
  Chapter 1254 Opening a store

And the red-clothed man of Cloud Sect who has already left before is finally here The plane found a satisfied Cave Mansion, and he asked his subordinates to trim the neat and tidy inside and outside of the Cave Mansion, and he was about to retreat.

Over the years, because he has also benefited from the bad benefits of the big tree, he is now closed, and it is estimated that he will be able to directly Transcending Tribulation within a few years. When the time comes, he is the Great Immortal Master. Go back to sect at that time...I guess the punishment will be lighter, right?

He hasn't returned for fifteen years anyway, so what is he doing now! In the face of punishment, it is better to be late.

"Elder, don't we really go back to Cloud Sect?" the black clothed person under him asked, and the red-clothed man shook his head very firmly.

"Don't go back, this Elder said that if you want to Transcending Tribulation first, you must first Transcending Tribulation!"

He decided in one sentence, it is everyone who persuades nothing. usefulness. If Elder doesn't go, they can't go, they can only stay here.

"What about after Transcending Tribulation, Elder?" The black clothed disciples still asked uneasyly. He is Elder, who has the qualifications for willfulness, but they are not. The punishment...definitely not light. what!

"Naturally, it will take some time to stabilize the cultivation base! Do you want this Elder cultivation base to be unstable and Heart Demon into the body?" the red-clothed man asked.

dísciple: "..." He was wrong, he simply shouldn't ask.

"Naturally dare not dísciple!" The black clothed dísciple hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

"That's not hurrying pei pei pei." The red-clothed man said angrily.

"pei pei pei!" The black clothed dísciple was almost crying. Where did Elder learn this new habit?


Xiao Guoguo successfully settled down, she found a house in Feishi Town, not too big, the small courtyard of Sanjin, originally a small warm house His ancestral business is now leased to Xiao Guoguo.

Originally holding the old man meant to give it to Xiao Guoguo, but Xiao Guoguo firmly refused. She is not short of money now, and, if she doesn't give it, how can she be embarrassed to go for a meal in the future.

In this way, Xiao Guoguo opened a pill store next to the little girl’s restaurant, named Ling Pill Pavilion. The name is quite normal, and it looks very angry. Although it is not convincing, some people came in and took a look.

However, Xiao Guoguo doesn't tidy up the front storefront, and even the cabinets are leftovers from the previous selling lo-mei. It doesn't look like a pill store.

Moreover, all the cabinets are empty, with only a few signs. Each brand has the name of medicine pill on the top, and the price below, and there are no samples of medicine ingredient and medicine pill!

This is the first time that cultivators have seen such a creative pill store, but this is not the point. The point is that Xiao Guoguo does not take the usual path. The medicine pill sold here is not ordinary. The medicine pill is a high-level medicine pill that is supplemented with blood and blood, and the price is very moving.

"Little Spirit Pill, usable for fairy tales and above, 10,000 high grade Spirit Stones!"

Male dísciple, look at all around. No one can help but laughed heartily two Sound, turned and left, is this the pill store opened by a lunatic? Such an expensive medicine pill, this must be crazy!

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo's spirit Pill Pavilion suddenly became a joke in the surrounding area. Even the dísciple of Flying Immortal Sect was also heard, and no one came to patronize it. To describe it in terms of Menkoluoque, that would be regarded as a compliment.

This is really bad for the old man and Xiao Nuan. I always feel that Xiao Guoguo will have to eat dirt sooner or later if Xiao Guoguo does such a job.

But Xiao Guoguo is not worried at all. She opened this store just to find a place to wait for Chi Xuan, not to make money. No one buys medicine pill, she saves on pill concocting.

And when Han Meng watched Xiao Guoguo doing this, he also followed his inspiration and opened a professional refining shop specializing in selling all kinds of magic weapons. The name is also very domineering...Immortal Artifact Pavilion!

In order to save trouble, she even learned Xiao Guoguo and put up a brand in her store: Immortal Artifact... 10 million high grade Spirit Stone.

Then... there is no more. Everyone has said, only refining Immortal Artifact, what else can they do!

Surrounded by such weird shops, the business of this Little Nuan's family is getting better and better, because everyone really wants to know when there might be a fool who really came to join in. This is lively. Everyone didn't expect, because this move by Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng made Xiao Nuan's restaurant business booming.

Speaking of which is also strange. The business opened on this street is very puzzling.

speaking of which, does the cultivator need to eat? Of course not! Here is the Level 1 plane, there are not many cultivators to eat. However, this little warm house is a restaurant, and, for generations, people have insisted on this goal unshakable, and can protect this ancestral property, Xiao Guoguo feels that it is really not easy.

And that Uncle Tong is actually a car rental! This man raised a few flying Spirit Beasts, and then rented these Spirit Beasts to this Flying Immortal Sect low-level dísciple without Flying Magical Treasure.

The remaining Cui Cui and Fat Aunt can be regarded as the most reliable couple. The mother and daughter depend on each other, one is responsible for collecting medicine, the other is a doctor, and heals the injured cultivator. By the way It also treats ordinary person, which can be regarded as a serious livelihood.

Originally, the business on this street was very bad, so I kept it on the verge of not making much money, but also starving. However, because of the joining of Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng, there were more people watching the excitement, and suddenly the business became better. Recently, not only the number of people who come to eat has increased, but also the number of people who come to rent flying monster beasts.

In response to this situation, the old man pinched his gray beard, very worried.

Among the increased crowd, most of them are male dísciples. And this Xiao Guoguo and that Han Meng are both rarely seen beauties, and the purpose of these guys is not simple.

Of course, in addition to the common disciple, he seems to have seen some high level dísciples, even those who are masters. This is not easy to handle, and over time, the two girls should not provoke anything.

"Xiao Nuan, what are you eating tonight?" The old man asked his granddaughter and saw that Xiao Nuan walked out with a smile.

"I am going to stew the medicine ingredient that my fat aunt gave today with some monster beast meat. The aroma will also enhance the cultivation base. Grandfather, you have a good taste tonight."


When Xiao Nuan said this, the old man looked at his granddaughter with a smile, this child, why does he like to tinker with these foods so much?

A cook was hired at home, but she just likes to make it by herself, which is really strange. It doesn't matter whether she likes it, or it doesn't matter if the girl's family stays away from fighting and killing.

"Make two more dishes, and then bring you Elder Sister Xiao and Elder Sister Han, I have something to discuss with them."

The old man knows Xiao Guoguo and Han Meng is great and has always been very polite to the two of them. However, it is better to say clearly what should be said, so as not to really have something wrong in the future and regret it.

"Okay, grandfather." Xiao Nuan didn't think about it. Anyway, she was going to invite the two over.

(End of this chapter)

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