
  Chapter 1128 Invitation Card

"I don’t want to participate anymore." Qingyun daoist said so, which provokes everyone All look at him.

"You didn't receive the invitation? Don't worry, I will take you there." Cui Sect Master's teasing made Qingyun Daoist stare at him.

"I don't bother to participate, this is a broken auction, the specifications are not high, and the whole is so complicated." Qingyun daoist didn't want to go for his own face.

At this time, everyone saw a rays of light shooting from a distance...a covered face female appeared outside the great hall.

"Hehe, I just said I don't want to go. This invitation is here, I don't think you need to accept it." Cui Sect Master laughed heartily, Qingyun Daoist's face was not very good.

This woman didn't know if she was a beauty, she just walked in with her face covered, but she walked in with various gestures. Xiao Guoguo felt that her whole body was flashing bulign, as if she had built-in Immortal Qi surround function.

"Ling Cloud Sect Qingyun daoist, in the name of the host, invite you to participate in this super auction. Please also daoist to take the time to participate."

The woman finished speaking, she stretched out her hand, Seeing a white invitation card like jade stone appeared in the air, moved towards Qingyun daoist floated past.

Qingyun daoist hesitates a bit, if this doesn’t go on, how can he take Wenwen to play! If it goes on, the face problem just now... Choi Sect Master will definitely laugh at him.

"Qingyun daoist, is it inconvenient?" the woman asked, her face remained unchanged and her voice was very sweet, but Qingyun daoist felt tight in her heart.

"No, not at all." Qingyun daoist still accepted it. Anyway, he lost a lot of people in front of Cui Sect Master, so he didn't care about this time.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Your courier has been delivered, please pay attention to check and receive good comments. Doesn't this mean?

Xiao Guoguo looked at this woman, not to mention her appearance and temperament, just the attitude that did not see Qingyun in her eyes, it was arrogant enough. This is still stepping on other people's turf, and dare to put pressure on them. It's just that the woman finished the invitation, but didn't leave.

"Chi Xuan daoist, I met for the first time, I have long admired the name." The woman turned to Chi Xuan and said so, her attitude was obviously better than she did to Qingyun daoist.

Qingyun daoist: "..." This face-seeking world.

Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment. Is there anything Chi Xuan in there?

Chi Xuan has only just become a daoist in the ascension period, and, as everyone knows, he has no money! This does not meet the requirements of the four cultivator, right?

"Fellow Daoist, you are polite." Chi Xuan saw the woman doing this, but only replied these four words coldly.

This made the opposite woman slightly surprised, but after the surprise, there was a brighter smile with light in her eyes.

"Chi Xuan Fellow Daoist, the name is not in vain, indeed, the gentleman's demeanor is impressive." The woman's laughter was very crisp.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This face-seeking world!

Xiao Guoguo doesn't believe it anymore, a cultivator who has only soared for more than ten years, how famous can he make this girl treat this girl, and everything else is a cover up, because Chi Xuan's appearance is too high Now, people can't refuse to treat him well.

"This is an invitation from daoist. Please also visit daoist. Our auction is very interesting." The woman said, walking to Chi Xuan's side and handed out the invitation.

Everyone was embarrassed, this person looks good and the treatment is really different. Even the way of sending invitations is different.

Cui Sect Master and Qingyun Daoist, who previously felt full of superiority, couldn't help but complain about Chi Xuan's appearance in the face of such obvious differences in treatment. Sect Master Tang's mind is balanced, it seems that it is not so important that he is not invited.

But Chi Xuan did not reach out to take the invitation, but instead glanced at Xiao Guoguo. The expression in his eyes meant, Guoguo, shall we go?

Xiao Guoguo flushed slightly, coughed, and Chi Xuan took the invitation.

The women are stupid, these two people seem to have an unusual relationship! Of course, in addition to this white clothed woman, there is also Xiao Han, who was extremely surprised.

He didn't expect even more, this Chi Xuan is so shameless, he looked at his younger sister in public, he was watching!

Fortunately, the younger sister is reserved, and coughs up to refuse this kind of non-compliant communication!

He has to go back and teach Chi Xuan how to be a man!

"Xiao Han fairy, we were also surprised to know that you are here. The meeting lord asked me to give it to you personally. Please go and meet the meeting lord." The woman finished speaking and sent it out. One side token.

Everyone: "..." Sure enough, whoever has a big fist and a good face in this world has the final say.

"Who is your master?" Xiao Han never took the token. He was not seen by everyone.

"The meeting master said, you will know after reading it." After the woman said this, she looked at Xiao Han. She was just a message sender. She was not qualified to know about such things.

Xiao Han took the token and put it in his hand to probe around, looked at Xiao Guoguo, and smiled.

"Guoguo, big brother is taking you to play?" Xiao Han asked, Xiao Guoguo ignored him.

"Everyone, then I will leave first, we we'll meet again some day." The woman finished speaking, and as soon as she waved her sleeves, everyone saw a huge ice flower appear on the spot. And when the ice flower shattered, the silhouette of the woman was gone.

"This exit method is very unique." Wenwen sighed.

"At the end, a performance is also included. This express delivery has to be praised." Xiao Guoguo agreed.

Everyone: "..." Isn't this the focus now? The important point now is, do you want to go to this auction?

This question is actually not that difficult. Anyway, Sect Master Tang said that it has nothing to do with him. He will not accompany him because the affairs in sect are busy.

When Sect Master Tang left, Cui Sect Master convinced everyone one by one, they decided to check this mysterious auction.

And after that, Xiao Guoguo also met Liu Zhu once. Liu Zhu and Xiao Guoguo talked about the big one hour, and then disappeared again. On the contrary, Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything, that's it. Waiting.

Three days later, the day of the auction has arrived, and the location of the auction is also very interesting, because no one knows it.

They are holding the invitation card. When the time comes, the invitation card will show the way by themselves, which is quite amazing. Seeing the rays of light shining on the invitation card, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"This is the navigation of the upgraded version of the cultivation world."

In one sentence, Chi Xuan also laughed. He understood the meaning of this sentence anyway. After all, he has lived on Earth for so many years.

Moreover, he was very satisfied to be able to come out with Xiao Guoguo this time. The two sat on the huge backs of the fatty and separated the dust with an array, making it very convenient to talk.

Of course, the only flaw is Xiao Han. This guy has kept their eyes on them all the way. Standing on the Flying Sword and watching Chi Xuan’s expressions all burst into flames, it should be him. That’s his younger sister, why should I bring Chi Xuan and not myself!

(End of this chapter)

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