
  Chapter 1104 He is

Look at the scars on Xiao Guoguo's body, look at Qinghong’s resentment Looks like this hatred is not small.

"Two of you, Qinghong is also to save Elder Zhou. She doesn't know who you are to do this." Sect Master Tang followed, always feeling that this matter might be stuck here. .

"Sect Master Tang, you are wrong to say that. This daoist knows exactly who we are. It's just that she never thought that we have a good relationship with Ling Cloud Sect."

"She knows who you are? How is this possible!" Sect Master Tang didn't believe it, while Hongyun Daoist was surprised, and instead understood a little. Probably because of Chi Xuan's relationship.

"Chi Xuan daoist, no matter what you and Qinghong, you are also the playmates you used to have together. They have also been in contact over the years. Can it be based on the relationship between you and Qinghong..." Hongyun daoist Besides, I saw Chi Xuan immediately quit.

"Do not talk nonsense about Daoist, I am not familiar with Qinghong Daoist. We are not playmates, but we know each other. In recent years, we have not had any contact. We have not seen each other for hundreds of years. It's over!"

Chi Xuan hurriedly denied, Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything. It's not that she doesn't believe in Chi Xuan, after all, based on his appearance, if she really likes a woman, there is simply no need to wait for so many years.

"Senior Sister, you don't ask them anymore! He has been confused by that woman and is no longer Chi Xuan."

Qinghong daoist is very resentful Said, Sect Master Tang was stunned. It turned out to be because of this! This is clearly two women fighting for a man!

"Yes, I just confuse his mind, so what? You bite me!" Xiao Guoguo said, Qinghong Daoist angrily beat the ground, only then found his own The palm of my hand has been torn, and it hurts when he pats on the ground.

"Why are you, why!"

Qinghong Daoist is not reconciled, she has been looking for so many years, waiting for so many years, why would she lose to a woman who has nothing ,Why!

"Just because I look good!" Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, and by the way, he lifted the mask on his face.

Everyone: "..." I have to say that Xiao Guoguo does have many advantages over Qinghong Daoist in terms of appearance.

Qinghong daoist is already a rare beauty. Who would have thought that Xiao Guoguo was so much more beautiful than her. It's not like it or not. In comparison, Xiao Guoguo is the real beauty.

"Nonsense, I don't believe him, he is not such a superficial man!"

Xiao Guoguo's chest pain was unbearable for Xiao Guoguo. Looking at Chi Xuan, his eyes were red Now, the tears are almost coming down.

"Aren't you?" Xiao Guoguo turned his head to ask Chi Xuan, and then saw Chi Xuan's face suddenly flushed, so obvious that everyone present could see clearly.

"I am." Chi Xuan replied in a low voice. Under Xiao Guoguo's offensive eyes, he had to be nodded happily.

Everyone: "..." Are you serious? It's too unprincipled!

Chi Xuan feels helpless in his heart, whether it is principle or face, under the threatening eyes of Junior Sister, all these have to be given up.

"You, Chi Xuan, you..." Qinghong daoist did not finish saying a word, fiercely spit a mouthful of blood, and fainted in anger.

She did not faint when fighting against Xiao Guoguo, nor did she faint when fighting Spirit Beast, but in the end, she fainted successfully when Xiao Guoguo deliberately did it. Up.

Xiao Guoguo looked at it and felt happy. This time, the great daoist suffered a heavy loss. Not only did the cultivation base fall, but the meridian was also damaged. It is estimated that his mind has also been hit a lot. It seems She is not at a disadvantage.

I can't kill anymore, I can only be so angry at her!

"Still trouble Hongyun daoist, please help me tell Qinghong daoist, this time I am looking at Ling Cloud Sect's face and don't want her life. But this time, just this once!"

Xiao Guoguo said, directly hitting the iceberg with a fist fiercely.

Although Sect Master Tang has destroyed most of the iceberg and released Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, there is still a half left.

Xiao Guoguo is just a fist from fiercely, and the iceberg is completely shattered. This shows how terrifying Xiao Guoguo's power is.

Sect Master Tang: "..." This is a threat, definitely a threat!

Because of this daoist is still dizzy, this kind of thing, only they agreed to it. Moreover, this Sect Master Tang also gave Xiao Guoguo a big gift...One million middle grade Spirit Stone compensation, just as Zhou Family gave.

Xiao Guoguo thinks that he may be very business-minded.

Qinghong daoist fainted. I don't know how much good things Sect Master Tang gave Xiao Guoguo in order to protect her.

And she also knows what Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did, so that Ling Cloud Sect had such an attitude towards them, as if they were treating guests!

Qinghong daoist's injury is not light, but she is not reconciled, she just wants to ask.

This Sect Master Tang is worthy of being the Sect Master of a small sect. Even if the daoist has caused them a lot of trouble, there is still a lot to give. He even asked people to treat the daoist first, and then to punish them. It was considered as benevolent and righteous.

Of course, when her injury eases, she still has to think about staying below the cliff for fifty years. This is also one of the compensation items that Sect Master Tang has promised Xiao Guoguo.

In any case, Qinghong's punishment cannot be lightened. Deprived of cultivation resources, thinking about staying below the cliff for fifty years, this is the result of having Sect Master Tang bargaining with Xiao Guoguo for a long time because Qinghong daoist had the opportunity to soar.

"Senior Sister! Eldest Senior Sister!"

Qinghong daoist Seeing Hongyun daoist walked in, with a look of excitement on his face, he was about to sit up. She has too many questions and needs someone to answer.

"You lie down quickly, the injury is still not healed!" Hong Yun Daoist said with an anxious expression on his face.

This is her own Junior Sister, she must be a great daoist. However, no matter where I thought that Junior Sister would come back, it became like this.

Master is gone, Little Junior Sister is gone, their school has a bad reputation in sect. Originally thought that this Qinghong came back, she would have right and left men, and their strength would be improved. I never thought that before entering the sect, I was seriously injured.

Are this Chi Xuan and that Xiao Guoguo, really different from their group? How could it be caused by them?

"Senior Sister, I'm not convinced! They hurt me, why sect, just don't care! Sect is not a dísciple, but is facing outsiders!"

The daoist is angry. He overturned the furnishings on the table, but Hongyun Daoist looked so calm, and even the angry expression on his face disappeared.

What's the use of being angry? People are kind to us sect. Hongyun daoist really wants to give Qinghong daoist all of a sudden, who is not good to provoke, to provoke those two guys.

(End of this chapter)

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