 1292 forbidden technique

"How is this possible!" Lu Family Old Ancestor couldn't believe it, and The third wife Elder spits out mouthful of blood again.

"hmph! My Spirit Beast is naturally not a normal Spirit Beast, but it is poisonous! Feel the pain well!" said the red clothed woman, standing on the huge one. On Asuka, he was going to escape.

At this moment, Lu Family Old Ancestor realized that what revenge for the same sect is simply false. This woman from the very beginning is to escape!

Lu Family Old Ancestor did not expect that Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng also didn't expect. Needless to say, this woman's acting skills... Give her a compliment, it's really convincing!

"You think you can run!" Lu Family Old Ancestor grinned, he didn't expect this woman is so cunning, but cunning is useless, she still can't run .

Just saying that, Xiao Guoguo saw a cloud moving! No, that's not a cloud.

Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng were retreating quickly. Only then did they see that there was a fierce monster beast in the sea of ​​clouds long ago, but this monster beast... will actually hide and hide ! This is really eye-opening, a monster beast with stealth function!

Seriously, at this moment, Xiao Guoguo even moved her mind. If she drank the blood of this monster beast, would she also be able to absorb the ability of this monster beast and be able to become invisible?

'Master, don't let Heart Demon corrode! 'Mo Yu said, Xiao Guoguo sighed secretly, so dangerous, almost, I almost wanted to drink just now.

Heart Demon is really everywhere, and I want to get in at any time. Her Heart Demon was almost wiped out, and she came out to make trouble at this time!

'Thank you Mo Yu, but this time the temptation is a bit too great. You know, I haven't eaten monster beast blood for a long time. '

Xiao Guoguo said so, Mo Yu snorted, and then said earnestly:'Master, the spirit bloodline is powerful, so it can suppress the bloodline of the monster beast and absorb power and even characteristics. But you have to remember that monster beast's bloodline is so powerful that it is as simple as you think, and over time, problems will occur. '

'What's wrong? 'Xiao Guoguo was very curious, she had absorbed it before, but she didn't see what happened.

'Hey, there used to be a spiritualist dísciple who discovered this secret and secretly absorbed the monster beast's blood. The body is tougher, and many abilities make their cultivation easier. However, this is a loophole in the law after all, and finally...this dísciple monster beasted. From then on, I don't know who I am or where I went. '

Mo Yu said, Xiao Guoguo let out a cold sweat, is it so serious?

After the loss, she did not continue to absorb the blood of monster beast. Of course, it was also because she was too busy these years. Pill concocting and sword cultivator didn't have time to think about these things. She didn't expect it, but helped herself.

'Thank you Mo Yu, with you, I have avoided a lot of crooked roads. '

Xiao Guoguo's words are true, Mo Yu's knowledge is better than Han Meng's. When the snare drum appeared just now, Mo Yu reminded her to be careful, most of the pain she showed was just in disguise.

"Look, the invisible monster beast killed the black bird!"

Han Meng said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at the monster beast that gradually appeared silhouette, this The guy looks like a chameleon, and his ability is like a chameleon, but this is definitely a chameleon magnified tens of thousands of times.

"What shall we do now?" Xiao Guoguo asked Han Meng in a low voice, and Han Meng smiled.

"No matter what, those who should be killed must be killed!"

Han Meng said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and at this time Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng and Mo Yu are both They didn't move, they actually wanted to know if this red clothed woman had any other players.

"You killed my monster beast!"

The woman screamed. At this time, everyone could see that the woman had reached a dead end. So, what kind of ability is there now that can make her turn herself over!

Xiao Guoguo saw that the woman's eyes gradually became red, and her back figure began to change. It turned out to be a little by little change, and finally became a monster beast.

"This is a bit unbelievable! It turns out that this woman, too Elder from the alien beast door, turned out to be a monster beast!" Xiao Guoguo said in a low voice, but she was still very shocked in her heart. .

"It's nothing, monster beast can transform, and it's easy to hide your identity. Besides, this alien beast door is really messy."

Xiao Guoguo didn't want to ask, how messed up this alien door was. She could tell that this alien beast wanted to have a good relationship with the monster beast world. Thinking of this, isn't there any collusion between the alien beast door and the monster beast world!

"You strange beasts really colluded with the monster beast world! Then I should wait for you to destroy you!"

Lu Family Old Ancestor said so , But his eyes are very cautious. This woman is a monster beast, so was she really injured before?

"haha, then you try it!" The woman said and started to attack, her body turned out to be a huge red spider,

Xiao Guoguo felt that just now I'm afraid the spider is not the Spirit Beast of this woman, but her men! So the question is, how many spiders does this woman have?

While thinking about this, I heard the sound of rustling from the surrounding area. Looking at the ground, a group of spiders turned out to be a group of spiders. As soon as they appeared, they began to fight quickly, no matter which sect's dísciple, they all became the targets of attack.

And the huge body rushes forward, they seem to be disregarding their lives and want to destroy the chameleon-like monster beast.

And at the moment Elder also waved her huge legs and started to deal with Lu Family Old Ancestor. Her spider silk seemed to be more powerful, and it stuck directly to Lu Family Old Ancestor's body, making him impossible to move.

This time the spider silk is red, with the rays of light with spiritual power, quickly entwining the Lu Family Old Ancestor. At this time, Lu Family Old Ancestor is really anxious. If he can't escape at this moment, I am afraid that he will be trapped in it in the end!

Xiao Guoguo thinks this is a times change, but I don’t know if Lu Family Old Ancestor has any other cards.

Suddenly, one after another rays of light began to appear on Lu Family Old Ancestor's body, and the moved towards the four directions diverged. And some of the Flying Immortal Sect dísciples below also have such rays of light appearing and connected together.

"Not good, he actually learned the forbidden technique!" Han Meng said so, Xiao Guoguo also looked at Lu Family Old Ancestor. forbidden technique? An Old Ancestor of Flying Immortal Sect learned the forbidden technique?

"What is a forbidden technique!" Xiao Guoguo asked Han Meng, with a look of hatred on Han Meng's face.

"The art of parasitism!" Han Meng's voice fell, and the red spider monster beast was about to run. It obviously felt something was wrong.

And the originally thin and old Lu Family Old Ancestor suddenly changed, as if it became alive all at once, becoming younger and younger, surrounded by black demonic energy.

"Hehe, it's too late to run now! It's all you forcing me!"

Lu Family Old Ancestor said, there are black and red on his body The rays of light shone, Xiao Guoguo used Divine Consciousness to see, and saw that the dísciples connected by rays of light on the ground seemed to have lost Divine Consciousness one by one, and the spiritual power on their bodies began to be quickly removed.

This scene not only made Flying Immortal Sect dísciple look silly, but also the dísciple of the alien beast door didn't dare to move. Because the Flying Immortal Sect dísciple in front of them was drying up quickly, losing its vitality.

"It really is a forbidden technique!" Han Meng clenching one's teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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