
  Chapter 1228 Waking Up

Xiao Guoguo slowly opened his eyes and looked around, mother Lingshu was looking at her with a big smile, Xiao Guoguo buried his head in mother's arms.

"Did it succeed?" Lingshu asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, now she is finally able to go out.

"Mother, how long will I retreat this time?" Xiao Guoguo asked Lingshu.

"Thirty years, you have absorbed Spirit Bead, one hundred and fifty years in total. This is really a long process." Although Lingshu said that it is a long time, but there are more in my heart Is not willing.

Perhaps, after leaving here, their mother and daughter will be separated again, and Xiao Guoguo still doesn't know anything. She doesn't want to say, can't say, for fear that Xiao Guoguo is unwilling to go out.

My daughter has her own way to go, and she can't let her live in space just because of herself. She stole this one hundred and fifty years, and sometimes she would still thank Bai Ye in her own heart. It fulfilled a dream of her own.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Ling Shu hurriedly cleaned up his feelings.

"Nothing, I want to say that after you go out, you must pay attention to safety. Don't always run to such a dangerous place. You tell me about the spiritual family, and I will look for clues."

Lingshu said that, Xiao Guoguo finally noticed something wrong. Why are you so sad all of a sudden!

"Mother, won't you be with me after going out?" Xiao Guoguo asked, listening to Lingshu's meaning, it seemed like this.

"I want to be with you too, Guoguo, no one wants to be with you more than I do. But, on your father's side, I have to inquire about the news. And you are now cultivation The base is too low, I can't let you appear in Xiao Family rashly, absolutely not! So, Guoguo, we have to separate first."

After Lingshu finished that, I felt uncomfortable in my heart. Separation is not only for the sake of Xiao Family, but also for the sake of fruit. They cannot be known by auction, absolutely not!

"Well, since it is for father... But, mother, you have to let me find you, let me know if you are safe or not!"

Xiao When Guoguo said so, Ling Shu smiled strongly and took out a book from his storage bag. This made Xiao Guoguo stunned, a book, how to contact.

"Look, these are two identical books. If I write here, words will appear on your side." Lingshu said, there was a finger on the book to write a few words This word, sure enough, appeared in Xiao Guoguo's book.

"It's so magical." Xiao Guoguo immediately became even happier as he watched the handwriting disappear gradually. In other words, they were able to contact each other through this method.

"You remember, don't tell anyone this secret, okay?" Lingshu was afraid that this secret would be known by others.

"Good mother." Xiao Guoguo understands that if this kind of contact information is known to others, it is likely to give people a chance.

"Also, we are mother and daughter matters, don't tell anyone! The secret of the spirit family is the greatest secret in you, you must keep it! You should know that the enemy of the spirit family is very powerful, They have been chasing the Lingshu family, and they will kill us at all costs!"

Before we parted, Lingshu had too many worries. She was worried about Xiao Guoguo, she was worried about her, but she couldn't accompany her. This was the cruelest thing.

"Mother, I know, this secret is just the secret of our mother and daughter, I never told anyone."

Xiao Guoguo said so, Ling Shu gently touched with his hand Xiao Guoguo's face felt distressed and hard to breathe, but he dared not let the tears fall.

"You believe me, soon, soon we will be together, no one can stop us anymore! No!"

Xiao Guoguo looked at this kind of soulmate, I also feel very uncomfortable, she wants to become strong as soon as possible, so that no one can hurt her mother!

One month later, Xiao Guoguo and Lingshu left the space and ended their time living together. They both knew that after going out, each had their own way to face, but they were never afraid.

"You are out!" Bai Ye suddenly appeared, and Xiao Guoguo glanced at it lightly, not wanting to say anything.

For such an arrogant, stubborn, and only caring about her own Spirit Beast, she has no good feelings at all.

Your master is the stars in the sky, and others are the dust on the ground. Such a guy is useless to reason.

"Bai Ye, open this barrier, the master and the others are leaving." Mo Yu said so, looking at Bai Ye, very serious.

"It seems that your cultivation base has indeed improved a lot, but before going out, I still have one thing to give you." Baiye said, suddenly a branch appeared in his hand.

It's really a branch, dry, a tall branch, which seems to be broken off from a big tree. Xiao Guoguo looked puzzled, but still took it.

"What is this for?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Bai Ye laughed.

"What is the purpose of this thing, you will understand later." Bai Ye said, waving his hand, Xiao Guoguo only felt that his eyes were bright, and he couldn't bear it.

The rays of light are so dazzling, Xiao Guoguo closed his eyes and adjusted for a while before slowly opening them.

"Just let us out?" Lingshu also didn't expect it to be so easy.

Xiao Guoguo was also very surprised, and then when she looked up, she saw the big tree and the fruit on it.

"Did I remember wrong? Why did this big tree have fruit? It has only been fifteen years outside?" Lingshu asked, Xiao Guoguo took a serious look, Big Branch Yezhi In between, the huge white fruits seemed to be too big.

"No, it's not quite right." Xiao Guoguo suddenly thought of the fact that he had been trapped in the big egg for six hundred years.

"You came out? How fast." The tree finished speaking, yawned, and then sent the fruits down the vine.

Xiao Guoguo was stunned, but at this time, the tree had already gone, found a new peak, and buried the roots of the tree to sleep. For the past ten years, it was nothing more than a doze. It's going to sleep now, so sleepy.

"These... are my companions!" Xiao Guoguo said, gently touching the fruit, and then slowly and forcefully breaking it apart.

Sure enough, the shell broke all at once, and the first person to appear in front of her was Qingyun Daoist. Qingyun Daoist's face was very calm, as if he hadn't woken up yet. Xiao Guoguo was so pleasantly surprised that they were not even sent away!

"Sure enough, it was them!" Lingshu also without the slightest hesitation, smashing these fruits one by one, one by one, people crawled out of the fruit.

"Cough cough! What the hell happened!" Cui Sect Master looked at all around, they were still asleep at the beginning, but how did he feel that he was asleep over the years.

Looking at the juice on his body, it was slimy, Cui Sect Master flung his sleeves and saw Xiao Guoguo helping Wenwen up.

"Hey, Miss Xiao, you are out!"

Cui Sect Master is very pleasantly surprised, Xiao Guoguo has all come out. Although I don't understand why they appeared in this strange fruit. However, if Xiao Guoguo came out to rescue them, there would be no danger.

(End of this chapter)

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