
  Characteristics of Chapter 1245

"Do you ask me to tell the truth or tell me What about lies?" Mo Yu looked tangled.

"Naturally tell the truth." I will ask you why you want to listen to lies.

"I don't think Chi Xuan has just ascended to Flying Immortal Sect now. His enemy is definitely not weak. It is no different from going to death now. He shouldn't be so stupid!" Mo Yu said. Words, Xiao Guoguo nodded, make sense.

"It's okay, then we'll wait until he appears." Xiao Guoguo smiled, smiling very confidently, Mo Yu couldn't help it.

The life of this cultivator is extremely long. After the successful ascent, there will be a lifespan of three thousand years. This Xiao Guoguo has only passed several decades, which is really early.

If you make up your mind to wait for someone, no one can persuade you to wait for several decades, hundreds of years, that’s normal. So it does not mean to discourage.

"I have heard that some cultivators will choose to fall asleep for hundreds of years in order to wait for the person they like to come back, and feel that their life alone is too difficult."

Mo Yu asked too much, and Xiao Guoguo laughed. She still has too many things to do, and she fell asleep, that wouldn't work.

After flying in this way for a day, Xiao Guoguo can be regarded as seeing a city. I have to say that it is really big here! After flying for thousands of miles in a day, I saw this city, and it was really sparsely populated.

"Let's go, let's go down and rest." Xiao Guoguo misses the days when the fatty took them to fly. That guy likes to fly, likes to show off his colorful feathers, so he is not afraid of being tired.

"You have to be careful, it's better to put on your veil." Fatty said so, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"Could it be that there are still people robbing strong women in the street?" Xiao Guoguo feels that the cultivation world cultivator is pure-hearted and shouldn't be the case.

"There must be robbing in the street, and your appearance is not close to the good women." Mo Yu said, Xiao Guoguo didn't know whether to spray it or thank it.

"What are you afraid of, let's go, let's have dinner!" Xiao Guoguo said, fell down, walked to the city gate, and paid the entrance fee for a middle grade Spirit Stone.

Xiao Guoguo paid the money and got a bottom line in his heart. It seems that although this face has changed, Spirit Stone is still universal, and it has kept its value.

"People say that if you want to understand a place, you must understand the most representative local snacks. Look at this pie, although it does not look very good, maybe it tastes different from the flavor!"


Xiao Guoguo took a mouthful, with a tangled expression on his face, slowly spit out the food in his mouth. Sure enough, it didn't taste very good. This proves that the taste and appearance of food are really related.

"Remind me next time, don't be okay and trust others!"

What kind of special burrito! Especially hard, especially unpalatable, especially cheating! She also bought ten, ten of them!

"Let's go, I'll pay for the IQ." Xiao Guoguo watched Mo Yu still eating, and said so quickly, for fear that it would be eaten by Mo Yu.

However, this man stood up, and the silent boss over there came over and pointed to the sign. Xiao Guoguo, take a look. I'm not happy. It's not that she didn't pay the money. What's the matter, she still has to give you five points of praise for this broken pancake!

"Special burritos, ten in a middle grade Spirit Stone?" Xiao Guoguo said so, the boss shook his head and pointed to the small line below.

Xiao Guoguo took a closer look, and it said: It is forbidden to waste food. Violators will be fined a hundred times? hehe, isn't this cheating? Just your pancake, no one can eat ten in one go!

"I didn't waste it, can't I take it away?" Xiao Guoguo asked the boss, who was stunned.

Pack and take away? It's the first time in so many years that someone has proposed such a targeted and constructive solution...Of course not, otherwise he will cheat someone in the future!

"No!" The boss finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Oh, what if I finish eating? Give me a reward?" Xiao Guoguo asked when he looked at the stone-hard pancake.

"Hehe, I will give you a hundredfold reward." The boss said so, very confident, he had never seen anyone finished eating, he vomited halfway through the meal, and he had to pay!

"Okay, one hundred middle grade Spirit Stone is not a small sum." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking and glanced at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu: "..."  ̄へ ̄

Sure enough, in the end, he had his idea. Although he eats everything, this innate talent is used to make a profit. Hundred middle grade Spirit Stone...I feel so cheap.

Mo Yu walked over, swallowing all ten cakes with a big mouth. The boss is stupid, is this okay? Really can?

With a grunt, Mo Yu swallowed, and the boss’ sweat came down! Okay, what kind of Spirit Beast is this, the taste is so special.

"How are you Mo Yu? Is it uncomfortable?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Mo Yu shook his head.

"No, this is what Spirit Beast eats, not yours!" The boss hurriedly said, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"Is Spirit Beast mine!" These words are domineering. Of course Spirit Beast belongs to the master. There is no way to deny this!

The boss didn't want to give money, but as more and more people surrounded him, he was a little embarrassed. And Xiao Guoguo looked at him with a smile like that, and suddenly asked: "Your cake is so unpalatable, and it's not easy. You can't make a few in a day? Or I bought them all and let my Spirit Beast swallow them. Do the math, can you still do business today?"

In a word, Xiao Guoguo said, the boss counseled, don’t say anything else, if Xiao Guoguo really eats all his cakes, This delays a day's business, a lot of money in a day's business!

"I'll accompany you Spirit Stone."

The boss gave Xiao Guoguo away with a smile, and turned his head, his eyes looked sternly into the distance, which was given to him. The younger brother went to send a message. If this woman dared to cheat him like this, she would have to pay the price.

This boss is not an ordinary person, and an ordinary person cannot do this business. His younger brother, the head of the patrol in this city, can support him.

What he makes is only a small amount of money, and when he is the younger brother, he makes a lot of money.

"Are we going to eat?" Mo Yu asked, covering the corner of his mouth, his face depressed.

"Don't worry, I will invite you to a big meal this time. I'm looking for a good store. We have earned so much Spirit Stone!" Xiao Guoguo said, Mo Yu stopped talking. It was earned.

However, Xiao Guoguo walked forward, and saw a group of men in blue shirts approaching in front of her, blocking her way.

"Stop!" The leading man looked at Xiao Guoguo with a serious face.

Xiao Guoguo was stunned, impossible, she just got here, she hasn't had time to cause trouble! Why are these people coming towards themselves?

"Something?" Xiao Guoguo asked calmly. The man was frowned and hesitated.

This is a beauty, although it can sell for a good price, but if you keep it for yourself, it looks good! This is a bit dilemma.

"Bold criminal, yet dare to be arrogant, I'll be ordered to arrest you!" The man said so, anyway, it is serious to take the person away first.

(End of this chapter)

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