Chu Xu looked at Qin Ting who had come from afar, his eyes slightly narrowed, but his expression was as usual, and he didn't seem surprised.

He smiled slightly and said softly:"Isn't it true that friends are coming from afar?"

He raised his right hand, and a jade platform appeared, parallel to Chu Xu's throne.

When Qin Ting saw this, he smiled slightly and was not polite. He walked away and kept pace with Chu Xu.

After Qin Ting took his seat, Chu Xu smiled and said,"I haven't seen you for many years, but my fellow Taoist still has the same style."

Qin Ting also showed some emotion on his face:"The last time we met was probably tens of thousands of years ago."

Chu Xu nodded.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, he and Qin Ting met and made an alliance to join forces to attack Dao Ancestor.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since this happened.

But to him, everything in the past seemed like it happened yesterday.

The Immortal Court Ceremony is still going on, but the atmosphere is obviously different. All the great Immortal Lords are looking at Qin Ting with wary expressions, their mana is gathering faintly, and a thunderous strike is brewing at any time.

The unkindness and malice toward Qin Ting are obvious.

After all, they are immortals, and Qin Ting is a god.

Although mortals often say that gods and immortals are immortals, gods and immortals are completely different existences and are two independent monastic systems!

To many immortals and demons in the world, Qin Ting is a heretic!

But Qin Ting looked like this, chatting and laughing with Chu Xu as if they were old friends for many years.

This calmness comes from his confidence in his own strength.

Among all living beings in the world, only Chu Xu can enter his Dharma Eyes.

The rest are all local chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow!.......

After the ceremony, the expressions of Chu Xu and Qin Ting slowly disappeared and appeared deep in the Zhongtian world.

Deep in the imperial palace, the scenery is majestic and magnificent.

The vast and spectacular sacred tree is tens of thousands of feet high, soaring straight into the sky. There are countless sacred flowers, and thousands of sacred flowers gather into a sea of ​​flowers, trembling slightly.

It's like a scene in a dream.

Chu Xu and Qin Ting walked side by side, admiring the beautiful scenery.

Chu Xu smiled and said:"Fellow Taoist, how is my world in Zhongtian?"

Qin Ting nodded and praised:"It's majestic and spectacular, no less than our Ziwei Emperor Realm."

Chu Xu smiled slightly when he heard the words, without saying anything. Walked to a chessboard with Qin Ting.

Among the secluded valleys, the stones are covered with moss and engraved with the mottled patterns of time.

Chu Xu invited with a smile:"Fellow Taoist, you and I have met once and played chess for thousands of years, but there is no winner.

Today, why don't you and I play another game?"

Qin Ting smiled slightly and agreed happily:"Why not?"

The two most noble beings in the world sat opposite each other. Chu Xu held the white stone and Qin Ting held the black stone and began to play chess.

It was as if they had met for the first time countless epochs ago.

Time didn't seem to leave any traces on their faces. At their current state, nothing could affect them anymore.

Time flies, and it lasts for thousands of years in the blink of an eye.

The Immortal Court has been established for ten thousand years, and all the worlds have begun to get used to the rule of the Immortal Court.

Although Chu Xu, the master of the Immortal Court, has never shown up, the team he left behind is enough to keep the Immortal Court running stably.

Immortal Court has established Immortal Capital Mansion in each big world, guarded by an Immortal Lord, and the worlds are slowly recovering from the original ruins.

Everything begins to come to life again.

The selection of geniuses organized by Xianting has become the most prosperous event in all worlds. Many of the new generation of geniuses regard it as the best way to get ahead.

In the previous selections of geniuses, winning them only meant becoming famous and famous.

But now, he can occupy a place in the Immortal Court!

Not only the geniuses attach great importance to it, but also the longevity family behind them!

Although the peace of the world is a bit boring, compared with the previous catastrophic and chaotic world, this kind of peace is the happiness that countless people dream of!

But these ten thousand years were just a blink of an eye for Chu Xu and Qin Ting.

Thousands of years later, spring, summer, autumn, and winter will appear in the valley, and the four seasons will reincarnate.

Looking at the chess pieces on the chessboard, Qin Ting laughed loudly, looked at Chu Xu deeply, stood up and left....

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