
  Chapter 1259 recognizes Junior Sister

Han Meng didn't expect Xiao Guoguo will suddenly mention Li Jian And herself, how did she know these deepest secrets in her heart?

Suddenly, her dizzy mind woke up. She looked at Xiao Guoguo, and she smiled and was exposed in irritation.

"What he told you, didn't he?!" Han Meng's hand gripped the quilt tightly, and he couldn't believe that Li Jian actually said all of these things.

"Do you think Li Senior Brother Jian is too cheap now?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile, making Han Meng look at her, Xiao Guoguo's face was not afraid.

"Hurry up and tell me how did you know!" Han Meng was anxious, his voice full of anger.

"It’s not what he said, but he is really cheap. Li Senior Brother Jian set up an array, which contains his various entanglements with Ling Yun over the years. I can naturally see clearly. Because you also played.” Xiao Guoguo said so, Han Meng was stunned and let go.

She never thought that Li Jian could do this for that woman, for her. His own pride, his own dignity, are all gone? !

Set these things in the array, let a stranger see and crack, what is he going to do? Do you want to go back in time? Does he think it can be saved? What can be saved?

"Are you crying?" Xiao Guoguo watched Han Meng's shoulder shake. He couldn't believe that such a strong and proud person would cry.

"I didn't." Han Meng clenched his hand, feeling very sad and angry.

"Don't be like this. For people who care about you, your tears are weapons, but for people who don't care about you, tears are water in their heads, worthless. You After living for so long, I still don’t understand, it’s just a man."

Xiao Guoguo opened up Han Meng in this way, if he could help Han Meng a little, it would be worth it. But Xiao Guoguo never thought that Han Meng sneered, looked at Xiao Guoguo and asked: "What about you, can you put it down? Chi Xuan, can you put it down?"

Han Meng this blade is really heartbroken, It's really powerful. Xiao Guoguo felt that her heart ached for a while, thought about this question carefully, maybe she wouldn't give up so easily. He didn't even clear up the mess, and he really didn't have any qualifications to persuade others.

"It's hard to say whether I can let go. If it is my good luck, maybe the two of us can grow old, if not... I will try not to hurt myself too deeply."


Xiao Guoguo's serious answer made Han Meng stunned. Is that true? Shouldn't I hurt myself too deeply?

"If I am hurt, if I refuse to give up, then it must be because he hurts heavier than me, and he is not willing to give up. If I am the only one who insists and the other suffers, then I’m not willing to sell at a loss."

Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, with firmness in his eyes. If Chi Xuan let go first, if Chi Xuan left first, she would not wait where she was. She still has relatives and friends, and she still has many cherished people. She admits that she did not fully dedicate herself in this relationship. These years of experience have made it difficult for her to keep her whole heart without the slightest hesitation. Throw it out.

"You are really different. Kind but not weak. I thought you were not suitable to be the Sect Master of Sword Sect." Han Meng suddenly smiled very happy, weak but very happy.

"Then you know who I am?" Xiao Guoguo asked in surprise, then Han Meng laughed.

"Li Jian passed you the position of the Sect Master of Sword Sect, and also recorded you under the name of my father. After becoming a discipline, how come I don't know anything?" Han Meng's answer made Xiao Guoguo very sorry. It seems that he knows everything.

"I didn't mean it, if you don't want this, we went to Sword Sect to explain clearly." Xiao Guoguo said, if Han Meng firmly opposes, except Life and Death Sword, she would I don't really care about the location of this Sect Master.

"It should be yours that others can't take away. It's not that you can't get it through your hard work. I won't get involved in this matter." Han Meng said, lay down and covered it. After finishing the quilt, I obviously didn’t want to continue to mention this topic

The attitude of Han Meng made Xiao Guoguo not expect that, after all, he turned around and left. In fact, she really wanted to say that the cultivator meditates. This Senior Sister can see today that she has lost her composure and lay down directly. Does she still want to sleep?

Xiao Guoguo is gone, Han Meng slowly closed his eyes, as if he was back in his teenage years. The silhouette of that young man has never disappeared in her heart. These years, I dare not dream, for fear of seeing it again.

But, this time she sees clearly, she wants to see clearly, and then forgets all of them. After half a lifetime, she really didn't want to wait, she was too tired.

Moreover, she knew in her heart that even without Ling Yun, the people she was waiting for would not come back, so why should she keep herself trapped here.

No one knows, this night, the bottleneck that has been sleepy for so many years at Han Meng cultivation base has finally loosened. Han Meng woke up from a good dream and found it, and almost tears fell again.

Father, is this the Junior Sister that father gave him, and the opportunity he gave him? Perhaps it would be nice to have a Junior Sister, after all, she is the dísciple under the father's name.

Han Meng pushed the door out, looked at the plain street and the old houses, walked down slowly, ignoring the eyes of those who followed, and arrived at the Medicine Pill Pavilion in Xiao Guoguo.

At the moment, there is no movement in the courtyard of the Medicine Pill Pavilion. Han Meng stood at the door looking at the gatekeeper Moyu, and said that Xiao Guoguo was not there. There was simply no breath of Xiao Guoguo in this courtyard.

This is the first time Han Meng has discovered this problem. He has never paid attention to it before. With this attention, the complexion greatly changed, Xiao Guoguo is not here. Could it be...she has a magic weapon for space.

A sudden breath appeared, Xiao Guoguo walked out of the room and looked at Han Meng with a smile on his face. He wanted to speak, and found that Han Meng was in front of her.

"Shut up." Han Meng reached out and grabbed Xiao Guoguo's wrist, and the spiritual power penetrated directly into Xiao Guoguo's meridian.

Han Meng's move was really inappropriate, but she did it anyway. And Xiao Guoguo didn't mean to resist. She knew that with Han Meng's cultivation base, she wanted to kill herself, and resisting was useless.

However, it is Han Meng, her spiritual power is only halfway along the meridian of Xiao Guoguo, and when she gets near the dantian of Xiao Guoguo, she is actually blocked by a barrier and can’t be seen. in.

"You, what's the matter? Your dantian is not right!" Han Meng asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, right? Everyone said that, her dantian could not be seen by others. of.

"Moreover, your cultivation base...how is so unstable? Your cultivation, something went wrong!"

Han Meng was a little angry, she didn't even discover this problem until now ! How did Xiao Guoguo cover up the past in the past?

(End of this chapter)

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