Chu Xu stayed.

Stay in this small mountain village.

This surprised the old man, but he also warmly invited Chu Xu to stay at his home.

Of course, the reason for this is not only the unique simplicity of country people, but also his own calculations.

Although the old man is just a mortal, he also has some knowledge and understands that Chu Xu does not talk about ordinary people.

Judging from Chu Xu's conversation and dress, he must be at least a member of that noble family. If he could establish a relationship with such a noble person.

The old man didn't want to think about it anymore. He had no talent for cultivation and was old.

His only son died more than ten years ago, in the aftermath of the fight between the two geniuses.

At that time, the two geniuses were fighting each other and wanted to compete on some genius list.

The aftermath of the fight destroyed the nearby mountains, and the falling rocks just killed the old man's only son, a taciturn but very honest young man who was collecting herbs at the time.

Although the old man was sad, he was helpless.

After all, who would pay attention to a country man?

After the death of his son, there was only one granddaughter left in the family.

Over the years, the old man and his granddaughter opened a teahouse and lived together.

Although life is not rich, it can still be considered as a living.

But the old man is already seventy-seven this year and does not have many years to live.

Now his only concern is his granddaughter, hoping that he can find a good home for her.

Although his granddaughter was born in a rural area, she was handsome and graceful, and many people came to propose marriage.

But the old man refused.

Because he wanted to know whether his granddaughter had the talent for spiritual practice, and he wanted to let his granddaughter embark on the path of spiritual practice.

After all, his son's death made the old man understand that the only way out was through spiritual practice.

Otherwise, even if there is peace in the world now, they will still be just ants.....

But Chu Xu seemed to be an immortal, so the old man wondered if he could let Chu Xu see if his granddaughter had any talent for cultivation.

If possible, the old man would even have some extravagant wishes.

It would be great if Chu Xu could take away his granddaughter.....

Although the country people are simple and simple, they are also not short of shrewd calculations..........

Of course Chu Xu saw what the old man was thinking. He didn't refuse, but he didn't stay at the old man's house either.

Instead, they lived in a cottage next to the creek at the old man's house.

Deep in the bamboo forest, the stream is crystal clear, and one or two loaches can be seen faintly. A bamboo house is located here, which is quite leisurely and interesting.

A pretty girl walked to the door of the bamboo house with a food box. Her face was a little shy and expectant, and she called softly:"Master, it's time to eat."

Chu Xu walked out of the bamboo house and said with a smile:"Xiao Mo, come here. Yes."

The girl nodded sheepishly, walked into the bamboo house, and took out the food.

The meal is very simple, steamed sea bass, and tastes very good.

Chu Xu ate with gusto, but the girl was right in front of him, looking at Chu Xu shyly.

Then she asked softly:"Master, is the food delicious?"

Chu Xu praised:"Yes, it has a different taste. This is pastoral life!"

When the girl heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

She is the old man's granddaughter, her name is Song Xiaomo, and she is sixteen years old this year.

Since Chu Xu stayed in the small mountain village, Xiao Mo would bring meals every day.

No need to ask further, this must be what Old Man Song meant.

However, Chu Xu did not reject Old Man Song's kindness, and delivered food every day. Chu Xu and Xiao Mo could be considered familiar with each other.

Chu Xu looked at the girl with a faint look of expectation and sighed slightly in his heart.

He had already seen that Xiao Mo actually didn't have much talent for cultivation.

Of course, he is better than Old Man Song, and he can feel the spiritual energy in his body, but his cultivation talent is very average, and his future achievements will be limited.

Whether this matter can be built into a heavenly palace is a question.

Of course, Chu Xu could also use his great powers to forcibly improve Xiao Mo's talent, but he had no intention of doing so.

First, he didn't need it. After all, there was no causal relationship between him and Xiao Mo. Although Old Man Song was enthusiastic about him, he had no kindness.

It can even be said that Chu Xu was kind to him. After all, he entrusted the immortal talisman with enough to extend the old man's life.

Secondly, Chu Xu did not want to take action to break the balance of the world....

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