
  Chapter 1132 is not for making money

"Don’t want to control me!" Xiao Han struggles fiercely While, she saw the woman took out a box of incense powder and blew at him gently.

"Don't worry, I like to conquer hard bones like you. When I become the wife of Xiao Family, you will not benefit from it."

The woman said with a smile, Xiao Han Confused, this time he discovered that although these tricks are not brilliant, they are very useful.

Before he fell into a coma, Xiao Han was thinking that Chi Xuan was to blame this time. If he hadn't let himself be distracted, how could he be plotted against by this woman!

After one hour, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the house in front of him, this place...he seemed to have been here!

"Xiao Han Fellow Daoist, why are you still here? The Lord is waiting for you inside!" As Bai Shuang reminded, Xiao Han felt a sharp pain in his head.

What happened just now! Something must have happened just now, but he didn't remember at all.

He knows who is in this room, and he doesn't know if he has been plot against! However, at this moment, he decided to turn around and leave, because this room made him feel very terrifying.

Xiao Han's heart was at a loss, but he dared not be seen. Now he is on other people's territory, and he doesn't know what the identity of the other party is. If it was this time, he dared to show his weakness, I was afraid he would be eaten to death.

"Let's forget it. I have never masked with your meeting host. There is no need to meet." Xiao Han finished saying this and turned to leave, but always felt that something was wrong.

Watching Xiao Han leave, Bai Shuang didn't say anything, but looked at the house instead. After a while, the door of the room opened and the black clothed woman came out.

"Meet the Lord." Baishuang saluted respectfully, and the black clothed woman looked at her, nodded.

"Let's go, the auction should start." The woman said, heading towards the venue first.


After Xiao Guoguo arrived at the venue, they were arranged in the private room. Xiao Guoguo had to admit that she was still a bit disappointed.

After all, this mysterious auction is not magical at all, not mysterious at all, not lively at all... the key is not lively.

Auction, isn’t this kind of popular activity not crowded with people?

Now she sees that there are only a dozen private rooms with two layers, and there are no people. How many people can there be in this private room?

On the lower floor, there is only the middle table, which is to show the treasure at first glance. Now there is nothing on it, and it looks empty and quiet.

"You are so deserted here, can you really make money?" Xiao Guoguo asked, looking at the girl in green. The girl was asked by these words, and in a short time, she didn't feel relieved.

"Naturally, it is possible. The people who come to participate in this auction are all with the highest level of the plane. Of course they are not bad Spirit Stone."

The green-clothed woman really wants to I wanted to ridicule Xiao Guoguo, but the thought of the girl's pungent look dispelled this idea.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Xiao Guoguo shook his head while talking, looking very sorry.

"Why did Fellow Daoist say this? Why is it a pity?" The girl in green didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Guoguo, but seeing her like that, she still couldn't help but want to ask.

"It's a pity, you don't want such a good opportunity to make money! Although you also earn Spirit Stone now, you originally had the opportunity to earn more."

Xiao Guoguo finished speaking. The girl in green was surprised. Does this Fellow Daoist have any ideas?

"What do you think of Fellow Daoist?" the girl hurriedly asked.

"You, this auction, only choose a high level cultivator to participate. It is for self-esteem, I can understand. But, have you ever thought about it? There are too few people, and the auction lacks a sense of ceremony and passion. Ah! No one is shouting at the price, don't you think the price increase in each auction is too small?"

Xiao Guoguo said so, the girl in green was stunned, would it? Doesn't she think?

"You should find a few more Integration Stage or Astral Projection Stage cultivators. Whether you can afford it or not, this will drive up prices and stimulate purchase vanity. Of course, they can do it. Of course. As for how to get the membership system, how to advertise, how to render the atmosphere... these are too complicated."

Listening to Xiao Guoguo's words, the green-clothed woman hasn't understood yet, this Cui Sect Master Jumped up first.

"Guoguo, let's be our own people! These things, what do you tell outsiders do, tell me?" Cui Sect Master said so, with a look of our own enthusiasm.

"Don't worry, I'll go back and chat with you privately." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, staring at the girl in green, but the girl didn't understand at all.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." So, she was just in vain? Is this girl too sincere?

At this moment, the door was pushed abruptly, and Xiao Han walked in with a cold light expression. Everyone looked at him like this, as if something unhappy happened to him?

"Why have you been there for so long?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, looking at Xiao Han, did you meet an acquaintance? If you are an acquaintance, can you discuss it and give a discount on the things they photographed!

"Have I been there for a long time?" Xiao Han asked with a smile, but his heart was stunned.

"I have been there for about two hours." Xiao Guoguo thought about it and answered truthfully. Looking at Xiao Han's expression, it's not natural. Could it be... it was a woman who met? Are they still very close?

If this is the case, Xiao Han’s time to go is not short. Referring to the data of previous studies, this time should be considered very long, right?

"Really, maybe I didn't notice it." Xiao Han was not going to tell everyone the surprise in his heart, but felt that this matter was abnormal from beginning to end.

Why did the white clothed woman say that she didn't go in? But time has passed so long obviously? Whose site is here anyway? What are these people going to do!

Thinking like this, it suddenly brightened underneath. Then, a masked purple clothed woman came up. This woman had outstanding eyebrows and a mature body, but she was a little more mature than the hoarfrost.

"Dear guests, welcome to this auction. This time we invited a total of 16 daoists to participate, and 12 of them arrived. That is to say, only these twelve are eligible to participate in this auction. Congratulations to you, Zirui, your competitors have lost a few people."

The purple clothed woman said so, everyone was silent. Xiao Guoguo looked at the atmosphere and found it very It is helpless. Just this atmosphere...If it weren't for treasures to support the venue, no one would have come.

A total of sixteen people were invited. What else did you put in a test and stopped the four of them at the door. Whose loss is this?

Isn't opening the door to do business to make money, is it to broaden your horizons and see the wonders? Such a service, bad review!

(End of this chapter)

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