
  Chapter 1147 Sea of ​​Consciousness

Being a Spirit Beast, it is natural to look down on being a medicine ingredient .

The Spirit Beast of the animal kingdom believes that they are more spiritual and more striving than the medicine ingredient of the plant kingdom.

For cultivation, they absorb Heaven and Earth Essence, constantly absorb spiritual power, and fight hard. And those medicine ingredients... They live so comfortably! Just bury the roots in the soil and squat.

Yes, just squatting, you can absorb spiritual power, and what you will look like in the end is very do as one pleases!

Moreover, medicine ingredient has doubled its value due to the existence of Pill Refinement Master! They are not convinced, so they are unwilling to sit on the same level as a medicine ingredient.

But from that day on, Xiao Guoguo seemed to be obsessed with this medicine ingredient. He took a notebook every day and didn't know what he was recording.

It can be said that as long as Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes, he looked at the medicine ingredient, as if he had been enchanted, and the few Spirit Beasts he saw were worried.

She keeps on like this, what should they do!

This situation lasted for three full months. During these three months, Xiao Guoguo watched without eating or drinking. Until one day, she suddenly came down and seemed to be asleep. From then on, she no longer guarded the medicine ingredient, but fell into a deep sleep.

All Spirit Beast: "..." Is the master looking at medicine ingredient for hypnosis?

However, Xiao Guoguo fell asleep like this without any response, and the surrounding spiritual power moved slowly towards Xiao Guoguo’s body, attracted by the spiritual power’s small mediation, and entered Xiao Guoguo’s in vivo.

If someone sees her dantian at this moment, they will find that the few Nascent Souls have not changed, and they are all safely in the cultivation, but Xiao Guoguo's own Divine Soul has entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Sea of ​​Consciousness is a magical place. It seems that there are many secrets hidden in it. Even the real master of Sea of ​​Consciousness may not be able to figure it out.

And now, Xiao Guoguo is within her Sea of ​​Consciousness, and she needs to have a precise understanding of this. You know, what her next step will do is to divide the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Xiao Guoguo can be considered a person of forgiveness, but every time he thinks about this, he feels trembling in his heart.

That feeling is definitely not good. With Divine Transformation Dan, the pain of Sea of ​​Consciousness division may be relieved, but it will definitely not disappear.

Xiao Guoguo at this moment is like a grain of dust. She can't feel her weight, her body and shape, and she flies lightly in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

And this is the state that I entered after seeing the red fruit. This medicine ingredient is really amazing.

"Where is this place?" Xiao Guoguo flew slowly, and while in the heart noted the surrounding situation, it was so dark, it seemed that there was nothing.

"It's so quiet, as if I can't feel anything." Xiao Guoguo was saying that, and saw a skinny hand stretched out from the corner. The bones of the hand were white, which made people feel very Fear.

Wait, there is a corpse in my Sea of ​​Consciousness... at least a skeleton hand? This is too much! How could this thing appear in Sea of ​​Consciousness!

The skeleton arm seems to want to catch Xiao Guoguo, but because she can't even feel herself now, so... can you catch the dust? Grab a ball of yarn!

"Where are you the skeleton? Why is it so miserable that only one hand is left?" Xiao Guoguo asked, seeing that the skeleton's arm stretched forward and crawled out of the body .

Xiao Guoguo: "..." She is too talkative.

However, this is not the end. Who could have imagined that a group of skeletons crawled out behind the skeletons, monster beasts with arms dropped, walking corpses with thighs dropped, and... aliens whose bodies were split?

"That alien is too much. It's not a system person and can't force it to make up the role!" Xiao Guoguo was full of helplessness, to be honest, and there was so much fear.

Xiao Guoguo can’t understand that she, a four-good young man who grew up under the red banner, has received an ideological education that is not allowed to be refined for so many years. Why are these things in the Sea of ​​Consciousness?

Maybe it started from the day when the cultivation world came suddenly and the ideology was forcibly reversed? She has a deep understanding of the monsters combined with these things?

"That alien still makes people play a lot. Alien and insect race are too many." Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes and saw that this black area was beasted by various monsters and outsiders. The stars are occupied.

They roared, constantly swallowing each other, and fear was permeated everywhere. Xiao Guoguo looked at it, as if there was no deep feeling in his heart, that feeling was like knowing that they couldn't get out through the LCD screen.

However, because of the melee ahead, she was trapped in this area, unable to move forward, and could only wait until the fight was over. Xiao Guoguo was forced to watch all influence battles time and time again, but in the end he didn't see which one would win.

However, although this process has been going on for a long time, because there is no replacement of day and night, she does not know the specific time.

Xiao Guoguo estimated that it took more than three months for this fight to have a result. In the end, no one won, because the combination produced a rare beast complex, and every part of the body came from the side that was swallowed by itself...including skeleton bones, monster beast parts, aliens...

"This, it's a bit ugly that makes people feel unacceptable." Xiao Guoguo sighed, and suddenly saw the rare beast after swallowing the combination, and walked towards her. It seems to have seen her and wanted to kill her.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Oh, it's a sample, you feel invincible in the whole world if you change the shape, don't you?

With a scratch on the huge skeleton arm, Xiao Guoguo felt that she had been caught this time and was sent in front of the huge face.

"ao 嗷!" The blood-reeking qi squirted a distance of several hundred meters. Although Xiao Guoguo has no feeling and can't smell it, the picture is still very disgusting.

"If you are a cow, you will eat me! You are a small sub-area, and you want to swallow the master character, who lent you such courage and courage!" Xiao Guoguo exasperated and said Roaring wildly, he saw the rare beast holding her for a while, and then slowly began to collapse.

The rumbling sound is endless, Xiao Guoguo watched it grow up, watched it break, and after that, a black ray of light appeared, like a black ball, floating up in the air.

And Xiao Guoguo floated in front of the ball, and a black mark appeared on the ball. Xiao Guoguo looked at it and said calmly: "You are fear."

The black ball seemed to be responding to her, rubbing against Xiao Guoguo's side, which allowed the road to be opened, and Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes again, and there was already light in front of him.

"Seven Emotions and Six Desires, what I experienced just now should be fear. I don't know what's ahead?"

Xiao Guoguo said so, he walked forward and saw Cotton candy, chocolate fountain, braised prawns, Red Braised Pork... all the scenery here is food!

Once again, all the scenery here is food!

(End of this chapter)

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