Chapter 442 The emperor is in the world, and he lives up to his original intention! (For collection, for collection)

“Sage Emperor Jiang Jing, what’s the matter with you?” Jiang Jing stared at him for a long time, but he didn’t say anything. Lian Xing’er, who was already a little shy, felt a little more cramped. He kept asking questions, breaking the momentary silence.

Jiang Jing quickly recovered, and needed time to recover from the memories of the day of Tianjing’s breakthrough talent.

“I’m sorry, I just remembered something.” Jiang Jing shook his head quickly, putting these complicated thoughts in his mind, and at the same time, a little doubt arose in his heart, why is this?

After leaving from Taiyi Zhenren, these past events were involuntarily staged, and there were some special feelings in my heart. It seems that the harvest of coming to Qianyuan Mountain this time is not only this, but I always feel that there is something is pulling itself.

Lian Xing’er smiled sweetly, shook her head and said, “It’s okay, it must be a very important thing that can remind Saint Emperor Jiang Jing.

It’s not “how important things are, just some almost forgotten past events. I don’t know why after leaving from Taiyi Zhenren, these past events popped up in front of us.” Jiang Jing is also quite strange. Things will never be the same as today.

“What! Is what my father said true? Saint Emperor Jiang Jing seems that you are really going to be promoted to the throne, and the day when the emperor will come to the world is not too long.” Hearing Jiang Jing’s words, Lian Xing’er’s eyes widened in shock, The water-like eyes flowed, full of unbelievable meaning.

She is the daughter of the real Taiyi. She has a divine body of Taiqing. She has a talent for urination since she was a child. Now she is the same as Jiang Jing in the Holy Lord realm. call.

This is the holy emperor shared by the human race. He is the first person in the human race. It is indeed extraordinary.

However, Jiang Jing was a little surprised by Lian Xing’er’s words: “What do you mean?”

Jiang Jing went to the Heavenly Demon field to find an opportunity to achieve the throne. After all, it was the atmosphere of luck, and the feeling of freedom in the dark, he could break through the Heavenly Demon field, but he did not (acfi) have any opportunity to find the Lord Pan.

Therefore, Jiang Jing decided to go to the outer world to find the real Taiyi, and he thought that the opportunity to achieve the throne was in the Panwang Axe.

Seeing Jiang Jing puzzled, Lian Xing’er smiled sweetly, her cheeks slightly in the hall, and she explained to Jiang Jing in a soft voice: The Holy Lord realm breaks through the emperor realm, and it is necessary to return to the original heart! And the memory of the past is part of the original heart. It is the first step to achieve the Great Emperor Realm.

Only by completely returning to the original heart can we go further in the breakthrough emperor realm and continue to explore to a higher position.

“Sage Emperor Jiang Jing, why is the emperor in the world?” Lian Xing’er suddenly said.

Jiang Jing blurted out almost without hesitation: “The emperor is in the world, and he will live up to his original intention!”

Yes! The emperor is in the world, and he lives up to his original intention!

Only if you live up to your original aspiration, your Dao heart is as tough as iron and cannot be shaken in the slightest, so that you can move forward on the road of seeking the Tao.

Hearing Jiang Jing’s words, Lian Xing’er stopped talking, but looked at Jiang Jing with envy and reverence with her bright eyes.

At first Jiang Jing didn’t understand why Lian Xing’er did this, but he soon realized that he had already passed the first threshold of becoming a great emperor!

It turns out that the first threshold to achieve the Great Emperor Realm is actually the original intention when you first entered cultivation!

When Jiang Jing thought about this moment, the sky and the earth in the valley changed color, and all things congratulated!

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