
  Chapter 1140 Gifts

Think of those two guys, they spent a lot of money in order to escape. Strength, now I lied to Cui Sect Master again, for what? If there is a chance in the future, she'd better see it.

"Knowing is acquaintance, but not familiar. Didn't they say what it was for?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously.

"They won't say anything, it's okay, next time I ask you to send it, you can interrogate one or two by yourself." In the eyes of Cui Sect Master, these two are just little monster beasts. .

Xiao Guoguo nodded, thinking of the past. Once her cultivation base was not as good as these two monster beasts. After a while, these two monster beasts could no longer be her threat.

Thinking about the woman back then, Xiao Guoguo always feels that there are several points of familiar, but he can't remember where he has seen it.

"3.7 million middle grade Spirit Stone, is there anyone else bidding?" Hoarfrost's voice came from the bottom, it turned out that the bidding just now had ended.

Probably because all the people present are high level cultivators. They are not too interested in buying and selling cultivators. Only three people participated in the bidding, and the price was not high.

And looking at the meaning of Baishuang, they are not trying to sell a high price, but they seem to be punishing these two people, as if they just need to sell them.

"If no one bids, this man and woman will be the last bidder." Said Baishuang, frowned, waiting.

This is rare. Under normal circumstances, Hoarfrost is very agile. Unexpectedly, when it came to this man and woman, he hesitated, as if hoping someone could help them.

"3.8 million." Cui Sect Master still said, he was actually waiting for the end. After all, he really wants to buy, there is no need to help others raise the price at the beginning.

"Okay, someone has paid 3.8 million." Baishuang finished speaking. Looking at Xiao Guoguo and their private room, the mood is very complicated. For them, they don't know if it is a good result or a bad result. .

"Three million nine hundred thousand! Fellow Daoist, whether you can cut love, brother, I really want to buy it." The man's voice came, as if he didn't care about begging for a successful purchase.

And Cui Sect Master ignored it and continued to offer. This is as if someone didn't really want to buy it.

Of course, this can’t be blamed on others, mainly because Master Cui Sect has made trouble with others several times before, and they remember it!

"Cui Sect Master, we are all Fellow Daoist, we can't see and see when we lower our heads. Is this really the case?" The man on the other side suddenly opened the window and asked angrily.

"Who am I? It turns out that it is you! It seems that your preferences have remained the same for so many years, or do you like to find a female cultivator to supplement the cultivation base?"

In a word from Cui Sect Master, Xiao Guoguo knew that this man was a who. And the pair of men and women standing below were even more face deathly pale. They also understood that if they really fell into the hands of this man, what would happen to them.

"Hahaha, there are so many ways of cultivation. I just like to pick up supplements without hurting people's lives. Isn't that too much?" The man said, looking at Cui Sect Master with a mad look .

"Dogs like to eat shit, and people look sick, so you can't force them to change their habits. Don't worry, I don't like to be nosy." After Cui Sect Master said this, everyone just pushed. chi pu chi smiled. Hehe, the mouth of this Cui Sect Master is really amazing!

"You! You..." The man didn't dare to say anything cruel after you had been for a long time.

He is just a powerful cultivator, and this Cui Sect Master, he is the Sect Master of Pure Feather Sect, or the son of Cui Family, he cannot afford to offend.

"hmph! Forget it, I don't want it!" the man said and sat down.

It's not because of anything else, but because he knows to compete financially. He is not the opponent of this Cui Sect Master. He is very shrewd and can't make a loss-making business.

"Okay, four million middle grade Spirit Stone, congratulations to this Fellow Daoist for the successful auction." Hoarfrost sighed in relief and glanced at the couple. What she can do for them is also just this Up.

"Thank you Sister Baishuang." The woman said, and was taken away by the man, her body on the verge of collapse did not fall. As for Hoarfrost, it was as if he hadn't heard that sentence.

Xiao Guoguo saw this scene, and everyone saw this scene, and then they knew that this woman was probably from this auction. You must have made a mistake, and then you were punished like this. This auction is cruel enough!

Everyone was a little bit embarrassed, and the man and woman were sent up. Cui Sect Master gave Spirit Stone and got a small box. When the men and women saw the small box, their eyes were scared. look.

"Guest, there is a Gu Insect in this box. There are two Gu Insects in these two people. They are under the control of this female Gu. If the female Gu dies, these two people will become exhausted. She died of torture, and please take care of her." The purple clothed woman is Zi Rui. She looked at the two and didn’t say anything, but told Sect Master Cui in detail how to keep this. Mother Gu, don't accidentally kill two people.

"I want to ask, can this Gu Insect be taken out?" Cui Sect Master asked. The purple clothed woman was taken aback for a while, looked at Cui Sect Master, and then at the two people. Happy for them.

"As long as the two of you have a bowl of blood and put the mother Gu in it, Gu Insect will crawl out by itself."

As Zi Rui said, Cui Sect Master nodded , She went out, but she took a look at Xiao Guoguo before she went out, making Xiao Guoguo slightly smiled at her, and her angry Zirui's face changed.

"You bite me with ability, see what's the use." Xiao Guoguo swallowed a grape, saying that, and looked at the two carefully.

"Thank you, benefactor." The man took the woman and paid respect to Cui Sect Master. Obviously, the man was more stable.

"I am not your benefactor. I bought you to let you guard my son. Do it well. If nothing goes wrong, I will unlock your Gu Insect." Cui Sect As the Master said, it was even more exciting for both men and women.

Is not to serve people, not to recruit them, but to be a guard. They might even unlock this venomous insect's poison one day, they are naturally willing! This is a thousand times better than following the man just now, naturally it is kindness.

"Yes, masters, I should be loyal to myself and dare not betray!" The man said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at them, but was curious, how did these two people offend this auction.

I just didn’t wait for Xiao Guoguo to say anything. This auction brought up a box again. The box was made by jade stone and was very big. I don’t know what treasure is inside.

And Hoarfrost slowly opened the box, revealing the contents inside, but Hoarfrost just stood aside without introducing it.

Everyone: "..." Is this a medicine ingredient? But, don’t you tell me, what kind of medicine ingredient is this?

Xiao Guoguo's eyes narrowed sharply. He looked at the medicine ingredient and couldn't believe how it was such a coincidence. As expected, it was just like the news that Liu Zhu was inquiring about these people. They were walking strangely, but they were holding her in their hands. What is needed!

(End of this chapter)

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