
  Chapter 1110 You are angry

Xiao Guoguo heard this, his steps stopped slightly and turned around Looking at Chi Xuan.

"I don't understand what Chi Xuan Senior Brother said, why should I avoid you? You are not a scourge." Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and asked without showing weakness.

"Junior Sister, if you feel unhappy in your heart, just say it. Even if you beat me, I have no complaints, just don't hold back like this, I'm afraid you hurt yourself."


Chi Xuan said with concern, but Xiao Guoguo's expression worsened.

What can she be unhappy, why should she be unhappy! Even if she is not happy, what do you care about him!

"I don't even understand what Senior Brother said. I'm having a good time. Why don't you have a good time?" When Xiao Guoguo said this, he stared at the roof in the distance and never looked at Chi Xuan. .

"I guess you are because of the daoist affair, and have not been happy until now. I wanted to wait for you to feel comfortable before talking, but it looks like you will not be able to speak in a short time It's gone." Chi Xuan said with a smile, and saw that Xiao Guoguo was really angry.

"Chi Xuan, enough! You are not the roundworm in my stomach, how do you know what I think! In order to win the daoist? She is not an important figure, why does she affect me."

Xiao Guoguo finished saying this, turned around and left. He didn't want to stay any longer, but the fire in her heart couldn't be suppressed.

As soon as Xiao Guoguo turned around, he slammed into one of his arms, and Xiao Guoguo's face flushed. There are only her and Chi Xuan, who is not Chi Xuan who is blocking the way.

"You get out of the way, don't get in my way!" Xiao Guoguo pushed Chi Xuan a hand... didn't push away.

"I won't let go, let me hold my arm next time." Chi Xuan's laughter came from above his head, and Xiao Guoguo was even more annoyed.

"I just missed it for a while, and besides, I didn't mean it." Xiao Guoguo didn't understand how this topic could suddenly turn off.

"You did it on purpose, and I don't blame you. But, this is not important, the important thing is that you are angry." Chi Xuan's honest answer made Xiao Guoguo feel aggrieved.

"I've said everything, I'm not angry." Xiao Guoguo raised her head. She felt that there was no point in struggling with Chi Xuan on this issue. However, she just didn't want to go now, and her legs stayed in place.

"You are angry." Chi Xuan said positively.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This guy has such a straight temper and your terrible personality, thank you for having this face! Otherwise, he is simply a female insulator, a single Master with his own halo!

Xiao Guoguo feels that sometimes talking to Chi Xuan is really hard, you are half-dead with anger, and people don’t know what you are mad at.

"I'm sorry." Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo without saying a word for a long time, his face became more and more ugly, and he hurriedly apologized very sincerely.

"Why are you sorry? Where can you sorry for me?" Xiao Guoguo pressed his anger and asked him calmly.

"I...I am not very clear either." Chi Xuan replied sincerely, Xiao Guoguo only felt weak all over his body.

"Forget it, I forgive you, I'm not angry anymore, let me go." She said she was about to leave, but found that her arm was grabbed by someone.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Now is not something to play, the right time for the domineering cultivation Eldest Senior Brother!

"Let go!" Xiao Guoguo was angry.

Chi Xuan was also very entangled after hearing this, and he didn't dare to provoke Xiao Guoguo, but he was unwilling to let go. What should he do! There is really no experience in this area.

"Let go, pull and pull like this, let people see what it looks like." Xiao Guoguo grabbed his next door forcefully.

"There is no one other than us here." Chi Xuan answered in a serious manner.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." No one, your uncle!

"Chi Xuan, don't you think I can't beat you!" Xiao Guoguo clenched his fists.

"Don't hit your face, you like this face." When Chi Xuan said that, Xiao Guoguo felt that a needle pierced her, and then she was like a balloon... burst !

"Don't hit your face! My old lady will never hit you!" Xiao Guoguo said, hitting Chi Xuan's stomach with a fist.

Of course, with this fist, she only used one point and couldn't hurt Chi Xuan, but she couldn't calm her heart without punching him. After so long, this guy didn't know what he was angry with!

"Are you still angry?" Chi Xuan clutched his stomach and looked at Xiao Guoguo pitifully.

"You come here less, I simply didn't use the strength just now, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful here." Although Xiao Guoguo said that, his heart was still tight. Didn't I control the intensity just now? Are you hurt?

"Hehe, you can see through." Chi Xuan stood up awkwardly, and then continued to grab Xiao Guoguo's arm with his right hand.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." You can't find another place!

At this moment Xiao Guoguo understands what it is like to fall in love with a man who has the same feelings as High Level.

However, fortunately, when she used to be fine, she liked to collect all kinds of reading materials, pieced together, and learned a lot.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, then at the hand holding his arm, decided to ignore it, and then asked Chi Xuan seriously.

"Do you know why I am angry? Give you a chance to guess." Xiao Guoguo asked, Chi Xuan hurriedly nodded.

"In order to win daoist." Chi Xuan replied affirmatively.

"Yes, then..." Xiao Guoguo felt that Chi Xuan was not so incurable.

"She provokes you and wants to kill you! But we failed to kill her. But don't worry, I will find a chance to kill her and I will never let her become a threat." Chi Xuan has murderous aura in his eyes.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Threatening your sister! It really is a high-purity emotional idiot.

"Forget it, I'll tell you! I'm not angry that she wants to kill me, she does it to me, I am angry, she actually lived in Dongcheng branch school for many years! People are there for you, you She even let her live for that long, so she really didn't have the slightest thoughts about them!"

Xiao Guoguo finished the question and felt ashamed. She was not qualified for Chi Xuan's past events. After all, what does her past have to do with her!

Besides, what is between them! At most it is a fellow apprentices, she is so angry for no reason!

But, she was angry, and she couldn't keep her breath going. Every time I think about the past of the two, I feel like something is blocked in my chest.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't believe it at all, Chi Xuan has no interest in Qinghong Daoist. A man can tolerate a woman tossing about on his own territory, not because of love, is it because of love?

Where are so many excuses? She really cares very much in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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