Chapter 486 The King Summons (For Collection, For Collection)

“You, come here!” After a while, Jiang Jing called the servant passing by.

The servant trembled all over and hurriedly trotted over, as if he was a little afraid of Jiang Jing, lowered his head and didn’t dare to look at Jiang Jing at all.

“Are you afraid of me too?” Jiang Jing was very speechless, what the hell, what the hell is this young master so afraid of Jiangshan so much?

“No, no, no slaves, please forgive Young Master, please forgive Young Master!” The servant was so frightened that he knelt down.

“Forgive me, you didn’t do anything wrong, get up and speak! This is an order!” Jiang Jing had a headache, and was also a little angry.

“Yes, it’s Young Master.”

“Tell me, why did Ke’er cry just now, and why is she so afraid of me? I didn’t do anything, let alone say anything.” Jiang Jing asked.

“I don’t know, the maid may have hesitated for a while, and didn’t dare to say 100.

“Say it! Don’t say it, I’ll throw you out now!” Jiang Jing said angrily.

“Yes, the slaves don’t know either, but it may be because Master Young heard some bad remarks about Master Young outside, and Master Young was in a bad mood, so he spoke a little more to Ke’er.”

“In addition, Young Master usually likes to drink. Maybe, sometimes he drinks too much, and accidentally touches Ke’er. After all, Ke’er is still young, so…” The maid hesitated and spoke for a long time. Say the reason, it seems that every word you say is choosing the words.

Jiang Jing rolled his eyes speechlessly, he could understand what was going on, but this maid is also good enough, and she said it so euphemistically!

It must be (acfi) that he went out on weekdays and was scolded by others, but he couldn’t retaliate, and he probably couldn’t beat him. These servants are afraid of Jiang Jing.

In addition, Jiang Shan probably drank too much, and was depressed and unwilling, so he beat Ke’er and the servant. Ke’er was very young, so he was very afraid of Jiang Jing.

“How did Ke’er come to the palace?” Jiang Jing asked.

“Ke’er is an orphan, and was picked up by the prince on the road when he was traveling.” The maid answered truthfully.

“Okay, let’s go. It’s none of your business.” Jiang Jing waved his hand.

“Ah? What?” The maid was stunned, when did Young Master become so talkative?

Jiang Jing glared: “What? Are you busy?”

“Ah, no!” The maid’s neck shrank, and it turned out to be the same Young Master. After saying that, she squeaked and ran away!

Jiang Jing shook her head helplessly, she had to get angry.

But just when Jiang Jing was about to take a bath, the maid who had run away just now came back, and he walked quickly with an old man in an official uniform.

“Master Young, someone is coming from the palace.” The maid hurried over to report.

“Jingjing Wangfu Jiangshan listens to the decree!” The voice sounded like a male duck being strangled by the neck, Jiang Jing suddenly had goose bumps all over, she was an old eunuch.

“I will change my name to Jiang Jing from now on!” Jiang Jing frowned: “Are you okay?”

“Bold, don’t kneel down to receive the decree!” The old eunuch was furious when he saw that Jiang Jing was so disrespectful in front of the imperial decree!

“Kneeling to your uncle, talk to me if you have something to do, get out if you don’t have to, or this Young Master will find someone to throw you out now!” Jiang Jing thought about it, since she is living here as Jiangshan, well, this time, she will try to be unscrupulous The way of breaking Young Master’s life is to live arrogantly, after all, it is also a way to experience life.

Because there was no leader, Jiang Jing could only cross the river by feeling the stones.

“You!” The old eunuch was so angry that he couldn’t do anything. He knew that Jiang Jing was domineering, and he was also the heart of Prince Jiang Tao. Forget it, don’t wait to throw it out for him!

“His Majesty summoned you to the palace to face the saint, and immediately follow me to the palace to meet your majesty!” The old eunuch stopped reading the imperial decree and directly stated the general meaning of the imperial decree.

Is the king summoned? It seems that he wants to confirm the identity of his holy son? It seems that he is the real majesty of the human race, although it was in the past.

Jiang Jing waved his hand: “I see, you can go back. I’ll go after taking a bath and eating. You can do your own thing, I know the way.”

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