so what? Not only do all these living beings come from heaven and earth, but they will only return to heaven and earth in the end.

Chaos stood with his hands behind his back, looking calm.

"There is no joy in life, no pain in death. You are part of the world. The world has returned to chaos. For this world, nothing has changed."

Hearing this fallacy, Tianshu Daojun was speechless for a moment and could not refute it.

It is true that from the perspective of this world, all living beings are just a part of it, and there is no essential difference from mountains, rivers and vegetation.

People will not destroy mountains and rivers. Grass and trees regard it as something treacherous.

Chaos also does not think that destroying all living beings is an evil thing.

Chaos's perspective on things is really too high. He sees it from the perspective of the entire world. Compared with the entire world, all living beings are naturally Not worth mentioning...

Taojun Tianshu was silent. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.

He could only sigh majestically and said with a sad smile:"I, the Daojun Palace, have been established for countless epochs and have been guarding all realms to this day. However, it ends in my hands. I am really ashamed of my ancestors!"

Chaos still had a calm look on his face. But after hearing this sentence, his face showed a bit of sarcasm.

"Protect all realms? Chaos sneered:"If it weren't for the Dao Lord Palace, I'm afraid this world wouldn't be like this.""

Hearing Chaos' sarcasm, Tianshu Daojun was furious!

He said angrily:"If it weren't for our Daojun Palace, there would be countless battles and catastrophes in this world, and how many innocent creatures would die tragically!"

This sentence is not self-proclaimed by Daojun Tianshu.

It is precisely because of the existence of Daojun Palace that the battles between the major forces in the world are still controlled within a limit.

Even those terrifying catastrophes in the world , it affects at most half of the world, and does not sweep the entire world.

And for some catastrophes that touch the limit, the Daojun Palace will take action to stop it.

It can be said that if there is no Daojun Palace, the battles in the Ten Thousand Realms will be much more intense. There is no bottom line, and I don’t know how many innocent creatures will die miserably!

It is precisely because of this that Daojun Palace has an extremely high status in the hearts of the world, and is regarded as the guardian of the human race. When Chaos heard this, the sarcasm on his face became even worse, and he faintly He said:"In this case, you should understand that the great catastrophes in this world are happening more and more frequently?"

Daojun Tianshu didn't say anything, because this is a fact.

In ancient times, a catastrophe would only occur every hundreds of millions of years, but in modern times, a catastrophe would occur every million years!

Chaos turns around , staring at the great rivers and mountains of the world, and said softly:"Since the beginning of the human race's monastic era, there have been countless strong people, and their cultivation realm has also been advancing by leaps and bounds.

The spiritual energy used by these countless monks in their practice is absorbed from the world.

The enlightened way of heaven is collected from all realms, and everything comes from all realms. This is what creates a strong person.

Hehe, being subjected to such endless demands from the human race regardless of the cost, this world has already been scarred, and its origin is extremely weak!"

Taojun Tianshu was silent, and he suddenly understood why Chaos was so obsessed with destroying the world.

No, it shouldn't be said to be destroying the world.

It should be said to be destroying the human race's monastic civilization!

Although the human race's monastic civilization has made thousands of The world is full of vitality, and majestic city wonders have been built everywhere. It seems to be opening up all worlds, but in fact it has also caused infinite damage to all worlds.

The monks absorb spiritual energy from the void to practice, and the super strong people, in order to understand the way of heaven, They all use their great supernatural powers to directly extract some fragments of the heavenly law from the heavenly law of all realms! For a long time, the heavenly law of all realms has become incomplete!

In order to cultivate magic weapons, the strong men of the human race continue to mine various sacred mountains and treasure lands to collect treasures. He even often uses his great supernatural powers to forcibly change the landscape of the world!

Chaos said lightly:"Hey, the world has been overwhelmed for a long time, and you humans are just a cancer in the world.

If this continues, I'm afraid the world will also fall into destruction, and even chaos will no longer exist!"

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