
  Chapter 1175 Call for Help

"I said, what is good about that scumbag ? It's also worth your revenge for him "Wen Wen couldn't help but said, the woman turned her head and looked at Wen Wen fiercely.

"You admit that you killed him! You admit it!" the woman shouted, and Wenwen smiled.

"I did kill a daoist, but I'm not sure if it was the person you were talking about." Wenwen said, everyone calmed down, why is this woman all like this now? Are you crazy?

Now in front of others, I dare to admit that they killed the daoist. They all quietly killed them and refused to admit it. Why don't you follow the routine!

Now, let alone the woman who is crazy, even Liu Daoist of Thousand Mountain Sect has to stand up. If you don't say a word at this time, you will be spine-stabbed when you go back!

"You killed my daoist of Thousand Mountain Sect!" Liu Daoist asked, Wen Wen nodded.

"He claims to be a Thousand Mountain Sect person, he is a killer to me, I naturally can't sit and wait for death. The cultivator is a fist. It's just whether he is from your Thousand Mountain Sect, and whether he is pretending to be? I don't know."

Wenwen's answer made Liu Daoist's mouth open. Then did you kill it or didn't you kill it!

"That's her! Senior Brother was the one who killed Junior Brother! You have to take revenge from Master! Otherwise, Master, you can't explain it!"

The female daoist said so , Liu Daoist looked helpless, why didn't he know that this Junior Brother was Master's lover, otherwise he would not speak.

Now, the situation is a bit complicated, he has to think about it, should he fight or not?

"Can you fight or not? If you don't fight, let the way go. We still have things to do." Wenwen asked, clearly provoking.

She hid for three days, feeling aggrieved in her heart. Now that their people have arrived, wouldn't it be a great loss if they didn't take this group of people?

In fact, Wenwen's thoughts are also Xiao Guoguo's thoughts. Being so bullied by others, I can't let them leave like this. It’s just that Xiao Guoguo plots against now, which ones can kill and which ones can’t!

"I want your life!" But before Liu Daoist wanted to understand, the female cultivator rushed over and fought with Wenwen, and the flames of war were ignited all of a sudden.

Everyone saw that it was impossible not to fight, and they looked for their own opponents.

And Liu Daoist of Thousand Mountain Sect regretted his death. Why can't he think about it for a while, with such a Junior Sister, it's just going to cheat him.

Xiao Guoguo saw that these daoists chose their opponents only after measuring their own strength, and neither the daoist of the Water Sect show nor the Li daoist of the Flying Immortal Sect moved.

They don't want to be led by the nose of this Thousand Mountain Sect, nor do they want to fight with the same sect. They thought that as long as they did not move, Su Tuo daoist and Chi Xuan would not move, and they could also explain the past.

However, it turns out that they think too much.

Although the two of them didn't move, Sutuo Daoist and Chi Xuan moved! They directly joined forces to deal with the cultivator of the Integration Stage.

"Sutuo daoist, everyone is the same sect, why bother! Let's not mix in these grudges?" The daoist who showed Water Sect shouted, but Sutuo turned a deaf ear.

"Chi Xuan, don't be confused! You are causing trouble for yourself and sect!" Li Daoist was also persuading him, but Chi Xuan never said anything.

In this way, the people of Thousand Mountain Sect can't hold it anymore. They were evenly matched, but now they are falling to one side. Wouldn't they be very disadvantaged!

"What are you two doing! Do you want to court death? Don't hurry up!" Thousand Mountain Sect Liu Daoist shouted, but the two hesitated after all.

Actually, they don't want to follow Thousand Mountain Sect, they just got caught. There are so many people in the family, so they have to do it in order to survive. But now, seeing hope, how could they be willing to blend in.

Everyone didn't expect these two people to turn around. Not only did they not help, but they also backed up one after another, as if you hit you, and we left first.

The three daoists of Thousand Mountain Sect are dumbfounded, but now there is no way out, they have already started.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!" Liu Daoist of Thousand Mountain Sect hurriedly shouted, but no one paid any attention.

"Stop fighting, we surrendered!" Another daoist also shouted, but no one answered. At this moment, the situation became bad.

Then Liu Daoist of Thousand Mountain Sect saw this, gritted his teeth, slammed something out of his storage bag, and threw it into the air.

Xiao Guoguo's expression tightened, she knew that no matter what the thing was, she couldn't let it appear in the air! So, a spiritual power shot over quickly, to smash the thing down.

But Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, this thing actually emitted dazzling rays of light, and the moment it fell, the rays of light had already shot out towards all directions.

Everyone understands that this is Thousand Mountain Sect's means of calling for help, but they did not expect that they have become so shrewd.

Xiao Guoguo saw this situation and quickly reached Wenwen's side. At this time, the female disciple of Thousand Mountain Sect was caught by Wenwen. After all, Wenwen had a ferret next to him, and she was a body cultivator. When this woman encountered Wenwen, she was unilaterally abused!

"Stun them!" Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen did not hesitate, and hit the woman's stomach with a fist. The huge pain shocked the woman's mind, her eyes turned black and she fainted.

And Chi Xuan and Qingyun daoist cooperated without any hesitation. In just a few breaths, Liu daoist of Thousand Mountain Sect fainted.

"You can't run! You can't run!" The remaining daoist shouted, his side dísciple had fainted, and he was the only one left.

Na Sutuo daoist and Dunshan daoist teamed up, and they didn't talk nonsense with him at all. The two directly released a big move, and the last daoist couldn't hold it!

"Take the three of them, let's run!" Xiao Guoguo finished saying this, and threw a green bottle on the ground. The cultivator who had fainted shook slightly. , And it's even more motionless.

"Boss, what is that?" Yang Mu asked curiously.

"Medicated." She was afraid that they would not be completely dizzy.

She doesn't know the other party will attract who, and she doesn't know how many people will come. But that doesn't matter, what's important is that they will run away soon.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan entire group without the slightest hesitation ran away. Xiao Guoguo guessed that the distress signal released by a daoist of the other party, most of the people who came to aid were immortals.

Moreover, the dísciple of Thousand Mountain Sect can't make it happen when you see the signal, so they have to run first to avoid becoming passive.

And Xiao Guoguo yelled out fatty. Fatty trembles with beautiful feathers, and his face is arrogant.

"Master, what's your order?"

"Take these three people and follow us."

Xiao Guoguo In a word, fatty is depressed, why It finally came out once, and was responsible for carrying these strange people on its back!

(End of this chapter)

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