Chapter 537 The Secret Emperor’s Law (For Collection, For Collection)

The leader is Zhang Tienan. If there is no accident in the inheritance of the imperial law this time, Zhang Tienan should be able to become the strength of the Great Sacred Realm.

Several others have also reached the king’s realm. In comparison, their strength has risen to another level compared to when they came back.

“Ming, look at this rubbish here! He looks the same as the Holy Emperor, but it turns out to be a hundred and eighty thousand miles away, a rubbish, licking his face and following the princess here, still wanting to get the inheritance of the emperor’s law?”

“Lin Dage, haven’t you always admired the third princess, this jerk came to talk and laugh with the third princess, won’t you beat him later?”

“That’s right, it’s a waste of our quota resources, and it’s a waste of time. The most wasteful one came last. It’s really shameless! You said that, General Zhang.”

The arrival of Jiang Jing caused a large part of the team of more than 100 people to scold Jiang Jing, and their voices were not concealed.

Jiang Jing’s identity is honorable, but after all, he is a waste. The worst of them is life and death. Naturally, they are not afraid of Jiang Jing. After all, in this world, strength is the expression of power.

However, as soon as their words fell, the two men known as Lin Dage and General Zhang suddenly turned their heads and stared angrily at the people who were talking, bang bang!

A few slaps were thrown over, and they were directly used to vomit blood.

“No more nonsense, you will end up like them!” said the leading General Zhang coldly.

Although they are both the geniuses of the younger generation, these two are leaders, not to mention their strengths.

Soon, five people led by General Zhang walked out of the team, and these five people were the top existences in the team.

General Zhang walked up to Jiang Jing and saluted politely; “Zhang Tietong has seen Vice Captain Jiang!”

“I have seen Vice-Captain Jiang.” The others also saluted.

And the Tianjiao over there has a strange look on his face, what do you mean? Isn’t the waste just going to gild? Besides, they are all generals, and they are called Captain Jiang Jing?

One of the most important points is that when these people came back, they were all made major generals, but Jiang Jing did not receive any rewards.

Jiang Jing hurriedly waved his hand and said speechlessly: “Crazy, I’m not the vice-captain for a long time, all of you are major generals, call me vice-captain, I’m afraid you don’t want me to die.

0. Ask for flowers…

Zhang Tietong scratched his head in embarrassment: “Cough, I’m used to it. In the future, if any bastard doesn’t have eyes to provoke you, I’ll grab their skin.”

Zhang Tienan deliberately raised his tone a lot. Obviously, this is a warning to everyone not to mess with Jiang Jing, otherwise, he will be in trouble with Zhang Tienan!

“Hey, have you fallen in love with him? It’s just him, but I can’t see Her Royal Highness?” Wang Yan was a little speechless, isn’t she the most dazzling in the past? Jiang Jing is at most a foil, well, why don’t they meet now to oneself.


“Okay, let’s go in.” Jiang Jing was a little funny, what’s there to argue about?

“Come with me.” Jiang Jing beckoned to Zhang Tienan, and the five of them immediately followed behind Jiang Jing.

The hundreds of Tianjiao were a little puzzled and didn’t understand what was going on, but when they saw them go in, they quickly followed.

Jiang Jing whispered: “Zhang Tienan, go to No. 4 on the second floor, Xiao Lin, go to No. 5 on the fourth floor”

Jiang Jing reported a few numbers. Because they fought together, Jiang Jing knew very well what kind of imperial inheritance they were suitable for, and Jiang Jing had already prepared them. Of,

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