The army of Immortal Palace has started, and majestic war ships are coming from the sky.

On each of these giant war ships, extremely terrifying crystal source cannons are cast.

In this kind of war, everything is aimed at maximum destruction, with the ultimate goal of killing people.

And on the giant warship, a majestic body stood tall, the sky was filled with immortals and demons, the flags were waving, and the fighting spirit was overwhelming!

This is an extremely spectacular picture of long sleep, which is heart-stopping!

The Allied Forces of All Realms have also gathered together. They have been preparing for this war for many years and have risked everything!

Perhaps they had hesitated and been confused before.

But at this moment, they finally became firm, not because of the hatred of the country and the family, not because of the righteousness of the people.

But they can’t afford to lose!

They have already bet on the destiny of the country and their own destiny for this war.

If defeated, they would lose everything.

Lose your current transcendent status, lose those vassal lands, and even lose your life!

In this battle, either you die or I die!.......

Zhongji World, Emperor Tianxian Mansion.

As the strongest force in the All Realms Alliance, the Ditian Immortal Mansion's status in the Ten Thousand Realms is also extremely transcendent.

It is the only force in the world that inherits the immortal world, and has always been as famous as the immortal palace.

What is more widely circulated is the extremely tense, even hostile relationship between Emperor Tianxian Mansion and Immortal Palace.

The Ditian Immortal Palace is also the most determined in its attitude towards fighting against the Immortal Palace.

After all, Emperor Tianxian Mansion....It is a force formed by the survivors of the Immortal World. For them, the Immortal Palace is the enemy they must kill in this life!

Fight until death!

Taiyuan Immortal Lord was dressed in white, standing on the top of the mountains with his hands behind his back.

In front of him, the immortals and demons of Ditian Immortal Mansion were densely packed, floating in the air, and visions were rising, vast and continuous.

In this final battle, Emperor Tianxian Mansion also showed all its true potential!

The aura of the Immortal Emperor is terrifying and shocking!

Taiyuan Immortal Lord stared at his followers. These people were all losers in the immortal world back then.

Their relatives, friends, and loved ones all perished in that catastrophe!

It has also become an eternal pain in their hearts!

Keep them awake at night and heartbroken!

The hatred was deeply planted in their hearts countless epochs ago. After countless years, not only has it not dissipated, but it has become even more unforgettable in their minds!

They have been waiting for this day for countless years!

Taiyuan Immortal Lord took a deep breath, and his expression suddenly seemed a little dazed, as if he was thinking of his days in the immortal world.

At that time, he was so high-spirited that he was respected by the world as the King of All Ways.

He had a beloved woman, the most magnificent empress, who was once the most dazzling divine flower in the immortal world. At that time, they were the immortal couple that everyone envied.

And all of this changed the moment Taixuan Immortal Emperor refined the immortal world.

The Empress went to stop Immortal Emperor Taixuan, together with other Immortal Emperors, but during the battle, she still fell into the hands of Immortal Emperor Taixuan.

There was also the sect founded by Taiyuan Immortal Lord. His brothers, his disciples, and his relatives and friends were all dead.

But he was lucky enough to survive.

Perhaps this is unfortunate for Taiyuan Immortal Lord.

Because he lives in suffering and pain every moment!

Taiyuan Immortal Lord looked at the immortals and demons under his command, and said softly:"Our opportunity for revenge has come...."

The next moment, all the immortals and demons in the sky shouted loudly:"We will continue until we die!"

"Fight until death!"

"Fight until death!"........

Other superpowers also encouraged their strong men to form a large formation, preparing to face the Immortal Palace army.

Emperor Wuliang and several ancestors of Wuliang looked at each other, with an inexplicable look flashing in their eyes.

Immortal Emperor Zhongxi secretly nodded to Master Zhou.

At this moment, there are countless immortals and demons in the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Realms. Some are fighting to the death, while others are harboring evil intentions, each with their own plans.

But no matter what, they fight for their beliefs!

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