
  Chapter 1119 A year later

Liu Family Village has changed this year because of their A Core Formation cultivator finally appeared in the village, and their villagers were a little bit more emboldened when they went out.

At this time, they have forgotten, or they have to forget, they are really not good with this Liu Jiang father and son, it can even be said to be very bad.

However, as long as outsiders don’t know it, they are much better off relying on Liu Jiang’s name father and son.

And Zhou Family all split up and in pieces long ago, and gradually declined. Zhou Family town no longer looks like it was controlled by Zhou Family in the past. Everyone can find work in the town. Earn a lot of Spirit Stone. In this way, life is getting better.

The villagers have a better life. Naturally, they want to build their villages more beautifully. There are more and more houses, and the houses are getting higher and higher... But, Liu Jiang Family brings The square in Dakeng seems to have been forgotten.

No one dares to stay here, nor dare to move a bit.

And after Liu Jiang stabilized his cultivation base for a year, he went out to practice. He said that a cultivator that is only cultivation but not experienced is not a good qualified cultivator.

After Xiao Guoguo heard this, she was a little blushed with shame, because her experience seemed not enough.

However, during this year, Xiao Guoguo was also in that space most of the time. There was Xiyue Clock in it, and time passed very slowly. One year passed outside, but for Xiao Guoguo, it was nearly ten years.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo will come out once a year. In Chi Xuan's opinion, Xiao Guoguo will only come out for a period of more than a month. This is not a serious retreat.

However, Chi Xuan has discovered the difference after all. He feels that Xiao Guoguo has become more and more stable recently, which makes Chi Xuan deeply suspicious. Every time we meet, Guoguo feels the same as if they hadn't seen each other in a long time.

Chi Xuan has long discovered Xiao Guoguo's secret, guessing that she should have a Space Type treasure on her body. However, he has been waiting, waiting for Xiao Guoguo to take the initiative to tell himself.

But after waiting so long and their relationship is so close, he didn't wait for Xiao Guoguo to speak.

Maybe she thinks this matter is not worth mentioning? Maybe in her heart, she didn't tell herself this plan?

Every time I think of this, Chi Xuan feels a little frustrated. However, he understands that many things cannot be forced. He can stand right beside her now, he has already taken a step forward, he can't worry.

Seeing Xiao Guoguo walk out of the house, Chi Xuan's eyes lit up, and the time for each separation seemed very long.

"I thought you would come out in two days." Chi Xuan said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan.

As expected, what they said is right, one day is not as good as three autumns, and the summary is so appropriate! Now she had vaguely the pain of missing and the joy of reunion.

Although she has been cultivation this year, she rarely has Divine Consciousness sober, but now she knows that she still missed him so much.

"Speaking of business, do you miss me?" Xiao Guoguo asked directly.

Chi Xuan froze for a moment, thinking in his heart, is this question a business matter?

He only felt enthusiastic and blushed, but, thinking about it carefully, it was really a matter of business for the two of them. There is no more serious event than this!

"To be honest, I thought about it." Chi Xuan said this, and took a step forward, grabbing Xiao Guoguo's hand.

Now he has improved, and he is bold enough to hold hands. Two times before, he wanted to grab Xiao Guoguo's hand, but he was not embarrassed.

"Has anyone come recently? I don't know how Liu Zhu's life is."

Xiao Guoguo let out a sigh, and followed Chi Xuan to the grape shelf, next to the chair. There was refreshment, and every time she came out, she would eat a few pieces to fill up her stomach.

"Liu Zhu has been very busy during this time. I haven't seen him in the last month. Maybe there is some news in the town recently." Chi Xuan said that, not very concerned, but Xiao Guoguo just remembered In the heart.

"Wenwen and Xiao Han, do you still come to trouble you?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile. During this time, Wenwen often came over, and looked worried about the way they were alone.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't understand it very much. What is there to worry about? Are you worried that she will suffer? Is she like the kind of person who suffers casually?

Thinking of this, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan again, not to mention it, it seems that it is not that simple to wait for the person in front of him to get a resuscitation. So far, they have been dating for a year and have seen each other eleven times, and they have only held small hands.

Thinking about it, Xiao Guoguo is a bit regretful. What progress has he made in one year?

Hey, with this progress, I want to develop to an uneasy level... Xiao Guoguo thought in his heart, it was too early for Wenwen to worry about this.

"Wenwen didn't come over, I heard Xiao Han say that Wenwen seemed to be locked up by Ling Old Yun's ancestors, let her prepare for the Lingwu Mountain relics, don't when the time Comes injured."

Chi Xuan was still very happy to hear this news. Of course, it would be better if Xiao Han could also retreat together for a period of time.

"And... what else is coming? I didn't think of it at this moment." Xiao Guoguo said this, and heard people coughing twice.

"I said, Master, you forgot about me." The shaggy, tall, fatty said so.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." That's right! Why has she forgotten such an important and serious thing!

"It is correct to say that there is a person of the opposite sex and no humanity. The master, we came out for Transcending Tribulation. When you saw Chi Xuan, you forgot all the serious things. I picked it up. Is it?" Fatty yelled angrily, really sad.

Since then, it has been standing behind the two men, these two people can ignore it all the time, and only each other in their eyes... Who is this to be envious of!

"You weren't picked up by me, you were picked up by Peak Lord Bai back then." Xiao Guoguo said to the fatty in a serious manner. Fatty fiercely's rolled the eyes, the owner is unreliable, I really want to Need to change the owner.

"By the way, fatty wants Transcending Tribulation, I have to take it to find a pipe down place!" Xiao Guoguo said so, Chi Xuan smiled.

"I'll go with you." Chi Xuan finally got the chance to be alone with Xiao Guoguo, how could he be so wasted.

"Otherwise, I will find a place for Transcending Tribulation, and I won't bother you!" Fatty asked, looking at Chi Xuan's slimy appearance.

"Can you do it yourself?" Chi Xuan's eyes lit up.

"No!" Fatty refused decisively, and stood directly next to Xiao Guoguo, looking at Chi Xuan with a look of hostility.

And at this time, a red fox walked out from behind Chi Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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