Chapter 488 I Am the Holy Emperor (For Collection, For Collection)

Liu Duckling’s face suddenly turned cold, especially when she was about to bury her head on her chest, her murderous intent and momentum burst out!

The bang sent Jiang Jing flying.

With the current strength of Jiang Jing’s ternary realm, if he is shaken like this, he will inevitably fly upside down and vomit blood. However, although his strength is not high, he has a gifted spirit and a bit of protection from the star god body. Zero Three “No problem!

“I heard long ago that the eldest son of the Prince of Liangjing is ignorant and incompetent in tattooing and embroidery. He likes to find flowers and ask willows to harm young girls in a good family. I only heard about it, but I never thought it was true!” Liu Duckling looked at Jiang Jing with a cold face.

At the same time, Liu Fuping was also slightly surprised, no, she was faintly angry just now, this little bastard dared to eat his own tofu, he must suffer a little loss, but now he seems to be in pain, and it is not a big problem. , found that Jiang Jing is already the early stage of Sanyuanjing!

Isn’t he a waste that can’t cultivate? How did he suddenly become a three-dimensional realm! Not only that, it seems that the body’s resistance is also extremely strong!

The injustice in Jiang Jing’s heart, she cried out in frustration: I’m not, I didn’t do these things, it’s all done by that bastard in Jiangshan!

“Master Young, are you all right?” Ke’er was so frightened that she hurried over to help Jiang Jing, and glared at Liu Duck Ping, why is this person like this?

With a crisp cry, Xiao Linger, who had been on Jiang Jing’s shoulders, was also furious, her body flashed with fire, and an ancient breath burst out, staring at Liu Duckweed angrily!

Liu Duckling was once again shocked. Such miraculous things are not owned by the Immortal Seeking Continent, but this momentum alone makes it clear that this little thing is not simple.

Liu Fuping is helpless: This person is not good, but his luck is so good, God is not fair.

“It’s okay.” Jiang Jing let Ke’er let go and looked at Liu Fuping: “Do you really not know me?”

This is really the same as Liu Qin, just a little taller than Liu Qin, but it really looks so similar.

The moment he saw her, Jiang Jing was moved to be able to meet her in another lifetime.

“Ah, of course I know you, Tianjing City is the first to collapse the country!” Liu Fuping sneered.

Jiang Jing’s expression darkened, it seemed that she just looked alike.

“Go see Your Majesty.” Jiang Jing walked into the Great Hall in despair.

Liu Duckling frowned and seemed a little puzzled, but she went in anyway.

In the Great Hall, Jiang Jing met the only three remaining powerhouses of the human race, Jun Tianzhan, the general of the Zhantian Army. Liu Fuping, a general of the Chinese army, protects the country and worships Wang Tianlong.

As well as King Tianjing, Li Xuntian, and the strength of life and death.

“Bold country, don’t kneel when you see His Majesty!” Several people looked at Jiang Jing in confusion, and some wondered why they looked at Jiang Jing like a certain person.

“My name is Jiang Jing! I am the Holy Emperor of the human race! I have never called anyone in my life!” Jiang Jing waved his hand, released the bronze mirror, and quickly sealed the entire palace 5.8 to prevent others from knowing!

Several people were shocked when they heard Jiang Jing’s words. Liu Fuping just wanted to scold Jiang Jing for daring to defile His Majesty the Holy Emperor, but when the bronze mirror came out, they all shut up.

The destructive aura that this thing exudes will suffocate even them!

Now they all shut up and didn’t dare to say more. ,

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