Chapter 444 The Way of the Empire, the Emperor! (For Collection, For Collection)

Can an empire last longer, not in an emperor, not in a strong man, nor some worthy ministers!

But the law of kings!

If the law of the emperor is decent, all officials will worship, and all the people will return to their hearts!

Even if the empire is ruined and destroyed, but after all, it believes in the law of the emperor and restores the country again, of which the Dayan Dynasty is the best example!

But this is the law of the emperor in the secular empire, and the law of the emperor in the realm of the great emperor is “What is it?

While Jiang Jing was in deep contemplation, he did not know that the entire valley had undergone tremendous changes. Above the sky, dark clouds were rolling, and purple thunder and lightning flashed. Wei’s Thunder Tribulation!

Purple Thunder descends from the sky, and finally becomes the emperor!

The guardian of the law “!” Qianyuan Mountain’s Head Teacher’s divine sense transmission, it almost took time, the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm who had disappeared before, have gathered in this side of the Tianyu on the back mountain, and there are twenty-eight great Emperor Realm powerhouses standing in the air, living in the sky. beyond the cloud.

Zi Lei, that is a thunder tribulation with the power of heavenly punishment, even if it is easily contaminated by these great emperors, it is also a huge threat.

“Emperor Zhun! He, he actually understood the way of the emperor, and is about to break through the emperor!” Lian Xing’er closed her mouth in silence!

Who can compare with this terrifying talent?

Only then did I realize and establish my true heart, first glimpse of the law of the emperor, who knows that The next moment has already realized the way of the emperor.

The Heavenly Punishment Purple Thunder is the best proof!

The way of the emperor is to maintain the eternal inheritance of an empire, and the eternal inheritance dispatches the laws of heaven and earth, and naturally comes to heaven to punish purple thunder, this is an existence that is not allowed by heaven and earth!

And to truly achieve the throne, only by heaven-defying, breaking all rules and restrictions

“The law of the emperor is the way of the emperor! Only when the way of the emperor is accurate, can the law of the emperor be brought into play, and the empire can be long-lasting and stable, and it will last forever! I am Jiang Jing today!”

“Take the body as the Tao! Take the heart as the law! The law of the Heavenly Emperor!” Jiang Jing opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes flashed with thunder, the stars were deep, and there was no trace of divine brilliance on his body, while he merged into the sky and the earth, mixed with Supreme might!

He looks so ordinary! Yet he possesses the divine power that heaven and earth avoid him!

Back to the basics, one thought breaks everything!

Jiang Jing stood up, dressed in blue and white robes screeching in the wind, without summoning any divine beasts, or Divine Armament bodyguards, facing the wind, standing with hands behind, proudly looking at the circling clouds of robbery in the sky, still There is the purple God of Punishment Thunder that is ready to go!

“I, Jiang Jing, today, realize the way of the empire, Jin Zhundi!

“I am the emperor, I am punished by heaven, what can I do?”

At the next moment when the Thunder of God’s Punishment was ready to go, and finally brewed to the unstoppable The next moment, a purple God of Punishment Thunder with the thickness of a water tank, streaked across the sky, across space and time, and slashed down towards Jiang Jing. ..

Jiang Jing smiled, his left hand behind him, his right hand sticking out to the sky, his body rising into the sky, his right hand sticking out and grabbing directly towards the falling thunder.


“What! What does he want to do? Crazy! That’s God’s Thunder!”

“He can’t!

Seeing this, Lian Xing’er shouted anxiously: “Jiang Jing, be careful, that’s a punishment from heaven.”

Poor Xing’er didn’t finish her words, but her whole body froze in place, her bright eyes widened, her delicate body trembled, and she looked like she had seen a ghost, as if she had seen something incredible, even beyond her comprehension. matter!.

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