Chapter 506 Play all the way to kill all the way (for collection, for collection)

In Nantian City, Jiang Jing sat on the tower, nibbling on chicken thighs with a look of helplessness on his face: “I just left some of the enemies for them, why are they so slow.”

At this time, Nantian City had been destroyed by Jiang Jing. The city owner of the early stage of the Great Sacred Realm was completely burned by Linger’s little fire, and not even the slag was left.

Jiang Jing is deliberately hanging on the speed, so that Jun Shinuo and the others will not be lost. If they follow too closely, they will leave some shrimp, soldiers and crabs to delay them for a while. If they are too slow, they will be wiped out, and they will follow quickly. .

Jiang Jing is invisibly protecting this team of the arrogance of the human race. Now the human race is weak, and any arrogance is the hope of the future of the human race. I really can’t afford to lose it!

“Kika, Young Master, that’s 110. You are too good, and Xiaolinger is also very good. It feels even more powerful than General Liu.” Ke’er smiled and handed Jiang Jing a freshly baked one. chicken wings.

Hearing Ke’er’s compliment, Xiao Ling’er raised her head proudly.

In the past few days, Kerr finally realized that her Young Master was absolutely hidden and hidden before, and her Young Master was amazing!

Eat, drink, play, and play along the way, and by the way, destroy all the nearby Blood Demons. There is almost no pressure. If there is pressure, Xiaolinger will come on, and the fire will burn all, and one will slammed!

So Ke’er didn’t do anything for the past few days, and just followed Jiang Jing to learn picnic technology, but she was born with talent in this area. Now, basically, Ke’er comes to barbecue, and Jiang Jing is responsible for eating.

“It tastes good, it’s delicious.” Jiang Jing finished whistling the chicken wings, removed the chicken bones, and wiped his mouth: “Continue to bake, there are guests coming, first go meet our guests, and then Come back and eat again.

“Master Young, you go, it will be baked soon.”

“Human race! You are courting death! Dare to come to my Blood Demon tribe’s rear base camp to spread wildly, and accept your fate!” A domineering and terrifying roar rushed towards the face with rolling coercion!

A cloud of blood is flying from the distant sky!

Jiang Jing grinned: “Finally, there is some weight. The Great Sacred Realm early stage, almost, kill all of your rear, I see if those old guys in your front line will come back to help.”

“Go down and talk to Lian!” Jiang Jing waved his hand, and the chaotic thunder robbery appeared out of thin air!

puff puff!


The early stage Blood Demons in the Great Sacred Realm screamed again and again. Jiang Jing’s Realm is too low now. Although the magical powers he has mastered are terrifying, they can’t exert much, but they are enough for the realm of the Great Sacred Realm to drink a pot. .

“Who are you? What! Sanyuanjing! How is it possible!” The Blood Demons descended from the sky and crashed down, only to find that Jiang Jing was just a human with rubbish strength in the Sanyuanjing, and was immediately dumbfounded.

This is impossible!

In the early stage of the Tang Dynasty Great Sacred Realm, he was actually injured by a human in the three-dimensional realm, and the injury was not light!

“Blood Demons, pay the price for your wrong actions!” Jiang Jing summoned the bronze mirror, and the bronze mirror flew out, shining with divine light.

Time is locked!

The bronze mirror supernatural power has imprisoned the body and surrounding time of this Blood Demon strong man!

The Qingfeng Sword snorted softly and flew out.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you, don’t let him die too happily.”


Qingfeng received the sword command, and immediately responded cheerfully!

Then, the early stage powerhouses of the Great Holy Land of the Blood Demons were tragic. They were imprisoned by the magical power of the bronze mirror and could not move a single bit.


The screams of the Blood Demons resounded through the sky!

The screams of a strong man in the Great Holy Land, and the screams of Cultivation Base, immediately felt his pain behind most of the Blood Demon clan!

Powerhouses from all walks of life have gathered, one by one, the kings, the great saints, and they all come straight to Nantian City!

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