
  Chapter 1122 Big Mouth

The fatty body is fat, hairy, and thunderous one after another When it fell, the yellow fluff on his body also looked a bit miserable, falling out one by one.

It was originally a decorative fluff, which has no practical effect. Now that it is dropped, new and beautiful feathers can grow. For beautiful, multicolored feathers, it can be tolerated.

Every time a thunder and lightning fell, Fatty used a chubby body to carry it. It was not satisfied with his body shape and was ready to reshape it in the thunder and lightning. Otherwise, it will not find a daughter-in-law. What if the inheritance of this colorful fire bird is broken!

It seems that other colorful fire birds have no daughter-in-law.

At the same time, the salamander and Wangcai swiftly went to the depths of the mountainside, and while moving forward quickly, they began to spread the news with the sound that all monster beasts could hear.

"You said that there is a Level 18 colorful fire bird in Transcending Tribulation?! Really!" Wang Cai asked in amazement.

"Of course it is true. We have to go back and inform the boss! The boss said that the colorful fire bird is very precious. He said that after eating the inner core of this monster beast, the cultivation base can be improved a lot. Cut it off! It was luck to be able to meet one this time, but I can't let people catch the worm."

The salamander said loudly, with excitement on his face. The look, like that, seems to be sincere!

"In addition to the colorful fire bird, what else is there?" Wangcai asked next.

"There are also two human cultivators, who came in alone. They really don't know whether they live or die. I think they must have something good on them. Let's report to the boss and catch them back!"

The salamander finished talking and followed Wangcai away, and the monster beasts hiding in the depths had green eyes. A colorful fire bird and two human cultivators who don’t know the life and death are all a bargain!

These two monster beasts are looking for their boss, why not take advantage of this opportunity, intercept one, and pick up the cheap one. They don't know.

Thinking of this, the monster beasts immediately acted and went in the opposite direction...but the monster beasts didn't expect, the current cultivator has so many routines! When they arrived, all they saw were their hidden counterparts.

Aren’t those two monster beasts with such big mouths?

Is it just talking all the way to provoke so many competitors?

But, look at the fatty in Transcending Tribulation, it really is a fat multicolored fire bird, or a fat multicolored fire bird with a low cultivation base, in Transcending Tribulation.

This is like a huge pie, right in front, at your fingertips, as long as they... defeat these competitors!

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere became tense and weird. These monster beasts regarded each other as competitors. With so many competitors, how can they get the monster beast inner core of the colorful fire bird!

So, they have to fight first!

In order not to let the fatty Transcending Tribulation be distracted, and finally hacked to death by the tribulation thunder, these monster beasts found a quiet place, found each other's opponents, and started fighting.

Of course, there are also those who are lurking and waiting patiently for the results. They start the war now, most of them in the bones are already combative.

"This is really the ending of... didn't expect." Xiao Guoguo sighed, and felt all around with Divine Consciousness. The monster beasts have already started fighting, and there are a lot of casualties.

"Human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, this is the truth. Monster beasts are doing this for profit." Chi Xuan looked at all around, his voice was very cold, no A little bit of compassion.

He is not a soft-hearted person. The purpose of these monster beasts is also very clear today, which is to kill the fat. If it weren't for them to watch here, Fatty alone Transcending Tribulation, it would be very dangerous.

Thinking of these, who is really worthy of sympathy?

Xiao Guoguo listened to Chi Xuan's words and never expressed his opinion. She watched the fatty and the tribulation thunder fall one by one, but it was easy to deal with.

After carrying more than a dozen Dao Tribulation thunders, fatty couldn't hold it anymore, so he started throwing magic weapons into the air and eating medicine pill. With such cooperation, there was no serious injury.

And the monster beast who has been observing the situation here is also very helpless. Their monster beast Transcending Tribulation is generally hard to resist. Transcending Tribulation has such a technical monster beast, which is the first time they have seen it.

And this Little Fatty...Bah, this colorful fire bird, its owner, is also waiting nearby.

It's just that the monster beasts simply don't put Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan in their eyes. It’s just two human cultivators, so how good is it, can you beat them so many monster beasts? !

Hidden under the tall trees, the monster beasts tried to reduce their silhouettes as much as possible. As the casualties increased, they fought and calmed down.

There are too many enemies, the basic impossible attack is basically impossible, so take it out!

Suddenly, there were only various operations of fatty Transcending Tribulation, but the monster beast was not killed, but Wangcai and the salamander were at the outermost periphery, looking at the prey inside, laughing satisfied.

This is all thanks to the fatty. Let’s go back and add more chicken legs to fatty!

However, the operation of fatty Transcending Tribulation is indeed an unusual monster beast. Xiao Guoguo watched the fatty cocked her ass and let the tribulation thunder hit it successfully... She didn't want to talk, she wanted to be quiet.

So, what color feathers can grow on the hip after being injured by the fall of the tribulation thunder? The colorful fire bird family, will it be too boring? There is definitely a strategy for pursuing this.

Otherwise, how does the fatty know that tribulation thunder can help choose the color of the tail feathers!

The clever one has seen through the big secrets of the colorful fire bird clan... They are all trick-or-treating group of air kings.

"How many Dao Tribulation thunders are there?" Xiao Guoguo asked Mo Yu who was lying next to him, and Mo Yu opened his eyelids.

"You ask me?"

"Well, I was wrong, I shouldn't ask you. However, you don't know a few Dao Tribulation thunders, how do you know when to Go and help?" Xiao Guoguo was very puzzled about this question.

"This is simple, fatty guy, if it really can't hold it, he will shout..."

"Help! Mo Yu, help me!" Fatty's When the voice came, Xiao Guoguo looked at Mo Yu's face with a yin smile.

"If you see it, it will shout like that." Mo Yu said as he stood up slowly, looked at the fatty, pressed his waist, and used the body of the national treasure to give a standard Dog style.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is the panda stretched so lazily? Its waist is simply invisible, okay?

Mo Yu was really not in a hurry. He flew to the sky above the mountain next door, but was in an incorrect descent posture, and a tree leaf that fell off and fell on his body because of an unstable landing.

Fatty is covering his eyes, and it turns out that the boss is still so unreliable. Such teammates always make him feel very insecure! Is it reliable at the critical moment?

(End of this chapter)

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