
  Chapter 1135 Ferret

"Haha, you are wrong, I have not been to the toilet for hundreds of years Now, you really can't smell this." Qingyun daoist said hoarsely, blocking Cui Sect Master's words all at once.

Xiao Guoguo feels like he understands something. This Choi Sect Master and Qingyun daoist will not have a tendency to be abused, right? The two of them are clearly horrible that they will fight together for more than 3 minutes.

As a result, the two of them are like cockfighting, but the more fights the more brave is. Did they rely on this method to improve their mental strength over the years?

However, it is too unkind to use verbal attacks all day long to harm the face and soul of the other party, and to destroy their companions.

"Shut up! If you want to quarrel, go out." Wenwen said, with anger, Qingyun Daoist swallowed when he reached his mouth.

"Hehe, it's still in Literature there is the way, you are so afraid of her, it's really funny!" Cui Sect Master took the opportunity to take pleasure in other people's misfortune, hit a person when he's down.

"I remember you were beaten by me many years ago." Wenwen looked at Cui Sect Master and said word by word.

After hearing this, Cui Sect Master's face changed abruptly, thinking that after he angered Wenwen that year, he was beaten together by their master and disciple. What a pain!

"Drink tea, everyone drink tea, what's on sale?" Cui Sect Master asked, the entire world is clean.

"For a while, a pot of flowers came out from the bottom. The five-colored ones seem to be very beautiful." Qingyun daoist said. Xiao Guoguo looked down at the flowers. They were pretty. Someone came out. 2.3 million middle grade Spirit Stone.

"But, no matter how beautiful you are, you can't eat it as a meal. This item is 2.3 million. This auction sells everything. Cultivators buy everything."

Xiao Guoguo said, everyone followed nodded, and the green girl who had been in the room was reluctant. You just quarreled, what do you know!

"Everyone, this is a five-stone flower! The flower above is not the point. The point is the stone below the flower. It is a multicolored stone, called the hardest stone. It is used to create a magic weapon. There is no stronghold one cannot overcome!"

"In other words, there are colorful stones under this flower?" Xiao Guoguo thought it was amazing.

"This kind of five-stone flower only grows on the five-color stone. If the five-color stone is lost, it will wither immediately." After the introduction of the girl in green, Xiao Guoguo lamented the magic of nature.

In the end, this flower...Bah, this stone was photographed away for 2.4 million yuan. It seems that everyone is not very interested in this stone.

Xiao Guoguo watched as a huge black cage was lifted up again. Inside the cage was a snow-white monster beast. This monster beast is very beautiful, with snow-white hair, without any miscellaneous hairs.

Seeing this monster beast, everyone in the room looked tight, this monster beast looked harmless, didn't expect the level to be so high!

When Xiao Guoguo saw this monster beast, he only thought that this little monster beast was cute, but there was nothing offensive, after all, it was not big.

However, hearing the sound of Cui Sect Master's inhalation behind him, Xiao Guoguo thought, maybe there is another way?

"This is an ice sea ferret. The place we found it was under a 10,000-meter ice layer. This ferret was cunning by nature and was very exhausted. If you were there, who would feel it? Interests can be auctioned off and contracted."

The purple clothed woman said so, everyone seemed to be eager to have a try.

There are a lot of good things on this auction. No matter what the attribute of this monster beast, as long as it has a strong attack power, it is rare and precious, it is a good thing.

Xiao Guoguo watched the purple clothed woman take a step back slowly, then suddenly took out a formation from his hand, and gently input spiritual power.

Xiao Guoguo felt bad in his heart, fearing that something was going to happen, he heard a zhi zhi call below. It turned out that there was already purple lightning surrounding the cage, constantly hitting it. Little ice sea ferret.

This ice sea ferret seems to be very afraid of these thunder and lightning, and constantly dodges, but this cage is too small, because it is extremely fast, there is no way to really avoid these whips. Thunder and lightning.

At this time, Xiao Guoguo watched the little ferret stopped paused, with red in her black jewel-like eyes, and the little ferret's silhouette suddenly became bigger!

"ao wai!" It is no longer the cry of zhi zhi, but a violent giant monster beast.

This snow-white monster beast is constantly releasing its pressure. Xiao Guoguo only feels that she has been punched in the chest. Only then did she feel that the level of this ferret is so high!

The pressure made her feel uncomfortable, which shows that the level of this ferret is not lower than that of the salamander.

"Be careful, don't be affected."

Chi Xuan stood next to Xiao Guoguo, the coercion on his body enveloped Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo felt that his chest was not It's so uncomfortable anymore.

Everyone's complexion is also not pretty, and they are obviously affected. And the ferret had already begun to attack frantically, and the huge cage instantly became icy bumps.

At this moment, after seeing the ferret's powerful offensive power, the cultivator present was even more reluctant to give up. Xiao Guoguo glanced at Wenwen. Wenwen doesn't have a Spirit Beast yet, maybe he should give her one?

"Wenwen, do we want this monster beast?" Qingyun daoist said so, Wenwen glanced at him lightly.

"Are you rich?" After only asking this sentence, Qingyun Daoist was embarrassed. As expected, Wenwen still understands himself.

"Senior Brother gave me the Spirit Stone. You are also a sect disciple. I bought you a monster beast, which can be considered as a contribution to sect."

Although Qingyun daoist also has its own Savings, but spending too much money in these years, there is not much left, I am afraid it is not enough.

"I don't have the cheeks of you, and I don't want to listen to Senior Brother Sect Head's nagging when I go back. If you want to buy it yourself, I don't want it."

The text is over, Even after finishing this topic, she said no, even if Qingyun Daoist really took pictures to send her off, she wouldn't want it.

Qingyun daoist heard these words, naturally a little aggrieved and depressed, for a while, the atmosphere fell silent.

But the bidding below is very fierce. After all, this Spirit Beast, no matter what cultivator, can make a contract. As long as Spirit Beast is good enough, they are willing to spend money.

"Three million middle grade Spirit Stone!" The person who quoted the price didn't even wait for the purple clothed woman to make an offer, so he directly quoted the price.

"You are ashamed of three million! A monster beast of this level, at least four million middle grade Spirit Stone!" The other man said so, obviously also determined to win this ferret.

Think about it, Xiao Guoguo, the price is actually fair. After all, it is a high level monster beast, and its attack power is better than that of the cultivator in the last soaring period.

(End of this chapter)

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