
  Chapter 1185 Interrogation

Xian Old Yun Zu saw his storage bag taken away, struggling Struggling, it's like getting the storage bag back.

However, Xiao Han is not a good-tempered person. Seeing Xian Old Yun's ancestor like this, he just punched it out, and Xian Old Yun's ancestor immediately became honest.

When life is threatened, other things are less important.

Xiao Guoguo searched for a while, but couldn't find the token and the fragments. He couldn't help but doubt, is there no fragments on the ancestor of Old Yun?

No! impossible! If so, there is simply no way to explain the map on Qinghong Daoist, and that map is the proof.

It is only now that Xiao Guoguo connects everything together. Whether it is the mysterious six-finger person or the idle Old Yun ancestor, they all have some things in common.

Hide your identity and find treasure in this ruin. There is a map on your body, besides, there are fragments of tokens and clan emblems!

It can also be understood that people who have maps on their bodies should have tokens and fragments. Those who have tokens should have maps, they are all the same.

Although their identities may be different, and even compete with each other, one thing is certain, their goals should be the same.

Xiao Guoguo thinks about Lingjia, thinking about the uniqueness of Lingjia, and I feel that this is definitely not that simple. And there must be something unusual about this ruin.

Just when Xiao Guoguo was at a loss, Mo Yu suddenly walked out, stopped in front of a magic weapon, and smelled it carefully.

Xiao Guoguo's eyes lit up as soon as he saw it. He quickly walked to the side of the magic weapon, picked it up and took a closer look. It was a fan and I didn't know what material it was made of.

The moment Xiao Guoguo picked up the metal fan, Old Yun's ancestor's breath was choked.

Xiao Guoguo has been quietly paying attention to the reaction of Xian Old Yun's ancestor. Seeing him like this, he naturally felt that he could not be wrong. The spiritual power was violently integrated into the fan, and suddenly, the fragments were shaken to the ground.

"This magic weapon is so not strong?" Yang Mu asked curiously, and saw Xiao Guoguo picking up two of the fragments, as well as a simple token.

Everyone: "..." So there is such a hiding thing! It's hidden deep enough!

"These things don't belong to you!" Xian Old Yunzu shouted, with angry rays of light in his eyes, which made Xiao Guoguo look at him.

She looked at Xian Old Yunzu and smiled, then walked over, lifted the person up, and walked away.

"Younger sister, be careful, his cultivation base has not been completely abolished!" Xiao Han yelled uneasy, but Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

What is she afraid of, there is Mo Yu by her side, and, for some things, she needs to ask this senior well.

The ancestor of Xian Old Yun really didn't expect that Xiao Guoguo would do this and just take him away. Although his cultivation base has fallen severely now, is it a fairy, this little cultivator, isn't it scary at all?

"Under normal circumstances, I am very reasonable, as long as you are willing to tell the token and fragments, I will not kill you." Xiao Guoguo asked, it was straight to the point. He didn't hesitate at all, there was no point of nonsense.

"Hehe, what do you want to know? What do you think you know? This is just an ordinary token, and the fragment is not worth mentioning!"

Leisure Old Yun Zu said that, Xiao Guoguo shook his head, clenched his fist, and punched Old Yun Zu's belly.

This fist goes down, and Old Yun Zu Xian vomits out. He thought that Xiao Han's fists were strong enough, but now he knew that he was wrong.

"I said, generally speaking, I am a reasonable person! Why are you forcing me to use martial power?" After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, he punched Old Yun ancestor in the stomach again. superior.

"Oh... don't, hit it." Xian Old Yun's ancestor clutched his stomach at the moment, and can't get up anymore. Only now is he truly comprehending the power of the sword cultivator...No, it's more powerful than The sword cultivator is also powerful.

"What do you want to know?" Xian Old Yun asked laboriously. He felt that if he didn't say it, he might really die here today!

"Tell me, who gave you this token." Xiao Guoguo asked, Old Yun ancestor Xian's expression with a hint of hesitation, but looking at Xiao Guoguo's fist, he was still convinced.

He is a cultivator, and his defensive ability is not good, so naturally he can't hold Xiao Guoguo's fist.

"That is a mysterious organization. Some people call it Dark Night Pavilion! This token is the Dark Night Pavilion mission token. After receiving the task, they will release the task to us and give us certain props. That is, magic weapons and medicine pill. As long as we bring the task item back, there will be rich rewards!"

Xian Old Yun thinks these things can also be said, this is a secret for ordinary people, but for some experts In other words, everyone knows it.

"Your mission is to enter the ruins and find these fragments?" Xiao Guoguo asked, pointing to the fragments in his hands. Old Yun ancestor Xian had a bad face, but he was still nodded.

"Yes, this is it!"

"What kind of reward can I get when I find this piece? How many Spirit Stones?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, as if he was very curious. of.

"Hehe, do you want to know what this does? Do you still want to take the task?" Xian Old Yun Zu said mockingly. This Dark Night Pavilion release task is also selected, she is a Divine Transformation Stage, don't think about it.

"This token is your task, then, if you die, can someone else hand over this task?" Xiao Guoguo asked directly, Xian Old Yun ancestor was stunned, could she? Is making this plan! Want to kill him, give him a task instead!

"Don't be delusional! Dark Night Pavilion will not believe you, and these fragments are not what you can find!" Xian Old Yun Zu said, Xiao Guoguo moved his left hand from his own space Two pieces were taken out.

"You... this is impossible! Where did you get it from!"

Xian Old Yun was very shocked. These two pieces of himself, but only after entering here twice found. This girl, at such a young age, it is impossible to find two pieces so quickly!

"I picked it up, accidentally...hehe, didn't expect, I was lucky."

Xiao Guoguo said so and put the four pieces away. Xian Old Yun feels very depressed, is it really a good-looking person, will he have better luck?

"Now you can tell me? This is okay to take your token to hand in the task?" Xiao Guoguo asked again, then Xian Old Yun ancestor turned his head and said nothing.

However, looking at Xian Old Yun ancestors like this, Xiao Guoguo has basically determined that this dark night pavilion must only recognize tokens but not people, otherwise this Old Ancestor would not be like this .

"Thank you for your contribution, I will exchange the reward back." After Xiao Guoguo said this, Xian Old Yun ancestor broke out completely.

"Who wants you to thank you! You have the ability to return that fragment to me!" Xian Old Yun ancestor angry roar, and then watched Mo Yu fiercely walked over, a rays of light, shot Entered into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Old Yun ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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