Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

During these ten years, all realms were generally at peace.

With the destruction of the Three Thousand Demon Realm, for countless creatures in the world, the real threat to their lives has completely disappeared.

And the remaining Demon Emperor was also beheaded by a powerful being from all realms.

As a result, except for the missing evil spirits, the devil has completely disappeared from all realms.

An Taoist tradition that is ancient enough to rival Immortal Taoism has disappeared into the long river of history....

And all the major forces in the world are trying to accumulate strength.

Because they know that a real super war is about to begin!

And in the past ten years, the world is still shrouded in fog, as if there is a clear boundary between the worlds.

As for Buzhou Immortal Mountain, which affects countless people's hearts, it is also shrouded in fog at the moment.

Only occasionally thousands of fairy lights flash past from the surrounding world..........

There are no immortal mountains in the world.

Nearly one hundred thousand years have passed since the catastrophe.

Buzhou Immortal Mountain, which was originally in ruins, has continued to take shape thanks to the efforts of all major forces.

Now the majestic Buzhou Fairy Mountain has reappeared in the world, majestic and magnificent!

The originally shaky sky now has new support.

An Immortal Lord from Ditian Immortal Mansion looked at the Buzhou Immortal Mountain in front of him, his face full of excitement.

"Buzhou Fairy Mountain...Finally the recast is complete!"

Around him, there are countless Immortal Lords and Immortal Lords standing. They are all powerful masters of weapon refining. They have been working hard day and night in Buzhou Immortal Mountain for nearly a hundred thousand years!

They have come from various major forces. With his own resources, he used what he had learned all his life to recast the ruined Buzhou Immortal Mountain bit by bit.

Finally, we have reached this point!

Buzhou Immortal Mountain has reappeared in the world!

Over the years, I don’t know how many masters of weapon refining have survived. They died of exhaustion in the ruins of Buzhou Immortal Mountain. Even though they persisted until now, their cultivation has been completely ruined.

But these masters of weapon refining are still extremely excited!

As masters of weapon refining, There are only two pursuits in life.

One is to leave a name in history, and the other is to complete a perfect work.

As the people who recast Buzhou Immortal Mountain, they are immortal heroes in the world and will be passed down from generation to generation. Oral transmission.

On the other hand, what is a greater magic weapon than Buzhou Immortal Mountain?

These masters of weapon refining have been working hard to refine Buzhou Immortal Mountain for tens of thousands of years.

The energy and energy spent on these are far more than before The refined magic weapon.

Now the Buzhou Immortal Mountain has finally been completely recast.

This makes many masters of weapon refining unable to get excited. They recast the Buzhou Immortal Mountain with their own hands and have no regrets in this life!

An ancestor of the Emperor Tianxian Mansion looked at the reborn Buzhou Immortal Mountain, and looking at the heavy fog that filled the air, a sense of hope suddenly arose in my heart.

Thanks to the efforts of many masters of weapon refining day and night, the recasting progress of Buzhou Immortal Mountain was much faster than they expected! It was directly advanced. For nearly ten thousand years!

And this also means that the Immortal Palace does not know that Buzhou Immortal Mountain has been recast in advance, so the great Immortal Emperors of the Ten Thousand Worlds will also have time to restore their magic power.....

As a result, Wanjie's chances of winning have increased!.......

Wanjie, Daojun Palace.

Since the death of Dao Ancestor, the voice of Dao Lord Palace in the world has become much quieter.

But Daojun Palace is still one of the most powerful forces in the world!

For countless years, the Dao Lord Palace has been the supreme holy place for human race’s Xuanxiu, and it has preserved many supreme classics on Xuanxiu’s immortal way.

And the Dao Lords in the Dao Lord Palace are also powerful Immortal Emperors with terrifying strength.

Deep in the Dao Lord Palace, in a strange time and space, a majestic body is looming in the void, with a terrifying aura, and is connecting with the formation.

And in the center of many majestic bodies, a vast heavenly book is floating in mid-air.

Countless patterns emerge, connecting everything in the world.

Tianshu Daojun stood with his hands behind his back, looking at this scene, his eyes flashed with fairy light.

His expression moved slightly, and he suddenly turned around and looked in a direction, which was the direction of Buzhou Immortal Mountain.

"Buzhou Fairy Mountain...Is the recast finally complete?...."

At this moment, a Taoist sound suddenly resounded from the Heavenly Dao Immortal Book, and countless immortal lights suddenly poured out, illuminating the entire Dao Lord Palace in a vast expanse of white.

A figure loomed slowly out of the fairy light in the sky....

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