
  Chapter 1116 supports

This truth, Wenwen has lived for so many years, of course I understand.

It is said that men are too handsome and unreliable, but, having said that, if men do not look good, they must be able to pass the exam?

No! No matter what a man looks like, in Wenwen's heart, that is unreliable!

It's just that she won't hit Xiao Guoguo. For so many years, it is not easy to make the boss meet a tempting one. Many things have to be tried before you know what it is like. Whether it succeeds or fails, that is the result. Now they are talking about the process.

"It's fine if you are happy, I just remind you, don't tell others about your secrets, so as not to get out of the way." Looking at this kind of text, Xiao Guoguo smiled and leaned his head on the text of the text. Above the shoulders.

"If he bullies me, how about you help me beat him?"

"Then I have to cultivation, he is now a sword cultivator, I beat him more and more It's difficult." Wenwen frowned, a serious answer.

"Well, you work hard, I will point you to protect from now on." Xiao Guoguo played a rogue and walked back with Wenwen.

"Qinghong ran away. When I arrived, there was only a bunch of demonic energy left in her house." Wenwen suddenly spoke about this matter, and Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

"You mean, Qinghong has also entered the demonic path?" Xiao Guoguo was amazed.

"I don't think so, because she couldn't think about it for a while, and she really entered the demonic path. It was impossible to become so powerful so quickly. At that time, the four people in Sect were responsible for monitoring her. How could it be so easy to want to leave quietly! We suspect that the demonic cultivator is making waves."

Xiao Guoguo's expression was a little cautious after hearing this. That demonic cultivator is really difficult to deal with, because Xiao Han's victory or defeat to him is only five to five, not necessarily the result.

"You have to be careful, I heard that Qinghong was injured this time and hated you to the bones. I want to come here sooner or later to find the boss for revenge! So, Chi Xuan is really a trouble."

Wen Wen couldn't help but sighed again, Xiao Guoguo smiled faintly. In fact, she is also a big trouble, but she still can't see it.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. Besides, even if she really becomes a demonic cultivator, she won't be invincible all at once. She dare not come easily." Xiao Guoguo said, Wen The text can only be nodded.

"By the way, in three years, the remains of Lingwu Mountain should be opened again, Master told me, let me work hard all these years, go back and take me to find opportunities. Boss, When the time comes, you guys go too. "Wenwen can't rest assured that Xiao Guoguo is out alone.

"Lingwu Mountain Remains? Where is that?" Xiao Guoguo knew Wenwen knew her. Since she invited her so, it might be a good place. Moreover, why is Lingwu Mountain so familiar?

"It is said that Lingwu Mountain existed hundreds of thousands of years ago, and there were treasures in Lingwu Mountain! More than hundreds of thousands of years ago, it is said that there was a big battle between humans and monster beasts. And during this war, many people died, of course, also a lot of monster beasts. That place was sealed because the murderous aura was too heavy.

These years, every five hundred years , This Lingwu Mountain will only open once, and this time is the opportunity for each sect to enter. Of course, each sect will only send the highest-end battle strength to it, and most people will never have this opportunity.

You have special identities in Ling Cloud Sect. If you stay until that time, I am sure to persuade the Master to take everyone in and take a look. There are quite a few treasures in there."

As Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo Nodded, there are treasure places, you must visit it.

"Okay, then I'll go." Xiao Guoguo agreed, Wenwen laughed, no one knows what the boss thinks better than her, neither can Chi Xuan.

Of course, no one hears their conversation. Although Qingyun Daoist and Xiao Han wanted to overhear one or two, Xiao Guoguo's Divine Consciousness was great. If they overhear, they must be discovered.

Therefore, Xiao Han can only endure curiosity and keep walking around in the yard. This Adoptive Father repeatedly confessed to him to take good care of his younger sister. If this is not taken care of, can he be worthy of the favor of the Adoptive Father?

Furthermore, Guoguo is such a cute younger sister, who doesn't care about the Adoptive Father's face, and he can't tolerate someone bullying her! What a daoist is really a courting death. I don't know if his family's Guoguo has been wronged?

Looking at Chi Xuan who is busy in the kitchen, Xiao Han is even more insignificant. Who, let him take good care of his younger sister, that is trusting him, how did he do such a bad job. Can only cook, is cooking useful?

However, at this time, Xiao Guoguo came back, looked at Xiao Han, didn't say anything, just sat down to eat. She knew that Xiao Han wanted to inquire about the news, but she was not going to tell him about her affairs.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Family is his father, and she is not close. The feelings that have been missing for so many years cannot be made up in two or three sentences.

"Hey, who is going for Transcending Tribulation?" Wenwen watched the black robbery clouds floating outside. It was strange, this small village, who wants Transcending Tribulation!

"It's probably next door." Xiao Guoguo said while eating, without any intention of going out to have a look.

"I think this robbery cloud seems to be going to the fish pond you contracted." Wenwen said so, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

"Liu Jiang, why are you looking for a place like this!" Xiao Guoguo yelled, and Liu Jiang, who was sitting down to prepare for Transcending Tribulation, froze for a moment, and then he remembered whose site is here.

Liu Jiang did not dare to delay, and continued to fly forward until he reached a wasteland. Then he stopped and prepared for Transcending Tribulation with peace of mind.

"Younger sister, what have you contracted?" Xiao Han asked curiously, but Xiao Guoguo laughed and said nothing, giving Xiao Han a curious heart-wrenching discomfort.

"Let me see, there is a Transcending Tribulation, so it's a lively thing!" Xiao Han finished speaking, turned around and flew out, he was going to see what fish pond.

Xiao Guoguo watched Xiao Han fly away and didn’t care, but continued to eat. Chi Xuan put Xiao Guoguo’s favorite dishes in her bowl from time to time, and picked out the ones she didn’t like. Put it in your own bowl.

Seeing such Chi Xuan, the Qingyun daoist was stunned for a moment, and then after a moment, he felt as if he knew something extraordinary.

This is obviously interactive content that love talents have, this Chi Xuan, he started so quickly!

Qingyun daoist is thankful that he is missing a competitor, while silently sympathizing with Xiao Han. This defender from the left and the right still missed it. If you look at people, it is clear that he has confessed his thoughts.

"By the way, I don't know how the Golden Retriever is now?" Wenwen suddenly said, watching the distant robbery cloud, thunder and lightning fell, and she knew that it was Core Formation tribulation thunder.

It's okay, Core Formation tribulation thunder, a little harder, you can carry it.

(End of this chapter)

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