
  Chapter 1288 Latent

"Chi Sect Master wants to come and does not want things to develop to such a point, but he is the one Sect Master can’t beat Lu Family Old Ancestor. This Lu Family Old Ancestor is not guilty, what is your guilty conscience?

Think about your identity, but you have to protect a small sect in the future. How can it work! This is just a battle between two sects. Sometimes it is common to fight seven or eight sects together for the sake of a conflict of interests. Don’t think too much about it."

The words of Han Meng made Xiao Guoguo deeply. He exhaled and asked: "In the face of sect's interests, is the life of dísciple so not worth mentioning?"

"The life of dísciple? It depends on what dísciple is! Look at it! Core Disciple, the direct dísciple of the Great Family, will never show up. It is the common disciple that is sent to death. The dísciple is the method of the sect game. Only when everyone hurts, they are willing to sit down and talk. There is no dísciple. Now, just recruit more."

When Han Meng said this, his expression was very disgusting. This is why she resolutely refused to be the Sect Master back then. She didn't like to play with them. She looked at her father, the methods of those years, and she was disgusted with it.

Of course, although she doesn't like it or feels guilty, this is the cultivation world. Either people die, or you die, there is no room for it! Flying Immortal Sect Regardless of Lu Family Old Ancestor, it is the responsibility of Flying Immortal Sect to allow him to cause trouble.

"Sister, I suddenly feel that you are sympathizing with me." Xiao Guoguo looked at Han Meng and asked, and saw Han Meng smile happily.

"Yes, I just sympathize with you. When you arrive at Sword Sect, you will know it." Han Meng squeezed Xiao Guoguo's face, Xiao Guoguo was very depressed.

She always feels like she was on a thief ship, but she was young at the beginning. This time Flying Immortal Sect and the strange animal door thing, really taught her a good lesson, will of the people is vicious, but fighting for profit is fiercer than Upper Sect.

"Come on, don't be guilty, aren't we here to remedy it? Believe me, this matter will soon be over. Flying Immortal Sect will not last long."

What Han Meng said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, this matter must end as soon as possible. She doesn't care how Flying Immortal Sect competes with the alien door, how they fight, but it can't be this time, it can't be because of her.

"Let's leave for a while." Xiao Guoguo said so, and he was about to leave with Han Meng.

"Wait, two heroes, where are you going, can you take me?" Li Shitou asked. He actually wanted to follow Xiao Guoguo and the two of them, mainly because of them. There is a sense of security around, and the desire to live is human instinct.

"Come, Shishi, I'll tell you one thing." Xiao Guoguo said, turning his head with a smile, and whispered a few words beside Li Shishi.

At this moment, Li Shitou was stupid. Is this really possible? In this way, can you really save your life?

"Okay, let's go first." Xiao Guoguo really left this time, leaving only Li Shitou and Duoqiu daoist in a daze.

"What did they say? What did you tell you?" Duoqiu daoist was curious and strange, Xiao Guoguo didn't even tell him.

"I didn't say anything, I really didn't say anything!" Li Shitou hurriedly waved his hand and looked at Duoqiu Daoist with a complex expression.

Duoqiu Daoist looked puzzled by Li Shitou's expression. What does this mean? How do you look at his eyes, they are full of sympathy?


On the opposite side, in the big tent of the alien beast gate, several old men are also sitting face to face. They are dressed in white animal skins and a series of Animal teeth. Although it is winter now, they have to wear this outfit for a whole year, which is a status symbol.

It turns out that in the door of alien animals, the disciplines are all wearing animal skins, no matter how the season changes. If you are serious about speaking of which, this is their discipline clothes, and this is their characteristic. If you dress up in this suit, everyone knows that you are a stranger.

Moreover, the cleaner the color of this animal skin, and the less variegated, the higher the status. The four people sitting in this room have the highest status.

"This time it seems that Flying Immortal Sect really wants to compete with us!" The old man sitting on it clenching one's teeth and said, look at the four people below, they are all Sect Too Elders.

"This time we were plotted against. They wanted to use a dísciple as an excuse to take down our strange animal door. How easy is it!" An old man slapped the table and said. The anger on the face, he is not very old, but he has a grumpy temper.

"Second wife Elder, don't be so excited. This time Flying Immortal Sect is just a test, we must not be subdued! This time we will let Flying Immortal Sect know the pain and the power of our alien door !" A woman doesn't know how to keep her face, she looks especially young among a group of old people, she just looks like a middle-aged woman, her charm still exists.

"Third Sister is right, I listen to the third younger sister!" The second wife Elder immediately changed her face and said gently.

Everyone: "..." When did you stop listening to this third wife Elder?

The dísciple of the alien beast is not limited in beauty, but there are too few female disciples, which leads to the dísciple of the alien beast, you compete for me, and you show up one after another, just to have a daughter-in-law. .

This female disciple is in the alien beast gate, it is definitely protected. In this battle, none of the female disciple were allowed to come. The third wife, Elder, followed because of her strength.

"Well, this time we have four people here, we don’t believe it anymore, and we couldn’t beat the three Old Guys of Flying Immortal Sect! Although their cultivation base is higher than ours, but we are There is Spirit Beast!"

Sitai Elder seems to be a gentle-looking person, and when he speaks, he has rays of light with plot against in his eyes. And the third wife Elder heard said with a smile: "Four younger brothers, really speaking of which, this time it was caused by your discipline. You have to take the lead?"

Third Elder Recalling the old things, the Fourth Elder can only be nodded, no matter how wronged and angry in his heart. This is obviously a framing, and his discipline is a bit unlucky, but he also understands that sect will not hand over his discipline, but it is because the alien door wants to fight.

"So, this matter is set, when the time comes, the fourth brother takes the lead, we will just follow." The second wife Elder said in a final word.

And at this time, in the depths of the woods, Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng found a piece of animal skin and put it on. It was solid color without any impurities. It was the clothes that Sect Elders could wear.

Then, the two took the identity tokens and masks of the two stunned beasts Sect Elder, and calmly walked into the crowd. The dísciple likes to wear a mask, and the level is very clear, so there is no doubt about the identities of Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng, just a respectful greeting.

And Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng responded calmly and found a place to rest quietly. They are now hiding in the alien beast gate, waiting for the opportunity. Since Lu Family Old Ancestor is so impatient to come, then they have to let him come back and forth!

(End of this chapter)

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