
  Chapter 1153 Two- handed preparation

Arrange the medicine ingredients neatly and ignite the alchemic furnace, Xiao Guoguo’s heart Gradually relaxed. As a Pill Refinement Master, the most unacceptable thing is excessive tension.

It is very important to have a normal heart. Only when a realm of complete relaxation can be achieved, one can completely sink into the pill concocting. At this moment, there is nothing in Xiao Guoguo's mind, only pill concocting.

The red ruby ​​and heart fruit is refined into medicine ingredient juice. The green sapphire grass looks like a real jade stone, and the concentrated green juice is like a pure green gem.

In addition, there are two other medicine ingredients. Xiao Guoguo handles each of them very carefully. She can't make any mistakes or sloppy.

As the temperature rises, the juice of the medicine ingredient begins to continue to merge. Although it almost failed twice, Xiao Guoguo pulling strongly against a crazy tide. In the end, the four juices merged into one, and gradually began to solidify. This looked very good, and the situation was very gratifying.

So a quarter of an hour passed, and two quarters of an hour passed. When Xiao Guoguo saw the white medicine pill gradually appear, he hurriedly dropped a few drops of spiritual spring water in that space, white The light blue pattern appears on the medicine pill, which is very beautiful.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the alchemic furnace and did not dare to be distracted for a moment. At this time, she didn't even realize that after Divine Pill, she had succeeded in refining! It turned out to be a successful refining one time!

After pinching a few alchemy and putting away the flame of spiritual power, Xiao Guoguo slapped the alchemic furnace open, and then watched the two white medicine pills fly to in midair and turned around. lock up.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." It succeeded, she actually succeeded!

Although there is no tribulation thunder that can attract medicine pill, the fragrance of medicine pill is diffuse, and the rays of light shine on the medicine pill. This is clearly the mark of Grade 8 Medicine Pill.

Xiao Guoguo took a look at the Divine Pill in her hands. She not only succeeded in refining the Divine Pill, but also Grade 8? This is currently the highest grade she can refine.

"This is different from what was said? This is too surprising." Xiao Guoguo said so, looking at the medicine pill in his hand, he carefully put it away.

According to her thoughts, it was impossible for the first time to succeed! She even speculated about fifteen possible results, and even thought that there might be more reasons for the failure.

However, she did not expect that she succeeded, and succeeded once! I was prepared to fail, but I really succeeded. This feeling makes people feel very strange. Don't know whether to be happy or disappointed?

Realizing that there was a problem with his mentality, Xiao Guoguo immediately adjusted his mood. She felt that she had made a huge mistake.

She shouldn't have doubts about herself at the beginning. As Master Elder Feng and Ancestor Master Li Dan said, she really has an amazing alchemy talent... She only believed this until now.

"Perhaps I can really become a real Pill Refining Master."

Xiao Guoguo closed her eyes while talking, she was constantly adjusting her inner feelings , Let your heart gradually calm down.

Chi Xuan didn't know that Xiao Guoguo succeeded in refining Divine Transformation Dan. How long did Xiao Guoguo not come out, and Chi Xuan worried about how long. Until Xiao Guoguo suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Did I have an illusion, how did I see the master in front?" Fatty asked Wangcai.

"The master hasn't come out for more than a year, you must have seen the hallucinations." Wangcai was rather calm and answered without raising his head.

Xiao Guoguo saw such a live treasure Spirit Beast, what can you say? Naturally, he took out the roast chicken from the storage bag very calmly.

"Ah, the master is back!" The salamander ran over fiercely from a distance, yelling like this as he ran, squeezing Wangcai and fatty away, and the food's response was quick.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." As expected, the roast chicken has withstood the test of time more than himself.

"Master is out, Xiao Qi, hurry up and let Small Pond come out and wait." Fatty yelled when she turned her head.

Xiao Guoguo was stunned. This is the tone of the great Court Eunuch in the ancient drama, who showed it what? !

"What happened to fatty?" Xiao Guoguo asked Wangcai. Only Wangcai is the most reliable.

"Cough cough, that, it opened a new bloodline memory by itself. It is said that it can see the life experience of the grandparents for so many years."

Wangcai said so. , Quietly moved aside two steps, now as soon as it gets close to the fatty, it feels that it might be taken crooked at any time.

"Hehe, it's good for it to live happily on its own." Xiao Guoguo didn't care about fatty. She saw Chi Xuan flying out, looking at her with surprise.

"It's been a hard time during this period. Seeing that you have lost weight, I will get you what you want to eat." Chi Xuan stood opposite Xiao Guoguo, holding her hand, full of joy.

The spirit beasts couldn't help rolling their eyes. Why didn't they see where the weight was?

"Are you thin? That won't work! I have to eat more to make up for it." Xiao Guoguo said that he really left with Chi Xuan, making the Spirit Beast even more helpless. The owner can believe anything in order to eat it!

"By the way, guess what was the result of my pill concocting this time?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and asked fiercely, with a smile on his face.

Chi Xuan was silent for a moment after hearing this question. To be honest, he didn't know how to answer. How could he know the result? He wasn't around.

If it is someone else, maybe it can be inferred from the expression. However, this person is Xiao Guoguo, this is not counted, she is very happy anytime, anywhere.

"This kind of proposition is simply to give points! The master is really amazing." Fatty said, a few Spirit Beast nodded, yes, propositions, how does Chi Xuan answer?

"What's wrong? Can't guess it?" Xiao Guoguo was eager to share his inner joy, didn't expect, Chi Xuan was silent.

"Well, do we eat braised pork ribs or sweet and sour pork ribs?" Chi Xuan felt that the sweat beads were going to come down.

"Eat sweet and sour ones, I like that taste better." Xiao Guoguo was suddenly forgotten about business.

Chi Xuan secretly sighed in relief, feeling that his life was saved by the ribs. Thank you for your versatility.

"Then I will prepare a few more vegetarian dishes before you leave the customs. You can't eat too much meat dishes, so as not to be bad for your health." Chi Xuan hurriedly added, Xiao Guoguo even forgot what he just said. Something up.

"Yes, let's just eat and eat, and then I will tell you my experience of pill concocting this time. You must not guess, my first medicine pill this time was a success!" Xiao Guoguo Speaking exhilaratingly, Chi Xuan was even more happy in his heart.

Very good, I don’t have to guess at all. Sure enough, many things can only be saved by tact.

"I knew, you must be able to!" Chi Xuan finished speaking, grabbing Xiao Guoguo and walking into the yard, Xiao Guoguo saw that his yard was covered with glittering Spirit Stones. In addition, There are gorgeous fireworks, flowers that can be seen everywhere, and an ice sculpture that says: The Greatest Pill Refinement Master.

"How do you know I will succeed?" Xiao Guoguo asked with some emotion.

"I have always believed that you will succeed." Chi Xuan said, quietly kicking Fatty.

Fatty gave Chi Xuan a look with contempt. Don't think it doesn't know, Xiao Qi still has an ice sculpture in his hand, which says: Failure is the beginning of success.

(End of this chapter)

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