In the void, a majestic figure swam, billions of miles away in an instant.

He has a handsome and majestic appearance and a terrifying aura. He is clearly the Lord of Heaven, Qin Ting!

Qin Ting went to Zhongtian World to congratulate Chu Xu.

The two of them didn't actually talk about anything, but just played a game of chess.

One game lasts for ten thousand years.

Thousands of years later, the two of them were still in a deadlock. Qin Ting didn't say anything more, but just left quietly.

For them, that's enough.

In this game, Qin Ting knew Chu Xu's cultivation strength, his beliefs, and his ambitions.

And all of these are the same as him!

Even Qin Ting's eyes were a little dazed. Chu Xu really looked like him. They seemed to be a pair of biological brothers.

No, or should I say.

Chu Xu is another him.

And he is also another Chu Xu....

But soon, determination and indifference appeared in Qin Ting's eyes again.

He is the Lord of all things. He founded the Supreme Divine Way. He is the only one on earth and in the world!

He was destined not to share the scenery at the top with others.

Even if this person is Chu Xu, whom he admires very much....

However, a strange color flashed in Qin Ting's eyes. He could feel that there was a secret in Chu Xu.

A secret that is the same as his.

It is also the secret that Qin Ting has been studying for hundreds of millions of years.

This secret allowed Qin Ting to rise from a holy son in the lower world, kill various sons of destiny along the way, and achieve his current status.

But the more Qin Ting practiced, the more he felt the secret was unfathomable. perhaps.............

Ten Thousand Realms, Zhongtian World.

Deep in the Immortal Court, in the Imperial Palace, Chu Xu was sitting high on the throne, but his expression was a bit bored.

To be honest, at his level.

Every step forward is filled with difficulties.

Because both the divine passage method and the bones of the physical body have been tempered to the extreme, to the point of perfection.

It’s already perfect, how can we improve it?

An invisible shackles kept Chu Xu from taking that step.

The previous game gave Chu Xu a sense of crisis.

He and Qin Ting were evenly matched.

It seems that he has suffered a loss since he was reincarnated just a million years ago.

But he knew his own affairs, Chu Xu merged with the immortal world and recast the immortal way, which had already exceeded the original limit of the immortal way.

In other words, Chu Xu is stronger than the original Taixuan Immortal Emperor!

But it was still a tie with Qin Ting.

In other words, Qin Ting is also constantly getting stronger!

If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance.

With such a strong opponent, Chu Xu had no choice but to become stronger and use all means to become stronger!

Now although Chu Xu has a plan, he wants to merge the world barriers between the worlds of the world.

But the sky has just been repaired not long ago and is not yet stable.

If you want to truly integrate the worlds, you may have to wait for a while...........

Chu Xu came to the depths of the imperial palace, and in front of him was an extremely majestic palace.

And here lived his parents in this life.

Chu Zhengxiong and the eldest princess.

Over the years, Chu Zhengxiong and the eldest princess have been living in the imperial palace, cultivating their moral integrity.

They have a transcendent status, are carefree, and have countless treasures to enjoy. Now Chu Zhengxiong and the eldest princess are already in the realm of immortals and demons.

Regardless of how powerful he is, his longevity is long and he is almost immortal.

And this was enough for Chu Xu.

Chu Xu's arrival made Chu Zhengxiong and the eldest princess very happy.

After all, they haven't seen each other for many years.

The eldest princess even cooked a few side dishes herself, and the family enjoyed themselves happily, chatting and laughing.

At the dining table, Chu Zhengxiong saw that there seemed to be a somewhat obscure look on Chu Xu's face.

He couldn't help but asked:"Xu'er, what's on your mind?"

Chu Xu nodded and sighed:"Father, I don't know something. My cultivation level is shackles. How can I improve it?" The eldest princess was speechless. You are already The Immortal Emperor has reached his peak, and he is still asking someone who is not even an Immortal King how to improve his cultivation?

But Chu Zhengxiong thought about it very seriously, and after a long time, he gave his own suggestions

"Breaking down the shackles is nothing more than cultivating one’s moral character.

Maybe you should visit your old place and get to know your old self..."

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