Daojun Tianshu was first plotted by Daqian World, and now he was plotted by Chu Xu again.

Moreover, Chu Xu's incarnation shocked Tianshu Daojun so much that he did not dare to take action and could only watch helplessly as the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Worlds fought against the Three Thousand Demon Realms.

It ended up with heavy losses.

But this does not mean that Tianshu Daojun is embarrassed by his great responsibility and is played by Chu Xu.

The reason why Tianshu Daojun is timid is to look forward and backward.

It's because he can't afford to gamble!

Now the Immortal Book of Heavenly Dao has been sealed by the Heavenly One and cannot be used for a hundred thousand years.

Of course, the Dao Lord Palace will not sit still and wait for death, so many Dao Lords are forming an alliance to refine the seal on the Heavenly Dao Immortal Book.

And if Lord Tianshu falls now, then no one in the world will be able to activate the power of the Immortal Book of Heavenly Dao.

So Daojun Tianshu doesn’t dare to take risks!

He had to walk on thin ice every step, every step was cautious, and one mistake could not only kill him but also his body.

Even the entire world will completely lose hope!

Therefore, Daojun Tianshu didn't dare to bet. He knew clearly that the Chu Xu in front of him might be the incarnation of Chu Xu, but he just didn't dare to test it!

Because there is only one in 10,000 chance that Chu Xu is the real body.

Then he will die!

So Daojun Tianshu once again resisted taking action, and once again fell into Chu Xu's plan!

Taojun Tianshu stood there blankly, not knowing how long it had passed.

He took a deep breath, knowing that he had missed another opportunity!

And this time, Wanjie’s bargaining chip has also decreased by one point...........

Chu Xu took Li Sigui and left here.

This time, he was in a good mood.

Tianshu Daojun and the evil demon were completely played by him and applauded.

He used his clone to deceive Taoist Tianshu, and then found the evil spirit to prevent him from absorbing the aura of the Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor in the battlefield.

And Li Sigui took this opportunity to use the Nirvana Devouring Heaven Technique to become the Demon Emperor in one fell swoop!

Li Sigui, who was beside Chu Xu, looked at Chu Xu with admiring and confused eyes.

This man, toyed with and applauded by everyone, is Tianshu Daojun. Demons are all legendary superpowers.

They have unparalleled plans and extraordinary strength, and are unparalleled heroes.

But he still couldn't resist Chu Xu!

This made Li Sigui feel more admiration for Chu Xu.

Chu Xu didn't know Li Sigui's thoughts, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Now that the Allied Forces of All Realms have suffered heavy losses, and with his internal support, the battle between him and the Allied Forces of All Realms has almost been decided.

However ,....

Chu Xu looked at the heavy fog in front of him, with an inexplicable look flashing in his eyes.

These fogs that shroud the entire world will never arise naturally.

There is only one possibility, and that is that someone deliberately muddies the waters of the world! perhaps...

Someone wants to be interested in Buzhou Xianshan....

The one that controls all realms now is Buzhou Immortal Mountain.

If the Immortal Mountain of Zhou is not recast, then the ancestors of the Immortal Emperors of all the major forces in the world will not be able to escape.

That's why Chu Xu would unscrupulously plot against all forces!

But if the recasting of Immortal Mountain is not completed, then Chu Xu will face the top powerhouses in the entire world!

Even if he can conquer all realms by then, he will probably suffer heavy losses.

Falling at a disadvantage in the competition with the world...

Previously, the progress of Buzhou Immortal Mountain's recasting had been under the control of Immortal Palace.

But now the mist is rising and spreading all over the world. Even Chu Xuxi cannot grasp the situation of Buzhou Immortal Mountain.....

Chu Xu smiled slightly and floated away with Li Sigui.

So what if Zhou Xianshan is not recast in advance?

The mana of superpowers such as Taiyuan Immortal Emperor and Haotian Ancestor has been consumed for nearly 100,000 years.

In a short period of time after Buzhou Immortal Mountain is recast, Chu Xu will have the absolute upper hand!.......

The news that the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Realms had defeated the Three Thousand Demon Realms spread throughout the Ten Thousand Realms.

Countless creatures throughout the world cheered for this.

After all, for mortals, demon cultivators are the most terrifying thing.

As for the struggle between the Allied Forces of All Realms and Immortal Palace, they don't care much about it.

For them, whether it is the Ten Thousand Realms or the Immortal Palace, it is the Immortal Way, and no matter who it is, it will still rule them the same.

There's really no difference...

Immortal Emperor Handu also returned to Emperor Tianxian Mansion and respectfully handed over Jade Ruyi to Immortal Lord Taiyuan....

"Lord...The devil did not appear...."

"No problem....At least he attracted Taixuan's attention..."

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