Qin Ting's eyes narrowed slightly. Although the time was far apart, hundreds of millions of years had passed.

But he vaguely remembered this breath...

It wasn't the owner of this breath who left a deep impression on him.

It's because Qin Ting's memory is extraordinary. Even if it happened hundreds of millions of years ago, he could find it in the depths of his memory at a casual glance. interesting...

Qin Ting's eyes were dim and flickering, as if he understood something.

He is the master of Shinto. From the son of the emperor of the divine world to the emperor who established the heaven, he can be said to be the incarnation of Shinto.

But in fact, there is not only one Shinto in this world.

The heavens and the world are actually just a part of this world, but they are isolated from the world because of the world's barriers.

And when Qin Ting felt the existence of Wanjie, he led many emperors from heaven to come to this world.

Up to now, countless epochs have passed.

And when all the heavens and worlds first came here, there was also the existence of Shinto in this world....

Here, there are also gods, and the Shinto is very similar to the Shinto in heaven.

But the only difference is that the Shinto practice here is based on the wishes of mortals to practice and become gods among mortals.

Let mortals believe in themselves, and then make these wishes concrete and become the foundation of practice.

To be honest, the occurrence of this kind of practice is not very profound and wonderful.

In the past, there were many gods in the divine world who chose this way of practice.

According to Qin Ting's temperament, he would never let such a divine realm be independent of his own heaven, so he sent envoys to the divine realm from the beginning.

His words were very sincere, and he hoped that the gods would surrender to him and become a minister of heaven.

In return, he would make these so-called god emperors emperors.

For Qin Ting, this is a rare kindness...

But it is a pity that the God Realm rejected Qin Ting's kindness.

He even killed the envoy sent by Qin Ting!

This made Qin Ting furious and led an army to attack the God Realm.

This battle is called the Battle of the Two Gods by the world.

It can be said that it is to confirm the orthodoxy of the divine world....

The war lasted for hundreds of years. In the end, under the offensive of the heavenly army, the divine world retreated step by step, and was finally destroyed by the hands of heaven.

And the vast territory of the God Realm was also annexed by Heaven.

It was precisely because of the territory of Heaven and God Realm that the prototype of the present Great Thousand World was formed.

And in that battle, the so-called masters of the gods, those gods who were countless incompetent among mortals, were no match for the emperor in heaven.

Qin Ting doesn't even need to take action himself!

However, there is still a god with extraordinary strength and unpredictable Shinto cultivation, which has caused many emperors in the heaven to return in disgrace.

There were even a few emperors who almost didn't come back and almost fell into the hands of that god.

Among them is the Xuanyan Emperor, who is known as the most destructive one!

Even Qin Ting's master, Emperor Ziwei could not defeat him, and even suffered serious injuries himself....

In the end, Qin Ting took action personally and fought with the god for several days before finally suppressing the god.

We are all human beings, and that god has fallen.

However, Qin Ting knew that the god was not actually the original deity, but an incarnation of someone's telepathy, one of the three corpses.

After being suppressed, the god gave up his body and fled.

Although it never appeared again, Qin Ting didn't care, because his general was defeated, so why bother?

But it still left a deep impression on Qin Ting...

But now, this aura reminded Qin Ting of the only god who could escape from his hands.

This had to make Qin Ting think of something...

Qin Ting felt that the breath disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared in the world.

A smile appeared on Qin Ting's face and he murmured in a low voice:"Behead three corpses and practice again.

Interesting, interesting!

It seems that in this world, besides fellow Taoist Taixuan, there is another amazing existence.

I am not alone in my way.!

That’s good. You don’t have to worry about being too boring in the days to come...."

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