Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 326: Meng's age

Special photo plus kung fu?

This is not a new thing. Let’s talk about domestic works. The producers are deeply influenced by traditional culture, and it is not once or twice that the “kung fu” element is introduced into the play.

For example, the armor warrior series, although not a system, does imitate some "kung fu" moves. The more prominent starting style, the audience will understand at a glance.

Then there are major overseas factories.

Let’s not talk about the two habitual offenders of Dong Aunt and Tsuburaya. Although their works are as numerous as stars, their play designs have their own characteristics. Not only Kung Fu, but also Sanshou Muay Thai Taekwondo Free Fighting have been cited.

But they have one thing in common, their moves are not systematic!

In layman's terms, I think your trick of "flying cranes and spreading wings" is not bad, and it can be used. After playing this trick, it becomes another system, the whole hodgepodge!

Pure kung fu special photo?

It may be that Meng Lang has little knowledge, or he doesn't know much about "actual kung fu". In short, he has not seen a special drama using pure kung fu.

Baicang's idea is worth encouraging!

Regardless of whether the result is good or bad, at least he dares to take this risk. Success is happy, and failure is not necessary.

The premise is that Kung Fu is "fidelity"!

Considering that Bai Cang is a crooked nut after all, he is not familiar with domestic kung fu. Meng Lang was worried that he would be deceived by those kung fu masters who were "unlearning and skillless".

Really kung fu!

What kind of tricks hurry away, just like the three-legged cat, the audience can't laugh before the TV after watching?

Uneasy, Meng Lang booked the return ticket early. As soon as the superhero festival was over, he flew back to Jiangchuan to inquire about the origin of the kung fu master of the crew.

Sure enough, Bai Cang was cheated!

The so-called "True Biography of Wing Chun", claiming to be a descendant of Ye Wen, turned out to be fooled by the fact that this guy got a few false certificates. Wing Chun was still learned from the old man in the park...

Meng Lang's head hurts with anger!

Really brave, even his little overlord dare to lie? Come here, take his pants off the hanging tree and apply wind oil!

After handing over the liar to his uncle uniform, Meng Lang decided to go out in person and inquire about the reliable kung fu masters in China through various contacts.

Rich is good!

Under the temptation of "high salary", Meng Lang did find a reliable master. This intangible cultural heritage inheritor who received the "special allowance" is a bit young!

"What's wrong with being young?"

The little master refuses to accept, rolls up his sleeves and has to make gestures. This posture frightened Meng Tsai, and he just didn't yell "The hero is forgiving."

The young master's surname is Zhang, not a direct descendant of any martial arts master. His grandfather learned the true traditions of Tai Chi, and he started practicing martial arts when he was very young.

"It's better not for posterity!"

Meng Lang wiped his sweat, he was really afraid that this little master would say he was a descendant of Master xx.

It's a fart!

The easier you get, the less you know how to cherish it. How many solid skills do the descendants of Master **** have?

On the contrary, those apprentices who knocked their heads by pouring tea and water, because they understand the difficulty of "learning art", they learn very hard. The unobtainable is always in turmoil, and the favored has no fear. This is roughly the reason.

One master is enough!

Regardless of the fact that the young master only has the true teachings of Tai Chi, but the Wing Chun Hongquan also "knows a little." To put it in professional terms, the actual combat is about "demolition moves". You don't know how your opponents will demolition moves?

Master Tai Chi and other deputy!

After the young master joined the group, in addition to assuming the role of "Martial Arts Instructor", he also had one more job, that is, "Training Class Lectures"!

The PD per capita is a martial idiot, and learned that Mr. Meng has spent a lot of money to invite the master, all of them rushed to the metal hero crew to stop by, hoping to be favored by the master and accepted as a disciple.

Wang Kui Ma Teng also went!

Meng Lang was very upset and caught the two of them scolding. Said that they are all over the age of martial arts, just go to work and be social animals, don't daydream all day.

"It's okay to keep fit!"

Ma Teng flexed his muscles and said: "This man is getting older, and his body is full of problems. I ask the master to pass on my set of health training, is this not enough?"

"That's it!"

Wang Kui agreed: "Meng, you are also a person of this age, so you should be able to understand us!"

Fuck your mother shit!

Meng Lang said angrily: "Who is one year old with you? I am obviously only in my twenties!"

"How old is it?"

"The Rain Girl has no melons!"

The discussion about age broke up. In view of the fact that Meng was really upset, Ma Teng and Wang Kui promised not to interfere with the master's work again.

"Speaking of business, what happened to Jack's prequel? Can the latter be done before the end of the month?"


Because of the Superhero Festival and Kyoto Paradise, the latter part of the prequel was supervised by Wang Kui. According to the current production progress, he also gave an approximate date.

"Should be able to catch the opening day!"

Then there is no problem!

On July 28, PD Kyoto Paradise ushered in an open day. As a tribute work, "Jack Prequel" will be broadcast on the opening day of the park, which is an already set link.

Easy to add ads!

Jack prequels, the duration should be around 55 minutes. As a gift to "Kyoto Paradise", adding a 5-minute ad is not too much?

What an hour!

There are three versions of the prequel: Mandarin, Japanese and English. After the post-production is completed, it will log on to video sites around the world and broadcast it in a free mode.

Do you mind ads for free viewing?

If you really hate advertisements, how about uncle Meng’s offer a payment channel and delete advertisements at the expense of money?

The prequel with ads is normal operation. But all the videos in the PD library that do not have the word "VIP" in the upper right corner are all with advertisements.

Meng Zi is already very conscientious!

Consumers spent money, except for the manufacturer's placement of advertisements, without any "advertising fragments". Only free videos have disgusting "ad time".

One more understanding!

Everyone came out, who didn’t want to make some money? Meng Zi spent more than 10 million on the prequel. If there were no commercials, it would really be a loss.

The prequel didn't cost much...

Excluding the exaggerated elements of publicity ~www.ltnovel.com~, it actually cost a few million or so. Compared to Jack's TV series, it can only be considered a drop in the bucket.

The real spender is Kamen Rider!

"Kamen Rider X" has just completed two seasons of 25 episodes, and the average ratings are the first to say. More than 20 episodes have been broadcast, and the cost of each episode is more than one million!

Sometimes fighting special effects, scene destruction, a single episode can burn five or six million or even 10 million. Even if it is mainly daily scenes, the single integrated book is not less than one million.

Talking about soft sister coins!

If it is converted into Japanese yen, it is common to have a proper "single episode of tens of millions" or more, breaking 100 million!

Spent a lot of money!

If you let other companies, such as Pengda, shoot the knight TV series produced by Dong Auntie, it will cost at least 5 billion yen or more.

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