
  Chapter 1101 Bingshan

"You! I played it with you!"

After Qinghong daoist said this, Xiao Guoguo felt that the sky suddenly changed, and it was dark, secretly said in one's heart is not good.

And Qinghong Daoist bit the tip of his tongue long ago, swallowed a medicine pill, and the spiritual power on his body was quickly restored.

"You, I used a forbidden drug." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking. Qinghong Daoist's eyes were red and he didn't answer anything.

She paid too much for killing this woman.

And Chi Xuan came quickly and guarded Xiao Guoguo behind him. The Qinghong daoist seen in this scene was even more angry and desperate.

Well, if you can't get it, then kill it! Don't think about what she can't get!

Qinghong daoist thought so, spiritual power fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air, Xiao Guoguo found that they were all around, and thus formed a frozen space.

This frozen space is like a huge iceberg, but the two of them are inside this iceberg. They were frozen inside.

With a bang, this huge iceberg fell down and directly smashed a deep hole in the middle of the Liu Family Village. Half of the iceberg is in the ground and half in the air.

"This... how is this possible!" Liu Family father and son said, moving towards Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan one after another and ran over. It is their fault. If these two people die because of this, their conscience will be disturbed for the rest of their lives.

However, this iceberg is too big! I don’t know the height of several hundred meters. It is horizontal, and it is as wide as a hundred meters. It is really not a simple matter to come out.

At the same time, because of the decrease in temperature, snow began to fall in the sky, and the snow was still mixed with hail. The hail with the big mouth of the bowl hit it and it was life-threatening.

Such a strange sight caused everyone to flee. Only Elder Zhou and Eldest Young Master Zhou could not move because the two Spirit Beast guarding them did not move.

"Aren't you going to save your master?" Elder Zhou asked, and fatty glanced at him.

"Do you think you, the Junior Sister, won? You are stupid." When fatty said that, everyone saw the daoist that was still in the air suddenly falling down.

She obviously exhausted her whole body's strength, and only then did she control Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan within this iceberg. However, if she did so, she now had no extra spiritual power, and she couldn't even fly in the air.

"Even if my Junior Sister falls, your master can't get out." Then Elder Zhou said, Wangcai glanced at him dissatisfied.

"Our master, that is a body cultivator." Wang Cai's answer made Elder Zhou very puzzled.

She is a body cultivator, yes, can the body cultivator get out? Could she still not breathe? Where does the air come from inside this iceberg!

However, what made him didn't expect was that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were motionless, and these two monster beasts were also motionless. And that fiery-red monster beast with a high cultivation base, it actually came to the side of Junior Sister Qinghong Daoist.

"Are you going to avenge your master?! She is dead, aren't you free?"

The eyes of Qinghong Daoist shrank, she is definitely not a salamander now The opponent was too impulsive just now and forgot that there is this monster beast.

"You are stupid! What I signed is a life and death agreement! If the master is dead, I will die!" The salamander said grimly, and Qinghong Daoist was shocked for an instant.

Such a powerful monster beast, how could it have signed a life and death agreement with a human cultivator whose level is so much lower than it! She thought it was an equal contract.

Don't dare to think too much, the daoist is flying away. She felt that the salamander was going to kill her for revenge.

However, when I stood up, I felt a huge paw slapped off. The daoist leaned forward and escaped the blow. At the same time, he fought back with an ice thorn in his hand facing the salamander. His eyes flew over. She doesn't have much spiritual power now, and she can't do a large-scale attack, she can only win by surprise.

But the salamander was extremely fast, and then it slapped the daoist against the daoist, simply ignoring the ice thorn. It is a monster beast of Fire Spiritual Root, this ice thorn is of no use to it.

The flame wrapped the salamander, naturally including the claws, but in a blink of an eye, the Qinghong Daoist was pressed by the big fiery claws of the salamander.

"Ah, let me go!" Qinghong daoist roared in pain, ka-cha, it was the sound of a broken leg bone.

She is a cultivator during the ascension period, but she cannot withstand the salamander attack. The salamander stood up like a hill, the strength of that claw was enough to break a leg of Qinghong Daoist.

Moreover, the claws carry flames. Although this daoist is a cultivator, its skin and flesh still carry a burnt mark.

"Did you see it, let me tell you, you Junior Sister can't escape." Fatty said so, looking at the salamander, she appreciated it very much.

Elder Zhou didn't say a word. He suddenly felt that Xiao Guoguo had taken care of him. If he had dealt with him like Qinghong Junior Sister, he would be dead now.

Elder Zhou stopped speaking, and Eldest Young Master Zhou did not dare to say anything. At this moment, he watched Qinghong daoist rolling on the ground.

The salamander didn't use his paws to slap her, he just stood on the side and looked at her, as if looking at the prisoner.

The moment Xiao Guoguo was sealed in the ice before, he gave orders to the Spirit Beasts.

Be optimistic about them, do not use them, but you must be optimistic about them, can't run away, wait for her to go out to settle the accounts.

And just at this time, a few rays of light rushed over in the air. Among them were Sect Master Tang, Hongyun daoist, and naturally other Elders.

When they first saw the situation here, they couldn't believe it. Qinghong daoist, how can I be beaten so badly!

And the salamander looked at the group of people, there was no special reaction, and with his paws he pulled back the Qinghong Daoist who wanted to climb far. It didn’t make her difficult, but she didn’t let it run. .

"Asshole! I'll kill you!" Hong Yun Daoist saw that the Salamander had treated his Junior Sister so much. How could he be willing to take the magic weapon and rush forward.

However, the salamander looked at her with cold eyes, and then moved towards the air and sprayed a flame.

This Hongyun daoist really didn’t expect, the salamander dared to do this, just thinking about saving people, didn’t expect suddenly came up with such a trick, suddenly turned back Surrounded by flames.

"You are optimistic, what is the situation now." Fatty said so, and appeared directly in front of the Hongyun daoist.

Hongyun daoist was taken aback for a moment, this monster beast...how does it look familiar!

Not only it, but also the monster beast who attacked him just now, it seems inexplicably familiar!

"Hongyun daoist, please wait a minute." Sect Master Tang hurriedly flew over and looked at Wangcai, Fatty, and Salamander, only feeling a headache. Of these three, he has seen two.

(End of this chapter)

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