Chapter 512: Jiang Jing’s Fury

The battle has been so stalemate, the number of Blood Demons has been decreasing, but there are still more than 120,000 Blood Demon soldiers.

Front-line support will arrive in about two days.

Those few Great Sacred Realm powerhouses were tortured for several days, and they couldn’t even scream.

But Jiang Jing can’t let these Great Holy Lands die. Once they die, these Blood Demons will lose their fighting spirit and flee!

Once again, these few Great Sacred Realms made those Blood Demon soldiers escape but dare not escape, and fight but cannot fight!

It has been ten days in a row, and Jiang Jing is still grilling his mutton skewers. Suddenly, Jiang Jing’s face changed greatly: “Blood Demons! You are courting death!”

It turned out that the Blood Demons actually gathered the remaining hundred or so powerful kings, and gradually lured Jun Shinuo and the others into the encirclement.

It is planned that hundreds of king-level powerhouses will besiege the human king-level powerhouses, and they will destroy these human king-level arrogances!

Jiang Jing felt that there was no major danger, so it was a bit late when he found out~!

“You are courting death!” Jiang Jing was furious. Under Jiang Jing’s control, in an instant, the five great saints were killed!

Jiang Jing jumped up from the city wall, Xiao Linger felt his mind, and quickly became bigger, let Jiang Jing step on his back, and flew directly from the city wall – battle circle!



Two human kings were seriously injured, and the other three Tianjiao were directly counted and died on the spot!


Xiaolinger let out a phoenix cry, and a tongue of fire fell from the sky!

Quickly save the rest!



Jiang Jing’s eyes were angered and dazzling, and he watched as the two kings of the peak attacked Jun Shinuo. Jun Shinuo had already reflected, but he was still seriously injured when he was caught off guard!

Jiang Jing quickly jumped off Xiao Linger’s back, reached out and hugged Jun Shinuo who flew upside down, Xiao Linger quickly dispersed the surrounding powerhouses, and protected those few human race talents.

“Master, this guy finally shot.” Zhang Tienan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“Sino, are you alright?” Jiang Jing poured the seeds of life into Jun Shi Nuo’s body. Jun Shi Nuo was seriously injured and very dangerous! If Jiang Jing was not there, she would never be able to do it again. Get out of this battlefield!

“Why did you come down, go! Take them away, leave me alone, it’s too dangerous!”

“You go, are you stupid!” Jun Shinuo said weakly and anxiously, urging Jiang Jing to leave.

But because of the serious injury, he eventually fell into a coma!

Jiang Jing protected Jun Shi Nuo’s vitality and lifeline, and placed Jun Shi Nuo on Xiao Ling’er’s back. Jiang Jing’s voice was low and cold: “Go back!”

0. Ask for flowers…………

“Go back quickly, we’ll have a long-term plan!” Zhang Tietong was no worse than Jiang Jing, but what can we do now? The most important thing is Jun Shinuo.

“Throw them back!” Jiang Jing said coldly.

Xiao Ling’er responded, flying one claws, and really threw the arrogances of the human race back like sandbags!

“Blood Demons! I wanted to give you a few more days! It’s a pity that you really pissed me off!”

“My Jiang Jing is furious! A million corpses are buried!”



The bronze mirror bloomed with divine brilliance and responded to Jiang Jing, but did not participate in the war, because it was not needed!

The Qingfeng Sword turned into a streamer and flew towards Jiang Jing, and on the way to fly, it was constantly divided into countless small Flying Swords!

Zhang Tietong and the others got up from the ground and were dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them: “I’m going! This bastard pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger! Damn, what a shit, mysterious expert, this is all a game set up by him!”

The other Tianjiao are speechless, because they prefer to have a mysterious expert, and they don’t want to believe that Jiang Jing has such terrifying fighting power!

The former waste king!

Now he is alone fighting thousands of troops! The five great saints were beheaded in the wave of his hand! What kind of terrifying power is this?

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