Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 418: Forever trump card

The latest website: ACE has the meaning of trump card.

Analyzed from the perspective of combat power alone, Ace's performance in the TV series fully meets the audience's psychological expectations of the "ace fighter".

After all, he was fighting a super beast!

The fierce and powerful super beast has been fully demonstrated in the first episode.

King Blake, who once caused Jack a headache, was beaten on the ground with three punches and two kicks by the super beast Beroken. And the super beast Berokern was easily solved by Ace who appeared later.

But combat power does not mean everything...

Ace is very strong, no one denies this. But the second episode that was broadcast later revealed the "immature" side of this young soldier.

The Yabo people merged the eggs of the ancient chameleon with the eggs of the cosmic pterodactyl to create a brand-new super beast, King Mairei.

The TAC team went to destroy it.

After the failure of conventional weapons, Beidou and Nan Yuko combined and transformed into Ace to face King Gamere. At this moment, a woman with her child knelt down in front of Ace, begging him to let go of the monster.

It turned out that the woman's husband was the construction worker who was sucked by the "strange egg" before.

"Everyone thought he was dead, but I could hear him shouting, he is still alive, inside this monster..."

Ace used "Ear of Ace" and "Eye of Ace" to spot the construction worker and hear his voice.

His state is amazing...

Already annihilated, consciousness was assimilated by King Gamere. It can be said that he is King Gamere, but King Gamere is not him.

"Help me, I don't want to die!"

The man's cry for help made Ace fall into a bewildered situation. His kindness made him dare not hurt King Gamere. But King Gamerei was under the control of the Aborians and had fallen into a violent violent situation.

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

Master Zhengming smashed his helmet to the ground and cursed angrily: "Everyone will sympathize with what happened to him, but this is not the reason for us to condone him to hurt others."

Ace is in a dilemma.

Captain Dragon Five glanced at Ace meaningfully and accepted the order from the Defense Forces Staff. He decided to use high-intensity bombs to eliminate King Gamere at all costs.

The bomb exploded!

King Gamere was unscathed, but a large pit with a diameter of 700 meters was exploded in the urban area of ​​Jiangchuan. Countless people have been displaced, their eyes are blank.

Only then did Ace react, put away the kindness he shouldn't have, and struggled to break free from King Gamere, and wiped him out with the light of Metalim.

The previous mother and son burst into tears instantly as the monsters exploded into powder due to the light of Metalim.

The young soldier was lost.

He may have great power to defeat monsters or super beasts. But force alone cannot solve all problems.

Trump, is he really worthy?

The theme of Ace's story is "growth." Facing the scheming Yabo people, the proud son of heaven from the kingdom of light gradually grows into a unique ace fighter.

King Gamere is just the beginning...

In order to show Ace's immaturity, there are many similar passages in subsequent episodes. It wasn't until I was slapped in the face by the first generation that there was a subsequent transformation.

Of course, this is not to belittle Ace.

This is just to make Ace's image more grounded. In addition to shortcomings, he also has advantages.

Courage, value feelings!

I won't mention the courage. When I ridicule Ace as "the engine of group destruction", don't forget that his courage is also commendable.

The key is to value feelings!

When the Otter Brothers VS Leo Brothers, the first generation Jack had a weak soul and a ruthless attack, and it felt like they had used all the energy of milking. Apart from bullying Astra, Ace almost didn't attack Leo.

This is worthy of praise!

Compared with the previous work Jack, Ace implanted more thinking about "humanization" and added a lot of entertainment. This is the hero's understanding of the scripter Ichikawa Mori, and it is also the main line of the plot that runs through the early and mid-term.

Unfortunately, there were conflicts in the later stage.

After leaving a classic line of "the heart of enthusiasm cannot be extinguished", Ichikawa Moriichi, who said "the last wish", said goodbye to the Ultraman series and never cooperated again.

Ace is very classic and the plot is also very good, there is no doubt about that. The original version of Ace, because of fierce competition with Toei, has lower ratings than Guiman.

But it's different in Pengda.

Jiangchuan Satellite TV chose to premiere at 7:30 in the evening. According to common sense, the competition for ratings during this period is extremely fierce.

But this is Ultraman!

Caught between a bunch of period dramas, costume dramas and mother-in-law dramas, Ultraman is like the most beautiful boy on this street. How can there be any competitors?

The audience is completely different.

Therefore, there is no pressure on Ace's ratings. Relying on the novel innovation of "two-person transformation", the first broadcast ratings were 13.01%, surpassing the predecessor Jack in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, the second episode fell.

Although the decline was not large, the decline was after all a decline. Many viewers have already switched channels for the advertisement that took only a few minutes. For the third episode 24 hours later, isn't it going to drop more?

The result was not unexpected.

When the third episode aired, the ratings had dropped to about 11%. Fortunately, when the fourth episode was broadcast, the ratings curve stabilized.

Probably, this is the ceiling.

The glory of the first generation is destined to be a miracle of the times that cannot be copied. With 11% ratings in five years, Ace's strength is beyond doubt.

it does not matter!

Altman's IP has been erected, and the ratings do not affect the value of the entire IP series.

Meng Lang pays more attention to audience feedback than the illusory data curve.

Judging from the comments collected on major social platforms, audiences generally accept Ace's new settings. Including super beasts, cosmic hybrid experts Yabo people, TAC team and so on.

The only controversial issue is probably the new "two-man" transformation.

Fit and transform are acceptable, but your transform device is a ring! It was also specially designed as a "wedding ring", combined with the recent news about "North American boys cheating on 19 girlfriends", the audience was speechless.

The starring problem is not big~www.ltnovel.com~Ultraman series, it is already customary to get used to newcomers. From the perspective of the entire entertainment industry, Yang Zhe and Lin Fangmin's appearance is not too low.

Acting is a plus!

As for the supporting role, it would be better. Each of the Ace TAC players has distinctive characteristics. Especially Master Zhengming, it is simply too popular.

Wu Yu's performance is perfect.

In order to play Master Zhengming well, he made himself fat and studied many Taoist classics. During the filming period, it became almost like an ordinary Taoist priest.

This kind of dedication is in line with his outstanding acting skills. Coupled with the role of Master Zhengming, which belongs to the role of "funny" in the play, it is strange to be unpopular.

Poor Yang Zhe...

Obviously he is the male lead, but Wu Yu robbed him of the limelight. Ace premiered such a big hit, but no manufacturer came to him for an advertisement.

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