Chapter 529: The Fallen Leaves Return to the Roots for Collection, Collection)

Jiang Jing took Ke’er and He Lie, and rode Ling’er back to the former site of Taiyi Sacred Land, which was desolate and abandoned.

The treasures in the Sect have been looted, leaving only the ruins.

According to Emperor Tianji, in the thousands of years of his Closed Door Training, Ye Changge and Li Xunxian successively broke through the Holy Lord realm and became strong in the emperor realm.

Fight for thousands of years, in the most critical battle of the human race, and die on the battlefield!

Jiang Jing bowed heavily to Taiyi Sacred Land, and Ke’er followed Jiang Jing.

“This is where my teacher was 30,000 years ago. Let’s go, 02 take my parents home.”

The group took off again and headed to the former site of the Dayan Dynasty in the north!

The Dayan Dynasty is now the residence of the Feiyu Clan.

But now, two-thirds of the elites of the Feiyu clan have been destroyed outside the tomb, and the remaining one-third are fighting hard on the front line. Jiang Jing informed Liu Duckling of the heavy losses of the Feiyu clan.

Liu Duckling made a decisive decision and rushed towards the Feiyu clan. Now all the Feiyu clan from the Immortal Seeking Continent have rushed to the Eastern Wasteland front line.

It used to be so brilliant that it even became the Dayan Dynasty of the Sacred Land of the human race. Now people are empty, the city is in ruins, and there is no human being in the entire northern region.

The remaining human races were all compressed into the Eastern Wasteland.

The once splendid and majestic capital of the Dayan Dynasty was only left in ruins.

Jiang Jing descended from the sky and arrived at the imperial mausoleum, the mausoleum of the emperors of the Dayan Dynasty, where the blood of the imperial families of the past dynasties can be buried!

Just as Jiang Jing landed, a white tiger with a hanging forehead swooped out of it. It was actually a big tiger at the peak of the king’s realm. It was extremely ferocious!

Ke’er was so frightened that she screamed and covered her mouth, even He Lie was disturbed, and he got out directly.

Only Jiang Jing remained unmoved and stood silently on the spot. The big tiger rushed over, but directly fell at Jiang Jing’s feet, hugging Jiang Jing’s legs, the huge body, the fierce and majestic tiger. , Now as well-behaved as a big cat.

Jiang Jing touched the big tiger’s head: “It’s been 30,000 years, but I didn’t expect you to fulfill your original promise and still be here waiting.


The big tiger roared at Jiang Jing happily, and then met Zeng Jiang Jing again.

But when he found that he was fine, he let go of the hand that was holding his eyes, and when he saw this scene, he was surprised, and he subconsciously touched the tiger’s head: “This, is this a big cat?”

Jiang Jing smiled and couldn’t deny it. In fact, if it wasn’t for Ke’er following Jiang Jing’s side, she didn’t respond when she touched the tiger’s head.

“Are there any other friends here? Go and call them together.” Jiang Jing patted the big tiger’s head, then pulled Ke’er to the innermost part of the cemetery.

With my own hands, I dug the grave bit by bit, and then I personally took the corpses of my parents and uncles into it, and used strength to build a majestic imperial mausoleum!

Letter: The tomb of Jiang Yicheng’s husband and wife, the third son Jiang Jing established.

Jiang Jing knelt down towards the tombstone, and Ke’er followed 127 and knelt down heavily.

Since Jiang Jing was born, he has never kneeled to anyone!

And parents, you should kneel!

“Father, mother. It is said that fallen leaves return to their roots, and souls return to their hometown. Although it has been 30,000 years, the unfilial son Jiang Jing has finally brought you home, you are home, you see, Big sis is right next to you. ”

After Jiang Jing dealt with all this, it was finally a matter of his mind, which has troubled him for 30,000 years!

After dealing with this matter, Jiang Jing felt relaxed and indescribably comfortable in his heart. That feeling was really comfortable!

There was a faint feeling of change in his divine soul, as if a door of a higher level was opening towards him. .

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