
  Chapter 1149 Space Secrets

In Xiao Guoguo's mind, naturally, he wants Chi Xuan to become stronger. It’s just that Divine Pill can be eaten by itself. What about Chi Xuan, can it be eaten? Will it be a problem?

"During this period, Xiao Han didn't have trouble for you, right?" Xiao Guoguo asked worriedly.

"No, when you are away, he at best ignores me and will not take the initiative to trouble me." Chi Xuan simply never took Xiao Han seriously, even if he was noisy to find fault, and simply never Bother.

"That's good, I'm worried about him making trouble for you. But seeing him like this, it seems that he is also in a crazy cultivation, it seems that the appearance of the demonic cultivator and the black butterfly will stimulate him Not small." Xiao Guoguo looked at Xiao Han's direction.

Although Xiao Han is very powerful, there will be enemies that are stronger than him. This world is very big. Xiao Guoguo knows that it is still serious to continuously improve their cultivation base.

"Senior Brother, do you know what distraction is?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Chi Xuan was taken aback. Everyone understood this distraction explanation.

"Divided Spirit Stage is the dividing line of the ascent. After that, one stepped into the ascension period, and there is hope. If it fails, then there is no hope for ascension in this life." Chi Xuan After that, Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

"But what I saw was not the explanation." Xiao Guoguo's words made Chi Xuan feel a little tight. What's wrong with Junior Sister?

Xiao Guoguo's eyes moved slightly, and Chi Xuan realized it, and quickly set up a sound barrier with Divine Consciousness to prevent the outside world from listening to their conversation. He could feel that Xiao Guoguo cared very much about this matter.

"As far as I know, distraction is the beginning of the division of Divine Consciousness. From this time on, Divine Consciousness can be divided into two, and two are divided into four. No one knows how much it can be divided.

However, the divided Divine Consciousness has a good cultivation, and one day it will become your Avatar! The real flesh and blood, completely obedient to your Avatar."

This is Xiao Guoguo Explain that Chi Xuan's whole person is not good. Avatar? This is the first time I have heard the explanation of this version! I have heard of Avatar in the past, but these all have secret techniques.

Some are Avatars made with special materials, some are possession of their Divine Soul, and others are controlling the puppet... There are many ways.

However, that is not a real Avatar, but a fake!

According to Guoguo, the differentiation of Divine Consciousness is from the cultivation success Avatar within Sea of ​​Consciousness. This is indeed the first time I have heard of it. Moreover, he absolutely obeys orders, which is the same as controlling two bodies at the same time.

"If the Divine Consciousness is so powerful, isn't it easy to do it?" Chi Xuan asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Some people do this. They split their Divine Consciousness a little bit. Of course, the process is painful, but there are also successes. The higher the level of the cultivator, the longer it takes to split Divine Consciousness. , The greater the chance of success. That’s why we have to start with the Divided Spirit Stage."

After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, Chi Xuan was silent for a while and took a mouthful of water. Divine Consciousness, which madman came up with!

"However, I have a simple way here." Xiao Guoguo took out the medicine ingredient in his hand with a mysterious face.

"This medicine ingredient, can you help?" Chi Xuan understood it all at once.

"Not only can it help, but even another way to divide Divine Soul." Xiao Guoguo just wanted to tell Chi Xuan about this. As for how to divide her Divine Soul, this is a big secret. I can’t say, I can’t say.

"Do you want to try?!" After Chi Xuan understood what Xiao Guoguo meant, he looked at Xiao Guoguo solemnly.

"This is natural. But before that, I have to refine this Divine Pill." Xiao Guoguo said, the frowned of Chi Xuan fiercely.

"Has anyone ever succeeded in this matter you said?" Chi Xuan is worried about Xiao Guoguo's safety. If this method is too dangerous, he would rather not try it.

"This...I haven't heard of it. Maybe everyone is still used to dividing it up a little bit."

Xiao Guoguo is also very curious, the distracted Old Has Ancestor succeeded? I must go to Xiao Family to find the answer.

"I think it's too dangerous! If you have to try, you give me this Divine Pill first, can you promise me?" Chi Xuan held Xiao Guoguo's hand so suddenly, so Asking, Xiao Guoguo looked at him.

"If I secretly refine the medicine pill and eat it, you certainly don't know, why should I promise me something I can't do." Xiao Guoguo said sincerely, Chi Xuan suddenly In my heart, it was as if he was grabbed by someone.

"Just because you are the person I care about, the most important person, I can't allow you to be wrong!"

Chi Xuan said seriously, firmly grasping Xiao Guoguo's hand, he was really afraid that Xiao Guoguo would do it when he didn't know it.

"Chi Xuan, this is Xiao Family’s magic, and it’s also Xiao Family’s secret technique for a full spirit root dísciple like me. You should know that I am more suitable to come than you. Try.

You say that I am very important to you, then you are also a very important person to me. If something happens to you, won’t I regret it for a lifetime? Do you have the heart to see me regret it?"

Xiao Guoguo is so Chi Xuan, it makes Chi Xuan feel that all his strength has been exhausted. But his heart is warm again, Guoguo really cares about him!

"But, you have to promise me that if you really want to take this medicine pill, I have to be by your side." This is Chi Xuan's bottom line, he can't imagine, when he can't see it, What a dangerous attempt Xiao Guoguo did.

"Okay, I can promise you this." Xiao Guoguo replied with a smile, sincerely feeling that maybe it's time to bring Chi Xuan into his own space.

Moreover, he is cultivation outside, and the time is not enough. In the space, what he does, he can always help refer to one or two.

Xiao Guoguo knows that Lingjia is his greatest secret, but Xiao Family is not. Although Xi Yuezhong is in the space now, no one can see it except herself, and you don't need to tell Chi Xuan about the spiritual family.

In addition, Chi Xuan is not only a lover, but also the most trusted person to her. The so-called bloodline influence makes him impossible to betray himself. It's just that every time Xiao Guoguo thinks of something about Lingjia, Xiao Guoguo will think of this, and feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

She was also affected by her Bloodline Power, but she would not be like this to the Golden Retriever. Her blood is only good for the Golden Retriever, but not harmful. She doesn't care even if it has an impact, and Golden Retriever doesn't think it.

However, for Chi Xuan, the lump in her heart has always been there. Even if she trusts him and wants to rely on him, every time she thinks of the influence of this bloodline, she feels disgusted. She always wondered, how can this effect be lifted?

"What are you thinking about?" Chi Xuan suddenly spoke. Xiao Guoguo's face was not very good just now.

"Chi Xuan, you should know that I am a member of the Xiao Family." Xiao Guoguo's words made Chi Xuan hurriedly nodded, yes, Xiao Han outside is the best proof.

"Chi Xuan, I want to tell you that I am not just a member of Xiao Family. My father is the dísciple of Xiao Family. I was with my mother because of violation of the meaning of the family. She gave birth to me and was forcibly taken back by the family and locked up. However, father left me a gift."

Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan's heart tightened, and she finally agreed to Tell him his secret! This makes Chi Xuan very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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