
  Chapter 1214 Different Treatment

Dashu did not kill red-clothed men, but neither Believing what the other party said, Xiao Guoguo looked at it, but in fact he was very puzzled.

This man came to hunt for treasure, so how did he get through the first barrier? Including the golden retriever, including the black butterfly, how did they get in? Are they really looking for treasure?

And this big tree can see through people's hearts? What does the array in front of the door have to do with this big tree? Xiao Guoguo suddenly realized!

"I said, don't fight, I'm here for treasure hunting." The red-clothed man said so, and the tree shook his head.

"No, you are not looking for treasure, you don't tell the truth. You should be punished!" Dashu said so, and directly tied up the man.

It’s just that Qingyun Daoist and Wenwen were tied together and sat directly on the tree canopy. As for this red-clothed man, he was hanging.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." The distinction is still obvious. This

The man really did not come for treasure hunting! Otherwise, the tree would be so polite to him, or that the so-called mission would be just by the way!

"What about you?" The tree looked at the golden retriever, and the golden retriever's hair was about to stand up.

"I am here to protect people, to protect people who are important to me!" After Golden Retriever said this, the tree shook its branches twice, and then "touched" it with the branches on top of his head. Two clicks.

"You are kind-hearted, just sit here." After the big tree said this, the golden retriever was trapped in place by it. The huge roots wrapped the golden retriever in Up among them.

This makes Xiao Guoguo very uneasy. Although the Golden Retriever is okay now, it would be difficult for this big tree to turn his face!

And there are only three people left on the square now, one is Black Butterfly, the other is Black Butterfly's servant girl, and the other is Dark Nine.

"You, murderous aura is too heavy." The tree looked at An Jiu, and he was helpless when he said that he was Shadow Guard. Murderous aura is not heavy. .

"I don't like you." When the tree finished speaking, he grabbed An Jiu and threw it away.

Xiao Guoguo can see very clearly, the throw this time is much farther than throwing Cui Sect Master and compared to the black clothed dísciple! Is it really okay for the tree to be so capricious?

Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but complain, looking at the black butterfly, a little worried. For some reason, she just couldn't help but worry. She couldn't tell why this black butterfly came in, but just look at her. It's very calm.

"What are you doing?" Dashu's voice also changed. Before that, it was still serious, but now, it is a lot more kind.

"I'm looking for something." Black Butterfly is also very calm

"What are you looking for?" Dashu asked, very curious.

"Looking for An answer." Black Butterfly laughed, this smile is simply peerless grace and elegance.

"Then you go find it." The tree just gave way.

Everyone: "..." You big tree, don't you look at your face too! Why these three remaining are all good-looking! Bundled up... Of course, it's not that they don't look good.

The red-clothed man is very dissatisfied. How can this be treated differently? How many standards are there? Did it randomly decide how to treat them?

"As for you..." The big tree branch pointed to the hoarfrost behind the black butterfly, and did not speak for a long time.

Black Butterfly didn't know what was happening at this moment, and felt a crisis. This hasn't happened in a long time, she flew up to leave here. But it's too late.

No one thought that Heidi fell down suddenly, and at that moment the hoarfrost behind her appeared beside her like a ghost, lifting her from the ground.

Xiao Guoguo's breathing was tight, she didn't understand how this hoarfrost did it. And the big tree seemed to be very angry too. Unexpectedly, someone dared to do this in front of it.

"Don't move, or she'll be dead!" Hoarshuang said, a black breath constantly seeping through her body.

At this moment, everyone understood that this woman is a demonic cultivator. But how did she get in! Who is she?

However, Xiao Guoguo doesn't think so. This Hoarfrost is the woman who clashed with her last time. She was clearly a human cultivator at that time! Why suddenly became a demonic cultivator!

Sure enough, Xiao Guoguo's doubts were answered. The black demonic energy ran out of Baishuang's body madly, and Baishuang fell to the ground, fainting, which was obviously controlled.

"I really didn't expect, let you come in like this! But if you do this, the loss is not small." Dashu said this, obviously already understood what the other party used The method has been mixed with the previous array.

"In order to come in, I sacrificed my life! But I am not without gain. This woman is now connected to my life. I am dead, so don't even want to live!"

When the man said so, everyone saw that Black Butterfly seemed to have lost control of his body and was slowly lifted up. She is a high level cultivator, obviously the cultivation base is the highest among them, but she never thought that she would have no counterattack now.

"Interesting, you hid your Divine Soul in that woman's Sea of ​​Consciousness. Now, you control this one again? But, where does your body exist? "The tree asked, and the branches trembled twice, as if very happy.

After the big tree said that, the demonic cultivator seemed to feel that something was wrong. The big tree didn't mean to be threatened at all.

"I advise you not to act rashly, or I will really kill her!" The man said so, and the tree smiled.

"I guessed it, you hid your body in the woman's storage bag! You are quite clever, how did I didn't expect this method in the first place."


The tree started talking to himself, and everyone looked at it and felt their hearts tighten. In the current situation, they are really helpless, they can only hope that the tree has a solution.

"You're really not afraid that I will kill her!" The man asked, and everyone saw a very painful expression on Black Butterfly's face. Obviously, the opponent's Divine Soul had a great influence on the black butterfly.

Xiao Guoguo took a small step forward unconsciously, but she was very worried about Black Butterfly. Could it be that when dealing with the bone turtle just now, the other party had also defended himself.

Such kindness is indeed to be repaid. Xiao Guoguo thought, maybe he could enter Black Butterfly's Divine Soul to attack that demonic cultivator.

But, look at Chi Xuan, Xiao Guoguo doesn't think Chi Xuan will let her do this, she promised it the last time she dealt with that idle Old Yun ancestor. Easily attack directly without Divine Soul.

"You really underestimated me, your little tricks are simply embarrassing."

As the tree said so, a rays of light enveloped the demonic cultivator. By his side, the demonic cultivator suddenly panicked, and he felt as if he had disconnected from Divine Soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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