As soon as these words came out, many emperors in heaven were shocked.

Although in their minds, Qin Ting is an omnipotent existence.

But even their most fanatical followers have to admit that Chu Xu is Qin Ting's most serious problem and extremely troublesome.

Whether it is strength or scheming, Chu Xu is no worse than Qin Ting.

The two are so close that they are equally matched in every aspect.

Now Chu Xu has established the Immortal Court to unify all realms. The momentum is so great that he seems to have become the master of all realms.

It is well known to all the world that the world is fearful and wary of Qin Ting.

Even when the threat to the Immortal Palace was greatest, the attitudes of the major forces in the world were still fearful and resistant to the Heavenly Palace.

After all, in their view, the dispute between Wanjie and Immortal Palace is just an internal conflict, and everyone is an immortal.

But Heaven is a divine way, and it is an out-and-out foreign enemy.

Although Wanjie has just experienced a war, after its unification, its external power has become stronger.

Now that Qin Ting is going to Zhongtian World to congratulate him, they have to be slightly worried.

However, Qin Ting's majesty in the world is extremely high, and he always sticks to his word, and no one dares to disobey his will.

So when Qin Ting made a decision, no one dared to speak out against it.

Of course, this still stems from their confidence in Qin Ting.

After all, no one can truly threaten the safety of Qin Ting. This has been confirmed countless times in the endless years.

The establishment of the Immortal Court is an unprecedented event for Wanjie.

This will not only change the situation of Wanjie, but also directly change the tradition of Wanjie!

From now on, there will no longer be any orthodoxy in the world.

Although Immortal Palace did not directly annex the major forces, these forces also lost their independence and could only serve as vassals of Immortal Court from now on.

Immortal Court will send strong men to supervise all major forces, if any force dares to disobey the will of Immortal Court.

You can directly report it to Immortal Court, and then Immortal Court will send an army to suppress it.

Destroy all forces that dare to disobey the Immortal Court!

It has to be said that the various rules and regulations of the Immortal Court are actually very similar to those of the Heavenly Court in the world.

This was actually Chu Xu's intention.

As the biggest opponent, Chu Xu is naturally very concerned about Qin Ting.

I also learned a lot about heaven.

Although the Heavenly Court rules the vast world and has countless vassal forces, it is able to maintain an extremely efficient rule.

This system is almost flawless, ensuring that the court has the most powerful power!

Those vassal forces can only rely on Heaven, but they still have some subtle power and can compete with each other to bring fresh blood to Heaven.

This is why Chu Xu should learn from it.

After all, learning the strengths of your opponent is also an essential skill for a hero.

Standing still will only lead to destruction

One month passed in a blink of an eye, and all the major forces went to Zhongtian World to express their congratulations.

To be honest, this should be the grandest event in all worlds.

It affected the entire world.

As long as the powerful forces have a good reputation, they have come to prepare their congratulations - after all, if you don't come, what do you mean?

Do you look down on Immortal Palace?

If you don't come today, then you don't have to go out in the future.

Directly destroy the matter!

Suddenly, the world of Zhongtian ushered in the envoys of the major forces, and the traffic was busy, it was a prosperous scene!

It makes people feel a little dazed.

Just a month ago, the world was still in chaos, devastated and desolate, with countless deaths and injuries!

This transformation almost feels like waking up from a nightmare

Deep in the fairy palace, Fairy Qingling looked a little embarrassed, looking at a girl in white palace clothes in front of her, silently.

This girl in white palace clothes is naturally Long Ling'er.

Long Ling'er was very angry, looking at Fairy Qingling with a critical eye, and asked curiously:"What does Chu Xu like about you?

Teach me!"

Fairy Qingling was even more embarrassed when she heard this, and didn't know what to do. What to say

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