
  Chapter 1188 is unclear.

"You can’t ruin my reputation, I’m not just Robber! You give me the scattered things found in Secret Realm, and I will give you the Spirit Stone."

As Qingyun daoist said, he actually gave the man a bag of Spirit Stone. The male dísciple is stupid, it seems that it is not a robbery.

"Don't go there anymore, you are fighting in a group fight, and you are also filling your life when you look back, or go with me." Qingyun daoist said kindly again, and the opposite man was grateful.

"Thank you daoist!" This Pure Feather Sect's dísciple has been in the ruins for almost a month, and he has never seen his own people. All he saw along the way were all kinds of fights. Now I finally see When it comes to hope, it will naturally not refuse.

Xiao Guoguo took a look and didn't say anything. On the way, they picked up a lot of sect people. For example, Ling Cloud Sect's dísciple, Clear Sky Sect's dísciple, Tang Family dísciple, as long as they are not hostile to Sect Disciple, they are all picked up. And encounter the hostile Sect Disciple......

"Robbery!" Qingyun daoist looked at the opposite show Water Sect dísciple and said.

Show Water Sect dísciple: "..." I'll go!

Tang Family dísciple: "..." Hey? Why is this routine different?

Xiao Guoguo covers his face, forget it, anyway, it's also an enemy, anyway, she is not alone in losing her face, in this manner!

Therefore, as long as it is one's own person, it is changed, and if it is someone from other Sects, it is directly robbed.

Now there are more than 20 people behind them, and their cultivation base is not low. If such a group of people go out, I’ll ask you, are you afraid?

Along the way, Qingyun Daoist also felt like he was the king of the mountain. It's just that the younger brothers of the various sects that I have collected, don't worry about finding a reliable person for them to take him, so I can only bring them by themselves.

Until one day, Qingyun daoist saw Hongyun daoist. Qingyun Daoist hesitated, should this one rob or exchange resources.

"Green Junior Brother Yun! You are really very good!" Hong Yun daoist looked surprised, and she was also followed by two daoists, it was Wunian Old Ancestor Direct Disciple.

"Old Yun Zu? dísciple has seen Martial Uncle." Hong Yun Daoist said so, lifts the head to look at the tied Old Yun Zu. She looked surprised and hurriedly moved back. After flying dozens of meters, Xiao Guoguo looked at them with shock.

"Qingyun, you're crazy! You actually combined with outsiders to ruin the Old Ancestor of this sect!" said Hongyun daoist, and took out the magic weapon.

Qingyun daoist: "..." This reaction is too slow, too slow, just see it now?

Xiao Guoguo looked at Qingyun daoist, and sure enough, a trace of embarrassment flashed on the face of this guy, and opened his mouth, he didn't know how to explain it.

"Hongyun daoist is not like that, you have to listen to me explain." Qingyun daoist is thinking about how to explain, so as not to hurt Sect's face, and let Hongyun daoist listen to it clearly.

"I don't listen! You traitor! Pooh!" Hongyun Daoist said so, fiercely took a sip.

Xiao Guoguo took it. This is a very honest and loyal Ling Cloud Sect dísciple. He really loves his sect! Looking at the situation in front of me, there is no meaning to betray at all.

"Senior Sister, you really misunderstood!" Qingyun daoist said weakly, but Wenwen was not wordy, and directly grabbed the crazy daoist behind him, and he used force. Threw it over.

When Hongyun daoist saw Wenwen grabbed who and threw it over, he hesitated in his heart, do you want to kill it?

And the two daoists who followed Hongyun daoist looked at the situation in front of them very worriedly. If Xian Old Yun's ancestors are arrested, do they have any way to survive?

"Who is this?" Hongyun daoist looked at the other side, but didn't know him.

"Qinghong daoist, your Junior Sister."

Wenwen said so, Hongyun daoist ignored anything else, and quickly came to Qinghong daoist. Hongyun Daoist couldn't recognize the old look of Qinghong Daoist, and couldn't believe it.

"no! This is not my Junior Sister, you lie to me!" Hongyun daoist shouted, Wenwen threw a jade pendant in his hand again, it was the dísciple identity order of Qinghong daoist Card.

"This, how is this possible!"

Hongyun daoist couldn't believe it, but she had to believe it when she looked at the Old Lady who was not crying or smiling in front of her. It was a familiar feeling, after all, they were apprentice sisters for many years.

"Why did she do this? Did you do it!" Hong Yun daoist gritted his teeth bitterly, and Wenwen rolled the eyes.

"Senior Sister. Did you forget that Qinghong Daoist became a demonic cultivator? This time it was her sneak attack on us, and we abolished the cultivation base and became like this!"

Qingyun daoist said so, Hongyun daoist was awakened suddenly, yes, this Junior Sister is now a demonic cultivator. If so, then, Old Yun ancestor...

At this time, Hongyun daoist can be regarded as seeing something wrong. Xian Old Yun Zu didn't even look at her from start to finish, didn't say anything, and didn't ask for help, as if he didn't want to talk to her!

Xian Old Yun ancestor, how can you be with Qinghong Junior Sister? Xiaohong Junior Sister was taken away by a demonic cultivator!

Hongyun daoist only feels that the sky is spinning, and then look at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. At this moment, Xiao Guoguo is leaning against the big tree, looking very boring, while Chi Xuan is taking her fruit out to eat...They obviously don't want to care about Ling Cloud Sect.

"Senior Sister, with our cultivation base, it doesn't take much effort to kill the three of you, so why lie to you." Wenwen coldly said, the magic weapon in the hands of Hongyun Daoist was let go weakly.

"Hehe, yeah, with your abilities, if you want to kill us, if you reach out to pick vegetables and pick melons, why bother so hard!"

Hong Yun Daoist said, slow Slowly put away the magic weapon, his body could hardly be supported, and I felt sad for myself and sect.

Have they all been deceived for so many years? What is true and what is false? The Master really abandoned them, so what about the ancestor of Old Yun, why is it like this?

"Senior Sister doesn't have to be like that! The only people who can rely on in this world are you. Master Ling Old Yun will naturally worry about these troubles. You only need to know who you are."

Wenwen’s voice came, and Hong Yun daoist looked up. At this moment, she could see this Little Junior Sister. It turns out that the real open-mindedness of the senior and junior brothers is the youngest one who entered the sect latest.

At this moment, Wenwen's words flowed into her heart slowly, like a stream of clear water, Hong Yun daoist heart startled, she almost got a chance by Heart Demon, and took advantage of the loophole.

"Thanks Junior Sister Xie for your advice!" Hong Yun daoist looked grateful. If Heart Demon is really allowed to appear and take root, it will be difficult to ascend in the future.

She has been trapped in this ascension period for two hundred years now. If there is no breakthrough, I am afraid that time is running out.

And this time, Wenwen’s reminder makes Hongyun daoist look like enlightenment. Not only was it against Heart Demon, but it also vaguely meant to break through small realm.

(End of this chapter)

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