
  Chapter 1242 Purification

"Tell you, you are not allowed to say a word about the things here today. You are going to die, don't involve me!" Golden Retriever said so, and the black clothed person looked at his dead companion on the ground and hurriedly nodded.

"But, if the owner asks, how should we answer?" A black clothed person asked stupidly, and Golden Retriever rewarded him with a fist.

"You are stupid! A cultivator has soared, what is there to say about such a small thing! Although she got a treasure and soared, but she suffered more than 300 Dao Tribulation thunders and survived? , It is obviously the help of the woman who appeared just now!"

When Jin Mao said so, everyone looked at him and obviously didn't believe it.

"But, this doesn't seem to be right, it's obviously someone else carried it over." Anjiu also remained skeptical.

"Then tell me, who among you can survive those three hundred Dao Tribulation thunders?" Jin Mao said, everyone was silent, completely silent.

No one of them can carry the past, no matter whether it is the ascension period or the fairy, none of them!

"Yes, the white clothed woman must have given her treasure!" The red-clothed man followed the golden retriever's words, without hesitation at all.

Everyone also nodded one after another, so that it can be explained! However, there is another question. How do you explain those Spirit Beasts?

"But those monster beasts...how do we explain?" The black clothed person continued to solve the problem, and Jin Mao didn't want to do it anymore.

"Why do you have so many questions! Why is your nickname called 100,000 points!" Golden Retriever knocked on the back of his head and asked: "No one asked you any questions. Spirit Beast Transcending Is Tribulation doing anything to you? What is your mission this time?"

As Jin Mao said so, several black clothed persons hurriedly nodded. Yes, the master's order is to let them pay attention to this treasure, by the way, watch this Young Master don't die here.

Who gets treasure is the most important thing. How can they know if they didn't go in? Only Young Master can answer. What's up with them!

What Spirit Beast to mention! What to mention Transcending Tribulation! Just pass by, let Young Master have a headache.

They are not cheating, they just selectively answer the answers they know. That's it!

Anjiu looked at Golden Retriever, how did he feel that he was particularly protective of that woman! Could it be that after coming out, Young Master will have a sweetheart!

"If someone said something that shouldn't be said or mentioned something that shouldn't be mentioned, it broke my business, and I can kill you without a white clothed woman!"

The words of the Golden Retriever make everyone's complexion not so good. They actually don't believe that the Golden Retriever has this ability. However, he didn't want to offend him, after all, he is now the master's most beloved son, who knows how far he can go.

The Golden Retriever is gone, and the red-clothed man is also gone, Lingshu looked at Ling Old Yun's ancestors, nodded farewell, and also flew into the air with people. Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist are not delayed at all to secluded cultivation, they have to hurry up.

Xiao Han stayed alone for a month, looking at the place of Transcending Tribulation, a deep pit, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Then no one knew where Xiao Han had gone.

Xiao Guoguo feels a bit regretful. He didn't go to see Wei Feng before he ascended, and he felt a little worried.

She looked at the scenery in this passage and felt the spiritual power on her body, constantly improving. This is really a mysterious passage, and there are even hidden settings that can improve the spiritual power.

"Why did you choose this door? The previous two doors calm and tranquil why not?" Mo Yu asked, trying hard not to let the hurricane blow him away.

"That's not challenging. You have never heard of it. If you don't experience wind and rain, you can't see a rainbow? We just don't take the usual path." Xiao Guoguo said, avoiding the wind blade, His wounds gradually healed.

This channel danger lurks on every side is similar to the trial road that I traversed in Flying Immortal Sect that year. Several spiritual power attribute attacks continue to appear, which makes people unprepared.

But she is a full spirit root, and there is nothing she can't cope with. So Xiao Guoguo's journey along the way, except for some minor injuries, is not a major problem.

Moreover, every time this step is taken, the spiritual power rewards are very rich. Xiao Guoguo had to raise his cultivation base a little bit, and then suppress the richer spiritual power inside of Dantian, Save it and absorb it slowly.

"This is simply picking up experience." Xiao Guoguo smiled, and walked slowly within the thunder and lightning. She couldn't help but absorb the thunder and lightning again. The seven Nascent Souls seemed to be against the thunder and lightning. No more interest, you can only store these thunder and lightning in Dantian's thundercloud.

That's right, Xiao Guoguo's sea of ​​clouds in dantian has become a thundercloud at this moment, with purple rays of light shining on it, thunder and lightning roar.

"The front is over, you must pretend to be yourself." Mo Yu said so, Xiao Guoguo nodded, she understood that the heart of defense is indispensable.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the light in front of him getting brighter and brighter, walked over, only to find that this exit was very unique, it turned out to be a water mirror.

This mirror can see the outside. It is a warm lake. Is this going to smash the mirror and go out? Xiao Guoguo Look at Mo Yu, see Mo Yu nodded.

"This is the soaring pond. You can get rid of the magazines in your body and purify your mind when you are in the water!" Mo Yu said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, look at himself in the water, fist down, the surface of the water Broken, people also walked into the pond.

Xiao Guoguo thought, is this a goodbye to the past self? After all, when the water mirror shattered just now, she seemed to see who she used to be.

And now, in this warm lake, she seemed to have been reborn, as if she had washed away her worries and irritability, very peaceful.

Xiao Guoguo thinks it’s not bad. It’s good for his meridian and body. Although the effect is similar to medicated bathing, it’s not as intensely painful as medicated bathing!

Comfortable, really comfortable, this may be the most comfortable hot bath she has ever taken in her life. Xiao Guoguo soaked down and enjoyed this rare leisure time.

However, she hasn't come up for a long time, making the people waiting on it look depressed. If it is your family's bathing house, you can wash it as long as you want!

However, this is the rule, and they can't catch people directly. This is the only once in this life to enjoy the opportunity to enjoy the ascent pool. It seems that there is no rule not to take a bath... Bah, it can purify more Long time.

Everyone is waiting on it. It is said that the purpose of this ascending pool is to make the cultivator forget who he once was and the Evil Thought in his heart. It is said that it is uncomfortable to soak in it, especially those who have Evil Thought in their hearts, and they can't wait for the horse to come up. This is also a test!

But, how can this girl look so reluctant! Don’t you feel uncomfortable? It is the first time that the person in charge has seen this situation after so many years of managing this soaring pool.

(End of this chapter)

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