
  Chapter 1171 Change medicine ingredient

Xiao Guoguo walked over and took a look at these two medicine ingredients. His eyes moved. The spiritual power radiated from the medicine ingredient is exactly what is radiated from the two red silk spiders. In other words, these two monster beasts are likely to eat these fruits to enhance the cultivation base.

Xiao Guoguo cautiously collected two medicine ingredients and planted the beads in the artificial space. No matter what medicine ingredient is, Xiao Guoguo will not let it go now, maybe it will be used anytime.

And there are beads, so she doesn't need to bother to plant medicine ingredient. In this way, the medicine ingredient reserve in the space will only become more abundant, and there will be more and more refined medicine pills.

"I think you are a Water Spiritual Root, I have a magic weapon that is suitable for Water Spiritual Root." Xiao Guoguo said, directly took out a magic weapon, it was collected over the years of.

That poplar didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo would be a magic weapon. The magic weapon is a whip, but it suits him. And, more importantly, the level of this magic weapon is much higher than the dagger in his hand.

"This is too expensive, isn't it?" Yang Mu took the blue whip and didn't know what to do! He was reluctant to give up, but, holding it like this, it feels hot again! The value of this magic weapon is not low!

"Take it, if you feel uncomfortable, cook more delicious food, and help me find some medicine ingredient." Xiao Guoguo said, laughed, and continued to walk outside.

And Na Su Tuo daoist looked very envious, if he read it right, the whip held in this man's hand should be suitable for soaring daoist.

Such a magic weapon, just give it away, what kind of strange woman is this? You can't be so prodigal without bad money.

"Okay, I must cook well, lead the way well, and find treasure well!" Yang Mu's expression was touched, and Su Tuo Daoist became more speechless. This person is obviously a smasher , It turned out to be better than his own treatment.

"As for you..." Xiao Guoguo looked at Su Tuo Daoist, thinking what to do.

"I don't want a magic weapon. You can let me rest for a while. My injury is a bit serious." Su Tuo daoist hurriedly swallowed the healing medicine pill for himself.

"Do you have bone renewal pill and Pulse Condensation pill?" Xiao Guoguo asked about bone renewal and meridian medicine pill, Su Tuo daoist hurriedly nodded, he has some, some.

"I know it's dangerous, and all the medicine pill is life-saving!" Su Tuo daoist replied, and Xiao Guoguo put his hand down, and she saved her own medicine pill.

"I will give you two hours, and then we will hurry." Xiao Guoguo put the salamander away after saying this, leaving only Wangcai.

"Boss, I actually have a question I've always wanted to ask." Yang Mu looked at Xiao Guoguo and asked hesitantly.

"You ask."

"The two red silk spiders, why don't you accept them as Spirit Beast? Then your battle strength will be stronger." Yang Mu Asked, looking puzzled.

"Accept it, being a Spirit Beast?" Xiao Guoguo refused, she didn't want to bring two such terrifying spiders by her side.

Moreover, the murderous auras on these two monster beasts are too heavy. They are full of killing intents from start to finish, and they are irrational. They don't know how to run until they are beaten to death.

Such a Spirit Beast is subdued, and I have to worry about being backlashed at any time, which is not cost-effective.

Moreover, Wangcai and the others are already at Level 13. Equivalent to Integration Stage’s cultivation base, as long as they swallow a high level monster beast’s inner core, they will soon be able to break through and reach the soaring stage.

Of course, the Spirit Beast that I cultivated is more intimate. It is more cost-effective for her to kill these monster beasts and obtain the monster beast inner core.

"I don't like it, because it looks too ugly." Xiao Guoguo said, ending the conversation.

Yang Mu is stupid, ugly, can this be the reason why you reject a high level Spirit Beast? If you don't want it, he wants it! He doesn't dislike ugliness!

However, Yang Mu has no face to say that you don’t want to give it to me. After all, a high level Spirit Beast can get a high level monster beast inner core and countless refining materials. A lot of money.

A lot of money. I wonder if the Spirit Stone on his body is enough to buy one? If the boss has something to look down on behind the monster beast, can he buy it?

Yang Mu moved this mind and worked harder, hoping to leave a good impression on Xiao Guoguo.

And Na Sutuo Daoist, who originally wanted to perform well, was robbed of all the opportunities by this poplar. He was very helpless. Fortunately, Xiao Guoguo didn't make it difficult for him.

Now the group of three of them, with a prosperous wealth, has become a large scale, and most people don't dare provoke when they see it. It was just that, Su Tuo daoist also had to admire Xiao Guoguo's insidiousness. That salamander was the most powerful Spirit Beast, but she refused to bring it out, obviously trying to hide their true strength.

Moreover, this Xiao Guoguo looks like a Divine Transformation Stage. In fact, it’s easy to fight the ascension stage, which is tantamount to the deepest deception! No wonder I will be unlucky, such a combination, everyone will be unlucky.

And Xiao Guoguo also knows that this Sutuo daoist turned out to be Water Sect dísciple, speaking of which, all acquaintances. Only now, none of them knows the details of Xiao Guoguo.

And Xiao Guoguo along the way, in addition to looking for the nest of the monster beast, is collecting medicine ingredients, like a hardworking little bee. Every time I see Xiao Guoguo go to collect medicine ingredients, Su Tuo daoist will be confused, a good sword cultivator, why is it still a Pill Refinement Master!

However, he did not dare to doubt this. After all, Xiao Guoguo was really familiar with medicine ingredient. She could tell most of the medicine ingredient here, and the remaining half... …Sutuo daoist thinks that Xiao Guoguo might not know him because he is not good at learning skills.

However, they don't know how excited Xiao Guoguo is, how happy it is, because although there are few medicine ingredients here, she found a few plants, all of which appeared in the medicine pill recipe of Lingjia.

The Pill Recipe of Lingjia is old, and many medicine ingredients are nowhere to be found. However, this relic is also very old, didn't expect, there is actually the medicine ingredient she needs here.

It’s just that there are too few medicine ingredients here. Xiao Guoguo has maximized his Divine Consciousness, and has not found much. It may be because the environment was destroyed too much during the fight, and the medicine ingredient did not have the conditions for growth.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo thinks that finding a storage bag and finding the medicine ingredient seeds in the storage bag is a more reliable way!

So, starting from that day, Xiao Guoguo looked for monster beast caves and medicine ingredient, while looking for cultivators that appeared around him.

The three of them stood there and brought a monster beast. In fact, it was very shocking, especially now that the ruins have only been opened for five days, and there are not many people forming the team.

And Xiao Guoguo their three people has a soaring period, which is scary enough to give them an absolute right to speak.

"You guys. What are you going to do?" said a female cultivator, clutching her chest.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Your action is a bit misleading, we just want to change some resources normally.

(End of this chapter)

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