The vast world, heaven.

The divine light is dense, the clouds are chaotic, and thick pillars of divine light rise into the sky, connecting heaven and earth, as if it is a scene in a dream.

Tiandi walked with his hands behind his back, passing through the temples and palaces.

Behind him, he followed respectfully the Prince of Heaven, Qin Zheng.

Tiandi didn't speak, and Qin Zheng didn't speak either. They fell into silence. The father and son walked through countless worlds in tandem.

Finally, in front of a high platform, Tiandi stopped.

The majestic body of the Emperor of Heaven loomed in the void. As his Taoism became higher and higher, he seemed to become more and more integrated with the way of heaven.

Sometimes, even Qin Zheng is a little confused.

His father is Shinto, or Shinto, he is his father.

Tiandi smiled slightly, looked at his most outstanding son, and said softly:"I remember that we, father and son, have not been together like this for a long time."

Qin Zheng lowered his head in awe, and said softly:"Father, the emperor has many things to do and is busy with government affairs."

Looking at his son who was obviously a little restrained, the Emperor smiled slightly, seemingly helpless.

But he also knew that in a situation like his, it was destined to be difficult to enjoy the ordinary relationship between father and son.

In addition to his son Qin Zheng, he also has many heirs.

Although the courtiers under his command are loyal to him, they also have their own considerations in choosing his successor.

His sons are also ambitious and eyeing the throne of the prince.

The Emperor of Heaven knew this very well.

This is inevitable, and Tiandi has already looked away.

What made him somewhat gratified was that although his sons fought against each other on weekdays, at least they did not lose their bottom line.

And the prince Qin Zheng is also very outstanding.

While suppressing his brothers, he can also care about brotherhood. Although he is less ruthless than himself back then, he is more royal.

But overall, Qin Zheng's position is considered stable.

Because his mother is the Queen of Heaven.

The Queen's status in the Heavenly Court is extremely transcendent. Although she was the last to meet the Queen, she is indeed the one with the highest status in the Heavenly Court's harem.

Even enough to be on an equal footing with the Emperor of Heaven himself, and to be called the two emperors and empresses.

Tiandi said lightly:"You are the prince of Heavenly Court, and this inheritance will be inherited in your hands in the future. The high platform here is where I gained enlightenment when I established Heavenly Court.

Zheng'er, do you understand what this means?"?"

Qin Zheng lowered his head and thought for a long time, then raised his head and said:"This is where my father established his foundation. My father wanted me to experience some of the difficulties of my father's entrepreneurship."

Tiandi shook his head and said with a smile:"No."

Qin Zheng was slightly stunned and said,"Please let me know for sure."

Tiandit said seriously,"My father just walked here casually."

Qin Zheng was slightly stunned, and his face suddenly showed an uncontrollable expression. smile, chuckled.

Unknowingly, the relationship between father and son became much closer.

This climbing platform is still the highest place in the world. The father and son are both extremely powerful beings. With long-term vision, they can see the world covered with war clouds.

Tiandi said lightly:"Zheng'er, what do you think of this war in the world?"

Qin Zheng said softly:"In this battle, Immortal Palace has the upper hand, but in recent days, some people have said that I, Heavenly Palace, should help this time Ten thousand worlds, let’s attack the Immortal Palace together!"

It must be said that this is a very bold proposal.

All the time. Heavenly Court and the Ten Thousand Realms are in a state of opposition, and they have fought countless times.

And now, Heavenly Court actually wants to join forces with Wanjie!

However, this is also the view of many people in Heaven. Everyone regards Immortal Palace as a serious concern. If Immortal Palace is destroyed, the world will not be a concern!

Hearing this, Tiandi didn't comment, but just asked:"What do you think?"

Qin Zheng said softly:"My son feels the same way." Tiandi smiled slightly and said nothing. The father and son just stood on the stage, looking towards the world from a distance.

I saw countless fighting intentions rising into the sky in the Ten Thousand Worlds, the winds and clouds were surging, and they were mighty!

The once prosperous world is now in ruins, the people are in dire straits, the military is engaged in military affairs, and there is a chilling atmosphere!

Tiandi stood with his hands behind his hands and said calmly:"I, Tiandi, will take action at the last moment."

However, his eyes were slightly solemn.

What Qin Zheng behind him couldn't see was that Tiandi's eyes were not looking at Wanjie.

Instead, I am looking at the sky above all the worlds.....

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