
  Chapter 1207 Crazy

The third time the sword qi is released, Xiao Guoguo sees everyone being killed It's plugged in. At this time, those sword qi finally had an effect, and the hard bones began to break apart this time.

Although the scope of fragmentation is not large enough, Xiao Guoguo can't take care of it now, as long as there is a chance! I really didn't expect to run into such difficult bones.

The sword intents of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan swiftly impacted the broken tooth, one after another huge sharp tooth fell.

The bone tortoise seemed to realize what was wrong, and shook his huge head, as if something had fallen?

Looking at it this way, isn’t it the broken teeth stuck in the ground?

It was defeated by a group of human cultivators? This is a bit too much!

Shocked by the tortoise, other skeletons and monster beast bone racks did not dare to come over. Looking at the three-meter-high teeth on the ground, they slowly backed away. This is too terrifying!

The bone tortoise was obviously very angry. It didn't even think, so it clenched several people in its paws and smashed it down on the ground.

The claws of this bone tortoise are enough for everyone to bear. It clenched and came up to the ground. The consequences can be imagined. Xiao Guoguo couldn't watch this group of people die, punch after punch on the paw, the whole hand was bloody, and the bone turtle's paw was considered to be cracked.

"Boss!" Wenwen read it, very worried, and fiercely beat the claws of the tortoise.

Wenwen's strength is about the same as Xiao Guoguo, both of them are like this, after all, they shook the claw out of a crack.

Everyone slammed into the ground, and their protective magic weapons were completely abolished. And they are cultivators, and their defenses are not high enough. Except for Xiao Guoguo, Chi Xuan, and Wenwen, the others vomited blood, and the golden retriever and the sword cultivator man were no exception.

Their defense is not high enough, so being grabbed by the bone tortoise and hitting the ground directly seems to have no resistance.

The bone tortoise is very angry. Its bone frame has been preserved for so many years and is so hard. Is it easy? Where did this bastard come from, dare to knock out his teeth!

This is good, the installation won’t go back, it’s too much loss! The tortoise did not notice, two of its claws were also broken, and Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen had run out.

Black Butterfly looked at Xiao Guoguo and flew to her and Wenwen's side.

She is very angry, these two people are just a mess. They are more dangerous here than in the claws!

The bone tortoise seemed to be able to see them. He looked at the person in his hand, and then at Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen in the air. When he became angry, he threw the person in his hand fiercely into the group of skeletons.

Xiao Guoguo's face turned pale when he saw it, and he wanted to find Chi Xuan, but found that the bone turtle's attack had arrived.

"Be careful!" Heidi turned around, blocking Xiao Guoguo behind her, and the magic weapon in her hand attacked the bone turtle's paws.

Xiao Guoguo knows that the black butterfly has a high cultivation base, but it is estimated that the high cultivation base can't beat this bone turtle. Even more how, this guy died once, he died, and no one was afraid.


Although the black butterfly carried the claw of the tortoise, it was injured in the end. When speaking, the corner of his mouth was bloody, which was very difficult.

"Why." Xiao Guoguo asked silently, why did you save her?

"get lost! Don't trouble me!" Black Butterfly yelled, Xiao Guoguo smiled, and turned towards Bone Turtle's mouth and flew over.

"You are crazy!" Heidi never thought that Xiao Guoguo would be so, so crazy.

Xiao Guoguo knew that at this time, they had no retreat. No one wants to work hard, but when it comes time to work hard, it really depends on whose good luck is.

Everyone is trapped here. At this time, if you want to pass the level, unless...someone comes to rescue them!

Xiao Guoguo shook the ridiculous idea in his mind, no one came to save them, they could only save themselves. And they are all trapped in the skeleton group, only her, there is still some hope.

She doesn't want Wenwen and Golden Retriever to be injured, let alone... Chi Xuan is injured. None of them can do anything!

Xiao Guoguo holds Yinshuang in her hand. Every time the murderous intention strikes, she always wants to hold Yinshuang as if she can get support. Yinshuang, don't let her down this time.

'Master, in the skulls of these skeletons, there is a monster beast inner core. 'Mo Yu's voice came, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, what!

They have become skeletons, and there are inner cores in the bones! Is this why they survived!

'The entrance is in the eyes, and the flame in the eyes protects the inner core! 'Mo Yu said so, Xiao Guoguo turned to avoid the bone turtle's claws.

Now the tortoise is somewhat square, because of Xiao Guoguo's toughness, because of the madness of Black Butterfly. Black Butterfly is now frantically attacking it, making it unable to move Xiao Guoguo.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo is not only followed by a text, but also a black butterfly.

They seemed to be worried about her, following Xiao Guoguo behind, protecting her. Several attacks by the tortoise were blocked by them.

"Come back! Don't mess around!" Black Butterfly shouted hoarsely.

And Xiao Han and Chi Xuan in the distance also rose quickly. They didn't care about the monster beast bones in the air, and cut them off one by one. They have to save Xiao Guoguo, why is she so crazy and so bold.

Chi Xuan's mouth was pressed fiercely, and Xiao Qi appeared behind him in an instant. Xiao Qi appeared in his body. At this moment, he grabbed Chi Xuan's body with his huge claws and threw it fiercely.

Everyone saw that Chi Xuan flew like a cannonball. The speed was so fast that it surpassed everyone and reached behind Xiao Guoguo.

"Stop!" Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo's back stiffened. However, she still did not stop, nor looked back.

Chi Xuan's Qi liver hurts. He stepped on Wenwen's shoulder and flew out, following Xiao Guoguo's back and entering the bone turtle's eye socket.

Wenwen: "..." When did Chi Xuan become so smart!

And the bone turtle seemed to feel the threat, and the flames in his eyes burned fiercely, trying to burn all the creatures that entered its eye sockets into dust.

At this moment, not only Wenwen, but also Black Butterfly was forced to retreat!

The red flame is really terrifying, but Black Butterfly just extended the hand and got burned, leaving an ugly scar on the whole hand.

But, even so, Wenwen and Black Butterfly still have to rush inside, but the tortoise turned around fiercely and started to run frantically.

It seems to have been hurt by something, going crazy, going crazy, and constantly hitting the surroundings. It also destroyed the skeletons and monster beast bones on its side, I don't know how much.

Everyone is stunned, what is going on! Why did this bone turtle suddenly become like this? How about Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, how are they two?

Seeing the crazy bone tortoise stepped down, the monster beast's bones shattered to the ground, and everyone looked confused.

And Xiao Han clenched his fists, he was very worried about Xiao Guoguo. Wenwen and Golden Retriever are even more icy, the boss is really crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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