
  Chapter 1169, the subordinate

Xiao Guoguo understands that she is now following the red silk spider is a dead enemy, this red The silk spider must fight to the death with them, and this man, as long as he waits patiently, there will always be a result.

Regardless of whether they won or Starscream won, when the time comes, if both sides suffer, he will be able to reap the rewards. Only now, watching them gain the upper hand, the man is anxious, he wants to help Starscream keep his balance.

It’s just that Xiao Guoguo coldly smiled, what he thinks is too simple! Then let him see if he can get this cheap!

Xiao Guoguo waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword light directly crushed all the boulders that fell on it, without hurting the salamander.

The man was very surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be so powerful. Obviously she seems to be just a Divine Transformation Stage cultivator.

When the man saw this, he did not entangle with the salamander, but turned his head and attacked Xiao Guoguo. He didn't believe that, relying on his own cultivation base, he could not destroy a Divine Transformation Stage cultivator.

"Why should Fellow Daoist be like this? Isn't it good for us to join forces?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile, without any sincerity.

"Kill you, wouldn't it be better for me to swallow it?" The man replied, attacking very fiercely, and the earth and rocks were rolling in, as if to bury Xiao Guoguo in it.

"It seems that we can only be mortal enemies." Xiao Guoguo said, the long sword in his hand danced, and the bronze sword intent appeared.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, he understood why Xiao Guoguo was so great. She turned out to be a sword cultivator, and she already had a bronze sword intent!

"You are really amazing, it seems I can't spare you today. Otherwise, you will grow into a big threat in the future!" The man said, the attack became more fierce, and Xiao Guoguo didn't care.

Now that her Body Refinement Technique has reached Level 8, her ascension attack can't help her at all! Besides, she was able to get into the slightest, and even more so, she could see the man's attack clearly and dodge the past.

Xiao Guoguo's performance made the man very frightened, but no matter how he attacked, he never hurt this woman. She seemed to be able to see through his attacks, and accurately avoided every fatal injury!

It was luck that she actually hit her with a stone, and this woman seemed to be okay, she didn't mean to be injured at all!

"You, how did you do this! This is impossible!" The man couldn't believe it. He attacked one hour continuously, all of which were tactics of group attacks, and the opponent was still safe.

But now his spiritual power is seriously depleted, and his continuous spell attacks have severely overdrawn his spiritual power.

"Tell you, under the fairy, there is no attack that I can't hold, no cultivator that I can't survive!" Xiao Guoguo said, another spiritual power ball was thrown over, this spiritual power The man in the three colors of the ball didn't dare to follow it, so he could fly to avoid it.

At this time, he finally understood that things were not good. Maybe he didn't know what special skills this woman had, and he felt a huge threat, even more terrifying than when he was fighting Starscream before.

Therefore, the man turned around and ran away without saying a word. He would rather not want the treasure here than to die here!

But, he forgot, Xiao Guoguo would not let him leave like this.

Xiao Guoguo's sword qi formed a barrier, directly cutting off the way for the man to escape. And Xiao Guoguo himself rushed to in midair, punched and landed on the man's back. This is his weak spot, Xiao Guoguo caught it!

With a bang, the man directly hit the inner wall of the cave. The huge rocks fell piece by piece. Yang Mu felt pain when he looked at it, but the man could no longer move.

He felt that his skeleton and meridian were both terrifying hurt.

"Sure enough, the defense of the cultivator is scum!" Xiao Guoguo said, Yang Mu looked helpless, boss, you are also a cultivator!

Sure enough, the sword cultivator changes too. Not only does the attack become too much, but the defense becomes too much. This power also changes too!

The man couldn't understand how this woman managed to avoid all his attacks! Why did a fist almost kill him!

Seeing Xiao Guoguo walking step by step, the man regrets it in his heart. No matter how he didn't expect, this will be the result. I thought it was to reap the benefits of the fishermen, but now it seems that I really put myself to death!

"Why are you so powerful!" the man asked unwillingly.

"Because I am a sword cultivator, the sword cultivator is more powerful than the body cultivator. As long as my fist is close to you, one fist will determine the winner!" Xiao Guoguo said, clenching his fist , The man suddenly realized.

Yes, sword cultivator, terrifying existence in this cultivation world, all say that their strength and defense are the same as those of body cultivator. He had never believed in this, sneered at it, and never thought that he would personally learn it today.

In order to escape, he exposed his weakness just now, so that people seized the opportunity and couldn't get up with a punch.

"If you come here, you are not afraid that I will burst into death. Do you want you to be buried?" The man asked, and Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"My punch just now broke all of your meridian. Even if you have this determination, you can't do it." Xiao Guoguo's words made the man desperate. Sure enough, this woman was cunning and shrewd, simply cheating. But she.

"I can give you all the treasures on my body, I still have a lot of things hidden outside, as long as you spare my life, these things...are all yours!"

Although the man felt very distressed, he still insisted on saying that, he didn't want to die! Xiao Guoguo looked at him, as if thinking about whether this was a loss-making business.

"What do you think?" Xiao Guoguo turned to ask Yang Mu, Yang Mu was stupid.

Boss, the boss who framed his subordinates at this time is not a good boss. Asking him, doesn't it mean letting him decide the life and death of this person? An ascending daoist, looking at himself murderous-looking!

"I think it's better to kill, so as to avoid future troubles!" Yang Mu said, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"If you want to survive, you can, unless you are willing to become my slave." Xiao Guoguo said so, the man froze and became a slave? This is simply humiliation!

"No, absolutely impossible!" The man categorically refused.

"Oh, then you go to death." Xiao Guoguo said, raising the long sword in his hand, and then he saw the man kneeling on the ground with a thud.

"Master." The man didn't dare to hesitate any more. He wanted to test Xiao Guoguo's bottom line. How did you know that she simply didn't have a bottom line.

Yang Mu looked silly, too, is he so afraid of death during this ascension period? Anyway, it's also a cultivator in the ascension period. You should also struggle! Kneeling down so happy, what's the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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